• 计算机科学其他学科物理学,结合起来可能的。

    It is possible to combine Computer Science with other subjects, for example Physics.


  • 笛卡儿哥白尼伽利略其他科学家的物理学天文学获得了灵感。

    Descartes received his stimulus from the new physics and astronomy of Copernicus, Galileo, and others.


  • 同时,标准不是能解决所有事情——其他技术一样,RFID受到物理学的制约。

    And standards do not solve everything: RFID, like any other technology, is subject to the laws of physics.


  • 正如现代物理学很多其他观点一样,这个观点也涉及到了粒子加速,也就是位于瑞士大型强子对撞机正在做事情。

    As with much else in modern physics, the idea involves particle acceleration, the kind of thing that goes on in the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland.


  • 精细结构常数实际上其他几个任何物理学教科书中找到数值物理常数合成,同名称稍微有些名不副实

    Slightly belying its name, the fine-structure constant is actually a compound of several other physical constants, whose values can found in any physics textbook.


  • 同时物理学难以解释重大问题假如不几十亿用在LHC其他实验硬件设施的经费。以利用它们的优势,那么,这些问题就难于得到解决

    Meanwhile, the big questions in physics have gotten more difficult to answer without spending billions on on facilities such as the LHC and the experimental hardware needed to take advantage of it.


  • 阿斯奎斯其他许多物理学一样很多时间思考希格斯玻色子那样难以捉摸的微粒子——被科学家推测普遍存在于大自然万物中的一种粒子

    Asquith, like many physicists, spends a lot of time thinking about particles like the elusive Higgs boson - the subatomic particle that scientists say endows everything in the universe with mass.


  • 美国布克海文国家实验室成像物理学达尔多·托马西也是这项研究的联合论文作者,他表示看好电影时,大脑其他区域活性视觉区域的活性弱

    Brain imaging physicist Dardo Tomasi of Brookhaven National Laboratory, who co-authored the study, said that's several times less activity than visual brain regions show during an engaging movie.


  • 热力学第二定律物理学著名定律之一)写道:可能把热从低温物体传到高温物体而不产生其他影响。

    The second law, one of the most famous in physics, states that order cannot come about spontaneously.


  • 同时,物理学很多例子来说明他们研究确实帮助其他领域同行们,无论是气候学家,还是海洋生物学家,虽说帮助后者听起来有点不大可能-_-''

    They can also offer plenty of examples of how their own research has aided colleagues in other fields, from climate science to, somewhat more improbably, marine biology.


  • 作为一个物理学有资格这样:“科学其他任何一样人类产品一样,种族血统制约的。”

    Being a physicist fully qualified him to say things like: "Science, like every other human product, is racial and conditioned by blood."


  • 现在为止已经取得辉煌成果狭义相对论,再加上其他宇宙观察引导物理学设想这个可能平坦的,一张

    The fantastic success of special relativity up to now, plus other cosmological observations, have led physicists to think that the brane might be flat, like a sheet of paper.


  • 因此为了确保听到的确中微子物理学家们需要知道其他海底发出的声响(即所谓的本底干扰@_@)。

    So, in order to ensure that what they hear really is a neutrino, physicists need to know what other noises fill the undersea void.


  • 实验室制作宇宙玩具,有助于物理学开展其他关于时空本性不可能实验

    Building a toy cosmos in the lab lets physicists run otherwise impossible experiments on the nature of space and time.


  • 物理学家们,在其他实验室证实之前他们一直结果持怀疑态度

    Physicists said they would be sceptical of the finding until other laboratories confirmed the result.


  • 为什么爱因斯坦使我们革新我们世界看法其他同样孜孜以求的物理学有所成呢?

    Why did Einstein revolutionize the way we think about the world while so many other physicists, who had worked just as hard, achieved little distinction?


  • 物理学家们——包括在内——自然科学界应用缜密定律激发人们社会其他领域进行类似应用这一看法表示好奇。

    Physicists - myself included - are intrigued by the idea that application of rigorous laws in the world of natural science can inspire similar applications in other areas, including social ones.


  • 理论物理学不得不回到图板前,标准模型寻找其他可以解决问题方法

    Theoretical physicists will have to go back to the drawing board and find an alternative way to solve the problems with the standard model.


  • 令人担心的是,电磁场可能通过其他热量机制损害人体组织许多生物物理学手机信号提出如上担忧

    The fear remains that electromagnetic fields could damage tissue through some other, non-thermal mechanism, a concern raised by many biophysicists about cellphone signals.


  • 冷战结束、1991年苏联解体后,并不需要太多顶尖物理学工程师其他的一流头脑

    After the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union in late 1991, top physicists and engineers and other major-league brains weren't needed as much.


  • 几十年来,欧洲核子研究中心其他地方物理学一直在想方设法克服氢原子这些局限。反氢原子正电子一个反质子构成,正电子反质子运行。

    For decades, physicists at CERN and elsewhere have been trying to overcome these limitations with antihydrogen, which consists of a single positron orbiting a single antiproton.


  • 澳大利亚天体物理学斯蒂芬·休斯球状闪电其他大气现象可以解释人们看到一些不明飞行物(UFO)现象。

    Some UFO sightings could be explained by ball lightning and other atmospheric phenomena, claims Australian astrophysicist Stephen Hughes.


  • 物理学总是公众其他科学家指责他们花费极其巨额资金去整了一堆花架子实验平台,而这些东西除了满足一下人类好奇心之外什么也做不了。

    PHYSICISTS are often accused by the public and other scientists of spending inordinate sums on fancy kit that does little apart from merely satisfying human curiosity.


  • 其他聪明物理学家找到复杂问题非凡解决方法这些问题不那么有才能人们感到困惑。

    Other clever physicists derived brilliant solutions to complex problems which had bemused less talented men.


  • 物理学研究科学家热量其他能源类型区域称为热力学

    The area of physics in which scientists study heat and other types of energy is called thermodynamics.


  • 例如物理学大卫e .托马斯表示卓思宁其他发现格式采用“数据挖掘技术”的结果

    For example, physicist David E. Thomas showed that the patterns Drosnin and others found were the result of "data mining."


  • 信中这些诺贝尔获得者——除了其中10名,其他物理学化学医学领域获奖者——认为转基因生物一直被证明安全的。

    In the letter, the laureates - all but 10 of whom earned their prizes in the fields of physics, chemistry or medicine - contend that GMOs have consistently been found to be safe.


  • 金属切割物理学提供理论框架我们必须借助于这个框架检查切割刀具设计其他所有要素

    Physics of metal-cutting provide the theoretical framework by which we must examine all other elements of cutting tool design.


  • 金属切割物理学提供理论框架我们必须借助于这个框架检查切割刀具设计其他所有要素

    Physics of metal-cutting provide the theoretical framework by which we must examine all other elements of cutting tool design.


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