• 还有些其它网站允许用户互换物品服务物品交换

    Other Web sites let users exchange goods and services, or barter.


  • 交换物品这个网站免费自己物品交换其它人的物品

    SwapThing - a free account with this site will allow you to swap anything of yours for an item that belongs to another user.


  • 因为当时食物其他一些资产物品交换主要内容,所以他们事实上是在记录部落财富

    And since food and other tribal assets were the primary choice for barter, they were, in fact, keeping track of the tribe's wealth.


  • 例如如果一个去中心化账目解释每个人所拥有财富我们需要集中式物品交换

    For example, if you can have a decentralized ledger that explains who owns which asset, then why do we need centralized stock exchanges?


  • 物品交换一个结交朋友的好方法,通过它把你的货物才能展示在公众或有此需求的人面前。

    Bartering is a great way to make new friends and to get your goods or abilities out to the public and or whoever might want or need it.


  • 自然经济时代自给自足小农经济,人与人间的物品交换偶然的,人们并未形成普遍依赖性消费关系

    Subsistence % economy era, under a self-sufficient peasant economy, people and goods Exchange in the world by accident, consumer relations of dependence does not form a common people.


  • 通过博客好心人帮助,麦克唐纳分类网上共进行了14物品交换,每次通过交换不断给物品升值终于年之后换到了房子

    Through his blog and thekindness of strangers, MacDonald made 14 swaps over the classifieds website, upgrading one item to a more valuable one until he ended up with a house a yearlater.


  • 网上用户有时并不想为了小钱把东西简单卖掉而是互相交换物品

    But sometimes instead of selling theseitems for paltry amounts of cash, online users barter with each other.


  • 正如大家知道的,经济学生产分配交换消费物品服务相关社会科学

    Economics, as we know it, is the social science concerned with the production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of goods and services.


  • 实际上虚拟物品玩家转移另一个玩家,是同时发生通货交换

    This is actually the moving of an item from one gamer to another and a simultaneous exchange of scrip.


  • EPCglobal网络架构描述了用于在服务器之间交换EPC 相关信息(即用EPC号码标识物品的相关信息)的组件接口

    The EPCglobal network architecture describes components and interfaces for the EPC-related information interchange between servers that contain information related to items identified by EPC numbers.


  • 能够朋友处借用或者与其他人交换使用这些物品

    Could you borrow this item from a friend or swap for it?


  • 说:“易物时唯一遵循原则坚守诚信对于交换物品不要夸大有所隐瞒。”

    The only rule to follow is to be honest with what you deal.Don't brag about or hide anything.


  • 每年夏天人们唯一值钱的东西,绵羊山羊牦牛,和那些着马驼着衣物其它贵重物品的人进行交换

    During the summer, they trade sheep, goats and yaks, usually their only valuables, to merchants who arrive on horseback bearing clothing and other luxury items.


  • 然而只猴子分开相邻的两间屋子、它们互相看到对方石块交换什么物品时,他们行为明显不一样了。

    However, when two monkeys were placed in separate but adjoining Chambers, so that each could observe what the other was getting in return for its rock, their behaviour became markedly different.


  • 根据物品价值来交易的物物交换系统取代这些

    The barter system, where things of value are being exchanged, will replace this.


  • 这些旅行允许中国交换一些贵重物品丝绸

    These voyages allowed China to trade valuable goods like gold, silver and silk.


  • 交换媒介买者购买物品劳务给予卖者东西

    Medium of exchange is an item that buyers give to sellers when they want to purchase goods and services.


  • 美洲土著用交换其他物品,把货币使用它加工成珠宝首饰仪式用品满足固有爱美之心

    Native Americans traded it for other objects, used it as currency, and transformed it into beads, jewelry, and ceremonial objects valued for their intrinsic beauty.


  • 由于相信烟草医药作用,烟草引入欧洲世界其它地区并成为英国殖民者与欧洲国家交换制成品主要物品

    Believed to have medicinal properties, tobacco was introduced into Europe and the rest of the world, becoming the chief commodity that British colonists exchanged for European manufactured articles.


  • 语言交流过程中,交际参与者根据自己的言语角色实施一定言语功能,实现以信息物品服务为交流物的意义交换

    In the process of interaction, communication participants takes on different speech roles and accordingly carry out appropriate speech functions in the exchange of information or goods and services.


  • 当时商朝子民,生活富庶,除了生活的必需,还有大量物品集市上交换形成中国最早交易人群,“商人便由此而来。

    Shang Dynasty was rich and populous. There were a great quantity of goods exchanged on the bazaar, People of the time had formed the earliest transaction crowd, "businessman" was one word from it.


  • 改变前往移动表示社会习俗法律调节物品服务交换派生词

    To change, go, move; with derivatives referring to the exchange of goods and services within a society as regulated by custom or law.


  • 一个必然的结果:或许不必要不需要失败交换出版物,那些非主要趋势物品做成汇集

    One inevitable result-perhaps unintended and certainly unwanted-is the failure of non-trade publications, which are outside the main stream, to make it into these collections.


  • 昨日举行的“超市”,居民带来了100余件交换物品现场交流53

    At yesterday's "for off supermarket", residents brought more than 100 pieces to exchange goods, live exchange 53 right.


  • 于是不久,农民便有了生产盈余(尤其是风调雨顺时节),接着农民便可以交换各种不同物品——谷物、衣服瓶罐等等。

    After a while the farmers could produce surpluses, at least in good times, and the various products of the villagers-grain, meat, cloth, pots-could be exchanged.


  • 但是价值储存变得相当重要时,那些人民更富裕文明社会里交换中介必须更为耐用的物品通常金属会被选中。

    But where store-of-value considerations are important, as they are in richer, more civilized societies, the medium of exchange must be a durable commodity, usually a metal.


  • 但是价值储存变得相当重要时,那些人民更富裕文明社会里交换中介必须更为耐用的物品通常金属会被选中。

    But where store-of-value considerations are important, as they are in richer, more civilized societies, the medium of exchange must be a durable commodity, usually a metal.


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