• 穿着蓝色牛仔裤格子衬衫

    He was wearing blue jeans and a checked shirt.


  • 艾迪穿一条蓝色牛仔裤件彩格呢衬衫

    Eddie wore blue jeans and a plaid shirt.


  • 身穿牛仔裤蓝色长袖粗斜纹棉布衬衫,里面还有件白色T恤衫

    He has on his jeans and a long-sleeved blue denim shirt with a white T-shirt underneath.


  • 穿着凉鞋牛仔裤衬衫下摆也没进裤子里。

    He wore sandals and old jeans and his shirttails weren't tucked in.


  • 我们衬衫牛仔裤都不合身了。

    None of our shirts and jeans would fit us.


  • 穿着蓝色牛仔裤棕色衬衫

    I'm wearing blue jeans and a brown shirt.


  • 加上没有化妆,身上穿着工作衬衫牛仔裤,再加上刚刚米尔福德沙滩上赤脚走过,脚趾上还着油状物。

    With no makeup, a work shirt and jeans, and bare feet coated with tar from walking on the beach at Milford, she might as well have been a space alien.


  • 不过就连更进一步,同时穿上牛仔衬衫、牛仔夹克牛仔裤

    Still, even he wouldn't go the next step, putting on a denim shirt with a denim jacket and jeans.


  • 之后头发原样穿上退色的牛仔裤蓝色长袖衬衫,又给自己倒了一杯走向门廊,他每天这个时候坐在这里

    Afterwards he'd combed his hair back, put on some faded jeans and a long-sleeved blue shirt, poured himself another glass of tea and gone to the porch, where he sat every day at this time.


  • 细小叶子重现雅各布脸部头发的形状和颜色,而且奇怪身上穿衣服枪杀穿的是一样牛仔裤和一件礼服衬衫衣袖了起来

    The tiny leaves had re-created every curve and nuance of Jacob's face and hair, and oddly, the body wore the same clothes it had when she killed him: jeans and a dress shirt, rolled up at the sleeves.


  • 穿着蓝色牛仔裤宽松衬衫留着休闲的男士短发

    She wore blue jeans and a loose shirt and sported short boyish hair.


  • 穿着柔软羊皮大衣牛仔裤衬衫厚厚的太阳镜,这她越发出众。

    A soft, wool pink plaid coat with jeans and a white shirt and thick sunglasses made her look nice.


  • 而特雷福买了件毛衫,一条牛仔裤,一条衬衫帮助腰间。

    Trevor bought a sweater and jeans with a shirt underneath.


  • 垃圾风格甚至成为了时尚潮流包括穿着破烂的乞丐装牛仔裤法兰绒衬衫

    Grunge even became a way of fashion including wornout, ripped jeans and flannel shirts.


  • 这些青少年的来历五花八门,有的来自公立学校,有的来自私立学校;有的来自曼哈顿有的来自自治州。 穿着更是别致多样,有的是牛仔裤,有的是有衬衫,有的是皮夹克

    The teens were from a variety of backgrounds—public and private schools, Manhattan and the outer boroughs—and they wore jeans, collared shirts, and leather jackets.


  • 那是一家典型曼哈顿餐馆,DanDoctoroff身着牛仔裤短袖衬衫一边啜着无苏打一边赞美着这座深爱城市

    SITTING in a booth in a classic Manhattan diner, Dan Doctoroff, clad in jeans and a short-sleeved shirt, is sipping a diet soda and musing about the city he loves.


  • 华盛顿特区影像制片人艾瑞克·布鲁厄(EricBrewe)最近参加一个派对时,上身穿一件暗色牛仔夹克,下身穿一条颜色褪色牛仔裤,里头穿一件黑色衬衫搭配一条格子花呢围巾

    Eric Brewer, a video producer in Washington, D.C., recently wore a dark denim jacket with a slightly lighter faded pair of jeans, paired with a black shirt, and plaid scarf to a party.


  • 穿好衬衫(斯里兰卡产)、名牌牛仔裤(新加坡)网球(韩国产)。

    He put on a dress shirt (MADE IN SRI LANKA), designer jeans (MADE IN SINGAPORE) and tennis shoes (MADE IN KOREA).


  • T恤、有衣领扣的衬衫开襟羊毛衫背心休闲牛仔裤领巾式领带、超大手表帽子和平跟船鞋都是当下的主要流行式样。

    T-shirts, button-downs 1, cardigans, vests, relaxed jeans,ascots 2, oversize watches, hats and loafers3 are all staple stylesthat are very of-the-moment.


  • 穿着牛仔裤衬衫,扎着马尾辫坐在那里,突然有的冲动。为什么有人竟如此完美?

    Sitting there in my jeans, shirt and hair in a pony tail, I wanted to cry. How could some people have it all?


  • 梅德韦杰夫身穿牛仔裤灰色衬衫波诺则戴着标志性墨镜和耳环,留着短而硬的胡茬

    The president, in jeans and grey shirt, and Bono, in his trademark dark glasses, stubble and earring, sipped tea on the veranda.


  • 总是穿着休闲装件开衬衫T恤,一牛仔裤一双旅游鞋

    I wear casual clothes: an open-neck shirt, or T-shirt, and jeans, and sneakers.


  • 建议说千万不要显得好像最后一刻才脱下正式套装西裤换上牛仔裤不要配西裤的花哨法式袖口衬衫搭配牛仔裤

    And never dress as if the jeans had been switched out from formal suit pants at the last minute: No fancy French-cuffed shirts with jeans, he advises.


  • 经常搭配牛仔裤女式衬衫,你完全可以户外午餐时拿它短裤搭配

    A blouse you normally wear with jeans will look good with shorts for an alfresco lunch.


  • 衣服——件裙子,几衬衫牛仔裤条短裤——购买,她了几个电话:个是打给亨利,一个打父亲

    She wanted to buy some clothes — a couple of skirts, a couple of shirts, two pairs of jeans, another pair of shortsbut before shopping she had calls to make: one to Henry and one to her father.


  • 基本上是功能性便装牛仔裤,卡奇装,清一色的带纽扣衬衫还有些的套头

    Functional casual, basically: jeans and khakis, an assortment of button-front shirts, some cotton sweaters.


  • 基本上是功能性便装牛仔裤,卡奇装,清一色的带纽扣衬衫还有些的套头

    Functional casual, basically: jeans and khakis, an assortment of button-front shirts, some cotton sweaters.


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