• 版权所有者应该非常容易影片上载

    Rights Holders should upload the submitted Film with ease.


  • 他们甲骨文这样版权所有者那儿购买。

    This they obtain from the copyright holder, which would be Oracle.


  • 版权以及其他所有权利作者其他版权所有者保留

    Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders.


  • 版权所有者表示谷歌扫描中国图书包括近期作品

    The Chinese books scanned by Google include recent works, according to rights holders.


  • 土豆,该公司利用类似的技术帮助版权所有者发现盗版视频

    Tudou says it uses similar technology to help rights owners find infringing videos.


  • 如果得到版权所有者授权以上任一条件失效

    Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder.


  • 版权所有者抱怨合情合理,因为他们的创作成果被人免费发布网上

    Copyright owners have a legitimate gripe that their creations are being posted for free online.


  • 未经版权所有者预先书面许可不得以任何方式复制用于任何商业目的

    No part of this material may be reproduced in any form or by any means, or used for any commercial purposes without the prior written consent of the copyright proprietors.


  • 事先征得版权所有者书面同意,出版者不能转让该翻译本的任何附属权利

    Publisher can not, without the prior written consent of proprietor, make any partial or complete assignment of ancillary rights and titles.


  • 合同明确授予出版者权利外,作品其他所有权利版权所有者保留

    All rights in the Work other than those specifically granted to the Publishers under this Agreement are reserved by the Proprietors.


  • 这会促使中间人将法律效力推前所未有高度,还给与版权所有者额外权力

    This would rope intermediaries into law enforcement to an unprecedented degree, and give rights-holders exceptional power.


  • 相信这种模式需求而且对于版权所有者也会感兴趣我们提供产品

    He said he believed there will be a demand for such models, and "then it's in the interest of rights holders that we work to offer such a product."


  • 基洛克(Killock)认为音乐公司其它版权所有者已经消费者日渐疏远了。

    Killock believes music companies and other rights holders are already alienating consumers.


  • 个人感觉还是会大量版权所有者”,他们并不卖书为生而是希望更多读者

    "My personal feeling is there are more than enough rights holders" who don't consider books their main income and "who will just want their books read."


  • 版权所有者不对这份手册内容任何保证建议而且特别声明不保证符合任何商业目的

    The copyright owner gives no warranties and makes no representations about the contents of this manual and specifically disclaims warranties of merchantability of fitness for any purpose.


  • 版权所有者保留修订这份手册权利内容变更不必通知任何人这些修订变更。

    The Copyright owner reserves the right to revise this manual and make changes from time to time in its contents without notifying any person of such revision or changes.


  • 影像图片音乐文字创作版权,皆属于版权所有者有侵权立即本站联络

    Picture of the video, images and music copyright text are the purview of the original copyright holder, if infringement, please contact the site immediately.


  • 双方必须互相妥协,既版权所有者做出补偿,又打击那些帮助普通人成为网络红人电影明星网站

    They must be able to find a middle ground that gives copyright owners compensation, without crippling websites that have helped make everyone a web or film star.


  • 保证作者得到公正补偿Grooveshark还将50%的广告收入分发版权所有者

    Grooveshark also distributes 50% of its AD revenue to copyright holders to ensure fair compensation.


  • 如果版权所有者全部部分业务收购版权所有者可以经出版者同意转让合同中的权利义务

    Provided that if all or partial business of proprietor is being purchased, proprietor could, without prior consent of publisher, transfer the title and liability in this contract.


  • 分钟可比对时长超过20小时视频我们发现雷同时,我们依照版权所有者提供的条款采取行动。

    And we do this every time that a video is uploaded to YouTube. And that's over 20 hours of video every minute. When we find a match, we apply the policy that the rights owner has set down.


  • 理论上专业代理机构应该广播电台收取每支播放费用,然后这些费用分发每个版权所有者手里。

    In theory, specialist agencies should collect fees for every song that radio stations play and distribute them to the owners of the Copyrights.


  • 递交之前版权所有者必须保证同时递交一个没有字幕原始版本以及一个包含英文字字幕的原始版本。

    Before applying, Rights Holders must guarantee the availability of such material in both original version with no subtitles, and original version with English subtitles.


  • 重新考虑修订后的版本,版本应该更好地保护版权所有者,征询他们的意见,是否愿意进入数字化程序

    He also indicated that he would consider a revised agreement that would better protect copyright owners, say, by requiring that they opt into the digitisation process.


  • 大部分版权所有者并不会加以限制,反倒乐意发布这样他们就能曝光率广告链接销售中获益

    Well, most rights owners, instead of blocking, will allow the copy to be published. And then they benefit through the exposure, advertising and linked sales.


  • 出版者将按负责安排一位合格翻译者,保证准确无误翻译作品译者名字资历报告给版权所有者

    The publishers shall arrange for the translation of the Work to be made faithfully and accurately by a qualified and competent translator whose name and qualification shall be sent to the Proprietors.


  • 公司目前利用系统帮助加强盗版内容去除表示这项技术使版权所有者可以在酷网数据库中进行搜索以便发现盗版拷贝。

    The company is using the system to help step up its removal of unlicensed content and says the technology will allow copyright owners to search Youku's database for unlicensed copies.


  • 公司目前利用系统帮助加强盗版内容去除表示这项技术使版权所有者可以在酷网数据库中进行搜索以便发现盗版拷贝。

    The company is using the system to help step up its removal of unlicensed content and says the technology will allow copyright owners to search Youku's database for unlicensed copies.


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