• 改变距离曝光剂量,进一步突出所发现误差,确定最佳曝光条件

    Then, exposure conditions including the exposure dose and source to film distance were changed to find the optimal one.


  • 目的建立以焦点距离改变,取得X线阶段曝光体系感光测定方法

    Purpose To establish a screen film system sensitometric method of X ray scale exposure by changing the distance between focus and film.


  • 夏天继续。他们羊群赶到了一新的草地上,同时转移营地羊群营地距离更大了,晚上骑马回营地所用的时间也更长了

    The summer went on and they moved the herd to new pasture, shifted the camp; the distance between the sheep and the new camp was greater and the night ride longer.


  • 当时距离地球236000英里(380000公里),显示了地球另一半伊斯坦布尔开普敦及其以东地区笼罩夜色之中。

    Shot from a distance of about 236, 000 miles (380, 000 kilometers), this image shows half of Earth, from Istanbul to Cape Town and areas east, shrouded in night.


  • 周围漆黑,或是对方距离很远或者电话那头,听觉信息还够用么?

    But what if it's dark out, or your rivals are at a distance or on the phone? Will auditory information suffice?


  • 为了管理显示用户选择能够接触表面或者隔一段距离使用的无线电子粉笔”。

    To manipulate the display, users pick up a piece of wireless electronic "chalk" that can work either in contact with the surface or from a distance.


  • 每一包含校正过距离可变焦的内镜。

    Each lens consists of an outer lens with a corrective distance prescription, and a flexible inner lens.


  • 一般电容中,分离电荷距离不会小于金属间的距离

    But in a capacitor, the separated charges can get no closer than the distance between the two metal plates.


  • 巴西距离中国近30个小时航程国家,一个我们季节刚好相反地方,一拥有神秘莫测的亚马逊森林狂热桑巴舞的土地。

    Brazil is a country which is 30 hours flight away from China, a country which has the exact opposite seasons with us, and a country which has the mysterious Amazon forests and passionate samba.


  • 那次长距离比赛中把刹车用坏了。

    During the long race he burned out his brakes.


  • 因为有缘无论生命中的天蓝还是雨季永远只有转身距离,为你撑委屈天空

    Because of luck, whether in your life blue or rainy season, I will only leave you turn around, you put up a blue sky is not wronged!


  • 偶尔飘零叶子,一厌倦的叶子拉开距离

    Occasionally float zero wear the one leaf, the one be tired of of the leaf and tree drew back distance.


  • GS系列龙门式幻灯为了处理更重负荷旅行更远距离

    The GS series Gantry Slide is designed to handle heavier loads and travel greater distances.


  • 为了制作质量美食纪录导演组使用全新设备包括4K摄影机高速距离捕捉每一个细节

    To make a high quality food documentary, the directorial team used brand new equipment, including 4k video cameras to capture every detail at high speed and at extremely close distances.


  • 这种模型确定炸药临界起爆相关参数诸如沉积激光能量烧蚀厚度以及飞行的距离等等

    This model can be used to determine parameters related with critical initiation of explosive, such as deposited laser energy, thickness of ablation layer and flyer, flying distance and so on.


  • 减少废料充分利用宽度, 采用高精密伺服电机驱动系统控制, 使间距和圆边的距离减少到最小, 从而减小废料

    SCRAP REDUCTION :To use the whole width of the coil, reducing to the minimum the distances between disc to disc to the strip edges, with a consequment, reduction of the scrap quantity.


  • 个果园主种植了矩形的果树林,果树之间的间隔距离在纵横两个方向都相同。

    An Orchardist has planted an orchard in a rectangle with trees uniformly spaced in both directions.


  • 利用时间选择不同距离物体反射信号

    The time slice can select the reflected signals from object at different distances.


  • 男女30增强扫描CT横断层测量输尿管血管腰、位置距离

    To choose 30 cases of male and female enhanced scanning pelvis CT and measure the location and the distance between ureter and iliac blood vessel and lumbosacral vertebra.


  • 采用射频系统进行无线通讯设计,为距离无线传输数据提供了较好的解决办法,开发成本、低功耗无线通讯应用系统的较好选择

    It is an efficient solution that transmitting wireless data in short distance by system of chip, which is also a good selection to design low cost system of wireless communication.


  • 这是一部关于加拿大关于梦想的记录制造一套可以距离观察大灰装备

    A documentary follows a Canadian fellow working on his dream: building a suit of armor so he can observe grizzly bears from a close distance.


  • 演讲大师们会房间里四处走动,会是指着,不会照幻灯;会把手放在某个人肩膀上,而不会和他们保持距离

    Great speakers move around the room, pointing to a slide instead of reading from it, placing their hands on someone's shoulders instead of keeping their distance.


  • 通过调节与主装药距离控制波波进行药型结构爆轰波形匹配设计打下基础。

    By adjusting to the clearance, the explosion shock wave shape will be controlled and it bases the match design for liner's structure and explosion wave shape.


  • 感知物体形状距离表明加热感知感觉的影响较小

    Apperceiving shape of object and two-point distance showed heating-system had little influence to tactility.


  • 这部一个小时纪录距离观察印度生活

    This one-hour documentary takes a close look at the life of tigers in India.


  • 总计指示剂数(ir)-晶圆表面位面距离

    Total Indicator Reading (TIR) - the smallest distance between planes on the surface of the wafer.


  • 总计指示剂数(ir)-晶圆表面位面距离

    Total Indicator Reading (TIR) - the smallest distance between planes on the surface of the wafer.


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