• 英国一家公司近日称准备外星人播放广告

    The world's first advert to extra-terrestrial life is to be broadcast, a British potato chip company announced recently.


  • 经过企业进行战略分析笔者认为三洲桃公司战略应当产品差异化战略。

    According to the strategic analysis of this enterprise, we conclude that the promising strategy for the Hechuan Taopian company development should be: "Product variation strategy".


  • 公司在一欺诈指责声中倒闭了

    The firm collapsed amid allegations of fraud.


  • 所有吃惊的是,总裁逃往美国使得公司陷入混乱之中。

    To everyone's surprise, the CEO fled to the US, leaving his company in a mess.


  • 我们公司前景光明

    The future is looking very rosy for our company.


  • 这家公司机场附近拥有农场

    The company owns a chunk of farmland near the airport.


  • 1933年,这家电影公司粗制滥造55故事

    In 1933 the studio cranked out fifty-five feature films.


  • 迪斯尼电影公司回到他们最拿手的事情:制作长篇动画故事

    Disney has returned to what it does best: making full-length animated feature films.


  • 公司全球营销主管萨勒曼·阿明说:“全世界零食。”

    "Potato chips are a snack food for the world," said Salman Amin, the company's head of global marketing.


  • 那么假设公司开会演讲者打开了一张幻灯

    So, supposing that you are sitting in a company meeting and the presenter puts up the first slide.


  • 相反公司周二表示,员工在配餐征求家长的意见,要牛奶苹果或是其他。

    Instead, the company said Tuesday, its employees will ask parents whether they prefer such options as milk or sliced apples before assembling the meals.


  • 美国人的发明比如说大多数中国人知道多利一家美国公司

    Potato chips are an American invention, but most Chinese, for instance, do not know than Frito-Lay is an American company.


  • 国广播公司的纪录《杜甫:中国最伟大的诗人》中,解释了几百年来杜甫的作品广受欢迎的原因。

    The BBC's documentary Du Fu: China's Greatest Poet explains why Du's works have been popular for centuries.


  • 西方圣诞节期间乞丐跨国公司似乎自己的特殊场地去施展才能。

    Just as with Christmas in the West, everyone from paupers to multinational corporations seems to have a special pitch.


  • 经销11草药制成鼻炎”的公司这种传统中药制剂可以缓解鼻塞呼吸顺畅

    A traditional Chinese mix of 11 herbs called Biyan Pian can relieve congestion and help you breathe easier, according to companies that sell it.


  • 用户可以创建下载自己的数据集,它们加入到自己幻灯公司报告中

    It also allows you to create your own, download them and put them in your PowerPoint presentation or company report.


  • 份工作中,我们需要学习公司收购制作在线幻灯产品通过使用制作个在线幻灯

    At another job we had to learn a new product the company acquired that made online slideshows by actually using it to make one.


  • 亚马逊着手起了杂货宝洁这样快速消费品公司琢磨着在线销售尿洗衣机清洁剂等商品。

    Amazon has started selling groceries. Consumer-goods companies such as Procter & Gamble (P&G) are encouraging the sale of things like nappies (diapers) and laundry detergent online.


  • 美国广播公司纪录并未显示第一第三是谁打的。

    The ABC documentary doesn't indicate who fired the first and last sets of shots.


  • 或者至少提前预防针,也让感到公司过往的一心血辛勤工作不乏感激之

    Or could he have prepared her better in advance, so that she felt that her feelings and past hard work were appreciated?


  • 作为主打碳酸饮料油腻公司,百事正期望扩大产品健康面。

    The maker of sugary fizzy drinks and fatty crisps wants to expand the healthier end of its offering.


  • 他们坚称,他们已经成功地请求美国广播公司不再重播这部纪录但是施耐德公司档案找不到任何证据支持欧文斯夫妇的说法

    They also maintained that they had successfully petitioned ABC not to rebroadcast the program, although Schneider said that the network could find nothing in its records to confirm this.


  • 广告是苏里兹财务服务公司广告里,伴随着电影《633空军中队主题音乐,小猪沿着跑道加速快跑,最后飞了起来。它们因此俘获了英国人的

    Britons took the porkers to their hearts after seeing them charge down a runway and take off to the theme tune from the film "633 Squadron" in an ad for Zurich Financial Services.


  • 智利北部阿里卡可口可乐公司在一沙漠创造世界最大的可口可乐商标

    Located in Arica, in the desert in Northern Chile, Coca-Cola created the world's largest Coca-Cola logo.


  • 有了这项技术,电影公司制作预告就能有效赢得预期的观众。

    Studios will create trailers that will [be] more effective at winning over their intended demographic.


  • 印度煤炭公司前景应该光明

    Coal India's prospects should also be bright.


  • 据《每日电讯报》报道食品巨头家乐英国公司日前开发了一种高科技技术,能够使用激光每个玉米上打公司标识,以便与仿冒品区分开。

    The UK division of food giant Kellogg's has developed a hi-tech method to stamp out imitation cereals by burning their famous logo onto individual flakes using lasers, the Daily Telegraph reported.


  • 在上个世纪这个传统的演奏技巧逐渐减弱1972年,哥伦比亚广播公司纪录开始唤起社会对于保护努力

    The tradition was on the wane when, in 1972, a CBS documentary provocatively titled the Vanishing Cape Breton Fiddler jump-started preservation efforts in the fiddling community.


  • 在上个世纪这个传统的演奏技巧逐渐减弱1972年,哥伦比亚广播公司纪录开始唤起社会对于保护努力

    The tradition was on the wane when, in 1972, a CBS documentary provocatively titled the Vanishing Cape Breton Fiddler jump-started preservation efforts in the fiddling community.


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