• 这座占地11700英亩的城堡1848年到1970年间租给皇室成员其中包括爱德华乔治

    The castle, which is located on 11, 700 acres, was leased to members of the royal family between 1848 and 1970, including King Edward VII and George V.


  • 这座城堡占地约11700英亩1848年至1970年出租给了包括爱德华乔治在内的皇室家族成员

    The castle, which is located on 11,700 acres, was leased to members of the royal family between 1848 and 1970, including King Edward VII and George V.


  • 爱德华七世时代纽约这样做法似乎对无所事事富人来说是正确的。

    Such practice, it seems, was comme il faut for the idle rich in Edwardian New York.


  • 儿子爱德华七世属于萨克森·科堡·哥达家族

    Her son King Edward VII belonged to the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha.


  • 1953年,德班爱德华七世医院学习助产离家达数月之久。

    In1953she had started a midwifery course at king edward vii hospital in durban that would keep her away from home for several months.


  • 很明显爱德华七世由于太不能大肚子上的扣子,所以现在大家也效仿。

    Apparently, Edward VII got fat and couldn't button his vest over his belly, so now nobody does.


  • 1911年今天,乔治从其父爱德华七世那里继承王位加冕成为英国的新一任国王

    1911 - George V is crowned King of the United Kingdom, succeeding his father, Edward VII.


  • 家庭报纸说道爱德华七世时代的标准允许我们召回充满行动,但这个令人惊奇行动如何保证资金回收?

    And speaking of family newspapers, how about a money-back guarantee on that wonderful activity that our Edwardian standards allow us to call the ultimate act of love?


  • 尽管这些老式汽船服役一个了,几经修复后他们依然完美保持爱德华七世时代的风格。

    In service for a century, these old character ships have been beautifully restored to maintain their 25 Edwardian ambience.


  • 维多利亚以及爱德华七世时期厨房安排给寄宿仆人英格兰数量很多,内战美国也是如此。

    The Victorian and Edwardian kitchen was organised for live-in servants, which were plentiful in England, as they were in America until the civil war.


  • 一个以前爱德华七世时代全球化支持者预言更多和平繁荣——结果仅仅看到的是弗兰德斯领地那些梦想的破灭。

    A century ago Edwardian globalists were predicting ever more peace and prosperity-only to see those dreams blown apart on the fields of Flanders.


  • 自从1894将成为爱德华国王揭幕以来这座位于小山丘(也称之为丘)旁边成为伦敦知名景点之一

    The bridge beside Tower Hill has become one of London's most recognizable sites since the future king Edward VII opened it in 1894.


  • 整整一个闪耀华丽爱德华七世时期的金银丝细工超大的石头钻石订婚戒指到底经历了怎样锤炼呢~。

    A whole century of sparkle! From ornate Edwardian filigree to big rocks, how diamond engagement ring trends have evolved over the last 100 years.


  • 传奇开始著名的饭店老板CESARRITZ,他爱德华誉为‘饭店业的国王’以及‘国王服务的饭店老板’。

    The legacy of The Ritz-Carlton begins with the celebrated hotelier Cesar Ritz, referred to as the king of hoteliers and hotelier of kings by King Edward VII.


  • 亨利很喜欢火鸡尽管道菜19晚期已经成为上流社会宠儿,但最终爱德华把吃火鸡变成中产阶层节日必备活动。

    Henry VIII enjoyed Turkey and although the bird became fashionable in high society in the late 19th century it was Edward VII who made it derigueur at Christmas for the middle classes.


  • 丽思卡尔顿传奇开始著名饭店老板CESARRITZ,他爱德华誉为“饭店老板中的国王”以及“为国王服务的饭店老板”。

    The legacy of the Ritz-Carlton begins with the celebrated hotelier Cesar Ritz, referred to 'as the king of hoteliers hotelier of Kings' by king Edward VII.


  • 英国历史上比目前查尔斯王储“待岗”时间还要长的两君主1820继位乔治1901年继位的爱德华七世他们分别等待了5859年之久。

    Only George IV, who became king in 1820, and Edward VII, who reigned from 1901, were kings-in-waiting for longer, spending 58 and 59 years respectively as heirs to the throne.


  • 1901年即位英王爱德华1859—1860年求学牛津大学,于1936年即位英王爱德华1912—1914年就读于牛津大学。

    The King of the Britain in 1901, Edward VII, studied in Oxford between 1859 and 1860; and Edward VIII, the King of the Britain in 1936, learned in the University between 1912 and 1914.


  • 亨利很爱吃火鸡肉,于是吃火鸡肉19纪末的上流社会变得很流行,不过爱德华倡导下,火鸡才走入中产阶级的家庭,成为圣诞节的必备菜肴之一。

    Henry VIII enjoyed Turkey and although the bird became fashionable in high society in the late 19th century it was Edward VII who made it derigueur at Christmas for the middle classes.


  • 1920年,医科学校命名爱德华七世学院原来名字叫什么?

    In 1920 the Medical School was named the King Edward VII College of Medicine. What was its original name?


  • 1920年,医科学校命名爱德华七世学院原来名字叫什么?

    In 1920 the Medical School was named the King Edward VII College of Medicine. What was its original name?


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