• 爆炸线可由机器人35距离发射清除45道路

    The explosive line charge, which the robot fires from a distance of 35 meters, can clear a path 45 meters wide.


  • 金属线没有足够的接触面引起爆炸

    The wires do not have a large enough surface to catalyse a big explosion.


  • 故事大家再熟悉不过:2010年420日,“深水地平线钻井平台爆炸造成十一名工作人员死亡成为美国近海钻探史上最大石油泄漏事故

    The story is all too-familiar: on April 20, 2010, the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded, killing eleven workers and creating the largest oil spill in the history of U.S. offshore drilling.


  • 自从今年四月深水地平线钻井平台发生爆炸之后原油在源源不断流向墨西哥湾。

    Oil is continuing to leak into the Gulf of Mexico following the explosion on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig in April.


  • 毫无疑问上周墨西哥海湾深水地平线石油钻塔发生爆炸无疑人类灾难

    The explosion on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig last week in the Gulf of Mexico was without question a human tragedy.


  • 年前墨西哥湾深海地平线石油钻机发生爆炸事故,导致11名工人死亡,钻机沉没大量原油泄漏进入大海

    One year ago, an explosion rocked the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico, killing 11 workers, sinking the rig, and releasing a massive amount of crude oil into the ocean.


  • 据美警察的线交代,美国调查者已经抓获一名这次汽车爆炸嫌疑人

    US investigators have arrested a suspect in an attempted car bomb attack in New York City, police sources say.


  • 事故处理小组们努力根电力线导入站点使电站内重要的水泵恢复运行,它冷却过热反应堆阻止核反应堆的爆炸

    Disaster teams managed to get a power line onto the site in an effort to reactivate crucial water pumps to cool overheating reactors and prevent a calamitous meltdown.


  • 造成11人丧生灾难性深海地平线爆炸将人们线转移到了近海钻探带来挑战

    Deepwater Horizon's catastrophic explosion, which claimed the lives of 11 crewmembers, has turned the spotlight on the challenges of offshore drilling.


  • 年前深水地平线钻井平台爆炸致使上百原油流入墨西哥湾,在灾难性事件发生后玛丽尝试一下没有石油生活

    About a year ago, following the Deepwater Horizon oil rig catastrophe that released millions of barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, Mary Richert decided that she wanted to live a life free of oil.


  • 英国安全与健康执行局文件破坏主要几个石油公司声明份声明宣称去年墨西哥湾深海地平线钻井平台发生夺去11名工人声明的爆炸永远不会发生在他们身上。

    The HSE documents also undermine claims by the major oil companies that last year's Deepwater Horizon explosion in the Gulf of Mexico that killed 11 workers was unlikely to ever happen to them.


  • 上个月英国石油公司“深海地平线爆炸起火沉没,公司行政总裁托尼·海沃德因此次泄露所承担压力越来越大。

    BP PLC Chief Executive Tony Hayward has come under mounting pressure over the spill, caused after a drilling rig BP was leasing, the Deepwater Horizon, caught fire and sank last month.


  • 上个月英国石油公司“深海地平线爆炸起火沉没后,公司行政总裁托尼·海沃德因此次泄露所承担的压力越来越大。

    BP PLC ChiefExecutive Tony Hayward has come under mounting pressure over the spill, causedafter a drilling rig BP was leasing, the Deepwater Horizon, caught fire andsank last month.


  • 迫击炮弹爆炸声响回荡萨拉热窝上方的山上摄影机镜头聚焦门发射时后冲的上,然后镜头伸向炮弹击中的地方,一条弧形线越过城市上空掉落一片房屋之中。

    The camera focuses on a gun recoiling, then pans out to search for the impact point. A white line of smoke arcs above the city and ploughs into a group of houses.


  • 事实上,早在四月二十日“深海地平线钻井平台爆炸事故发生奥巴马就已经失策

    In truth, Obama began playing the wrong CARDS even before the April 20 explosion of the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig.


  • 深水地平线钻井平台四月发生爆炸,造成十一死亡

    The explosion of the Deepwater Horizon rig in April killed 11 people.


  • 2010年4月20,发生深水地平线海上钻井平台剧烈爆炸墨西哥湾水域灾难性原油泄漏拉开了帷幕。

    On April 20, 2010, a deadly explosion at the Deepwater Horizon offshore drilling platform started a catastrophic oil leak into the waters of the Gulf of Mexico.


  • 自从墨西哥湾发生了油井(油井名为“深海地平线”)爆炸以来,21天里,400加仑原油泄入大海。

    Over the past 21 days more than four million gallons of oil have been released since the Deepwater Horizon exploded in the Gulf of Mexico.


  • 图中,密西西比三角洲位于左侧由于深水地平线钻井平台爆炸沉没而泄漏出来银色漩涡清晰可见。

    With the Mississippi Delta on the left, the silvery swirling oil slick from the April 20 explosion and subsequent sinking of the Deepwater Horizon drilling platform is highly visible.


  • 4月20深水地平线钻井平台爆炸以来,英国石油公司一直竭力阻止原油泄漏此次爆炸导致英国石油股价暴跌

    BP has been battling to stop oil spilling out of the well since an explosion on the Deepwater Horizon rig on April 20, an event which triggered a steep plunge in the firm's share price.


  • 4月份深水地平线钻井平台引发爆炸11名工人身亡油井发生泄漏立即成为美国历史严重的原油泄漏事故。

    The Deepwater Horizon rig explosion in April killed 11 workers and triggered the oil spill, which quickly turned into the worst oil disaster in U.S. history. Read more on BP.


  • 2010年420日,钻井平台“深水地平线”发生了爆炸日后倾覆沉没

    On April 20, 2010, the oil rig Deepwater Horizon suffered an explosion and sank two days later.


  • 海面浮油来自2010年420发生“深水地平线钻井平台爆炸

    The oil slick resulted from an explosion that occurred on April 20, 2010, on the Deepwater Horizon rig.


  • 工程人员担心深水地平线钻井平台4月爆炸下沉以后,管道可能受损,这次事故夺取平台十一工作人员的生命。

    Engineers feared the pipe may have been damaged after the Deepwater Horizon drill rig exploded and sank in April, killing 11 workers on the rig.


  • 4月20日深海地平线油井爆炸产生原油泄漏至路易斯安那海岸11工人遇难

    That's when the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded and sank off the coast of Louisiana, killing 11 workers.


  • 7月16日辽宁省大连市附近的黄海海域条输油管道发生爆炸石油流失量相当于英国石油公司深水地平线号的一小部分。

    The two pipelines that exploded on July 16 in the Yellow Sea, near Dalian in Liaoning province, only hemorrhaged a small fraction of the oil that BP's Deepwater Horizon did.


  • 4月20日深夜,距路易斯安那海岸线50英里名为深水地平线海洋石油钻探设备发生爆炸起火(这套设备是美国跨洋公司租赁给英国石油公司的),当时126名工人和技术人员船上

    Late on the night of April 20th, 50 miles from the shore of Louisiana, a fire broke out aboard the Transocean Deepwater Horizon oil rig under lease by BP, with 126 individuals on board.


  • 肯定我们中的大多数人彻底享受的是一旦提高爆炸威力汽车发射后地平线本身

    What I'm sure most of us thoroughly enjoy is the explosive power once the boost kicks in and the car launches itself into oblivion towards the horizon.


  • 肯定我们中的大多数人彻底享受的是一旦提高爆炸威力汽车发射后地平线本身

    What I'm sure most of us thoroughly enjoy is the explosive power once the boost kicks in and the car launches itself into oblivion towards the horizon.


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