• 他们燕鸥鹈鹕扔下一条时,他们会一头水里然后把鱼水面抓起来,可能就是只鸟弄脏的原因。

    When they get a tern or pelican to drop a fish, they plunge down and grab it off the surface of the water, which may have been how this bird got oiled.


  • 北极燕鸥之所以能不受这分神因素影响,是因为那时一种本能感觉所驱动着,这种本能令人类十分钦佩,它叫做:“远大的目标”。

    The arctic tern resists distraction because it is driven at that moment by an instinctive sense of something we humans find admirable: larger purpose.


  • 北极燕鸥南美洲南端飞往北极圈路线全长2万公里,但燕鸥一路上都不会留意送来的散发臭味却又可口的鲱鱼

    An arctic tern, on its 20,000 km flight from the extreme south of South America to the Arctic circle, will take no notice of a nice smelly herring offered from a bird-watcher's boat along the way.


  • 当地贪婪地扑这些施舍的食物,燕鸥会继续飞行

    While local gulls will dive voraciously for such handouts, the tern flies on.


  • 北极燕鸥真正长途迁徙者它们北欧沿海湿地筑巢向南飞行数千英里,在南极洲度过欧洲冬季

    Arctic terns, being true long-distance migrants, they nest in coastal wetlands of northern Europe but fly south for thousands of miles to spend the European winters in Antarctica.


  • 距离诺森伯兰郡海岸线两三英里地方,这里的群岛将近100,000多对海鸟夏天繁殖时的家园包括海雀海鸠北极燕鸥

    Situated two to three miles off the Northumberland coastline, the archipelago is a summer home to approximately 100,000 pairs of breeding seabirds including puffins, guillemots and Arctic terns.


  • 没有了威胁仙女般的燕鸥又返回岛上。 但不像祖先那样栖息峭壁上,她们在大树枝叶开始了自己的生活

    Free from the threat of cats, fairy terns have returned to the island—and forsaken their ancestral cliffs for a new life among the leaves and branches.


  • 本世纪消失凤头燕鸥人们再次发现,这真是可喜可贺。

    The rediscovery earlier this decade of the Chinese crested tern, long thought extinct, was cause for celebration.


  • 我们见到有些粉红燕鸥南方飞去,我们感到很奇怪,为什么飞向南方呢,南方并没有陆地

    We also counted several roseate terns flying south - but why south, we wondered, when there is no land that way?


  • 春季北极燕鸥沿着曲折路线返回格陵兰群岛

    Arctic terns also follow a zigzagging route on their spring trips back to Greenland.


  • 举例来说,火地岛前往阿拉斯加北极燕鸥无视蒙特利观鸟的美味鲱鱼

    An arctic tern on its way from Tierra del Fuego to Alaska, for instance, will ignore a nice smelly herring offered from a bird-watcher's boat in Monterey Bay.


  • 雌鸟与雌鸟配对其他鸟类中并不是没有,加利福尼亚粉红燕鸥从来没有达到这么高比例。

    Female-female pairings have been observed in other birds, such as California gulls and roseate terns, but never at quite such a high rate.


  • 英国周围海岸北极燕鸥三只、海海鸭海鸟数量显著减少可能由于玉筋属鱼类消失导致的。

    The striking drop in numbers round British coasts of such seabirds as arctic terns, kittiwakes, guillemots and puffins is probably a result of the disappearance of sand eels.


  • 海鸟任何必要的地方降落许多墨西哥湾海岸附近燕鸥鸬鹚来说一个致命错误

    Birds will land wherever they have to.” For many gulf coast gulls, terns and cormorants, this has been a lethal mistake.


  • 海鸟任何必要的地方降落许多墨西哥湾海岸附近燕鸥鸬鹚来说一个致命错误

    "Birds will land wherever they have to." For many gulf coast gulls, terns and cormorants, this has been a lethal mistake.


  • 解释燕鸥飞行路线是以大气中螺旋根据,他们要尽量避免被风卷走。

    The birds appear to be following huge spiraling wind patterns in the atmosphere, avoiding flying into the wind, he said.


  • 小岛周围棕色激流我们靠近,可以发现,头顶上有大量的大凤头燕鸥、黑尾盘旋白鹭飞在最外边

    Around the islets, a brown riptide; above, as we approached, a swirling ball of greater-crested terns and black-tailed gulls, with Swinhoe's egrets orbiting around the outside.


  • 第二八月在大凤头燕鸥的繁殖地发现了很小堆黑嘴凤头燕鸥

    In August of the second year, he found a handful of Chinese crested terns nesting among a colony of greater crested terns.


  • 更能理解这些燕鸥是“蛋壳因为淡灰色小鸟有斑点鸟蛋到处都是,在溅着鸟粪岩石上也可以轻易看到。

    I now understand better the force of the term "treading on eggshells", for greyish chicks and speckled eggs lay everywhere, easily overlooked on the guano-spattered rocks.


  • 本地贪婪地冲向这些施舍北极燕鸥却会继续往前飞。

    Local gulls will dive voraciously for such handouts, while the tern flies on.


  • 艾治惊奇发现燕鸥经常北大西洋可以停留一个。 他推测燕鸥可能段时间捕捉一些鱼类小型甲壳海洋生物,能量得到充足补充后再动身穿越热带地区。

    Egevang was surprised to find that the birds often stop for a month in the open North Atlantic Ocean, probably to "fuel up" on fish and small crustaceans before setting off to cross the tropics.


  • 绿色线路为秋季燕鸥南迁路线;红色线路为其冬季飞行路线;黄色线路为春季燕鸥北飞路线

    See map at right: Green represents autumn/southward migration; red denotes winter range; and yellow represents spring/northward journey.


  • 对于生活在海岸边燕鸥鸬鹚来说,选择错误的降落地点将带来致命的后果。

    For many gulf coast gulls, terns and cormorants, this has been a lethal mistake.


  • 澳大利亚州环境日前宣布,当地濒危鸟类——燕鸥已经回来筑巢。这是一个令人十分鼓舞的现象。

    The South Australian Environment Department says an endangered breed of bird has returned to nest at danger Point.


  • 新的研究表明一种叫做北极燕鸥海鸟每年飞行路程超过70,000千米,是移动路程最长生物

    New research has found that a seabird, the Arctic tern, flies more than 70,000 kilometers each year, the longest migration by any creature.


  • 过去30里,一直从事保护这种候鸟的工作——1976年,所在的奥杜邦学会分会就是为了保护小白额燕鸥已陷入危险境地的春季繁殖地而建立的。

    She's been working with the migratory birds for the past 30 yearsher chapter formed to help imperiled springtime breeding colonies there in 1976.


  • 北极燕鸥次往返距离达3.2万公里早已离开了我们现在正在非洲南端享受着太阳的温暖。

    The Arctic tern completes a round trip of 32, 000km; swallows, which have already deserted us, will now be sunning themselves in the southern tip of Africa.


  • 白额燕鸥是世界最小的燕鸥它们一种名声不太好的习性:它们会俯冲轰炸入侵者,并向入侵者排放粪便作为防卫

    The smallish birds have an unsavory habit: they dive-bomb intruders and defecate on them as a defense.


  • 白额燕鸥是世界最小的燕鸥它们一种名声不太好的习性:它们会俯冲轰炸入侵者,并向入侵者排放粪便作为防卫

    The smallish birds have an unsavory habit: they dive-bomb intruders and defecate on them as a defense.


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