• 燃烧效应可能无意地引起邻近主流环境相互作用

    Combustion effects may cause unintentional interactions with the adjacent main flow environment.


  • 表面已经二氧化碳海洋加热烘干失控的温室效应燃烧死亡陷阱中。

    Its surface has been cooked and dried by an ocean of carbon dioxide, trapped in the burning death grip of a runaway greenhouse effect.


  • 燃烧化石燃料产生煤烟增温效应强,因为其中硫酸盐比例较高硫酸盐是可以反射阳光产生降温效果

    The soot produced by burning fossil fuels has a stronger warming effect because it contains a higher ratio of black carbon to sulfate, which reflects sunlight to produce a cooling effect.


  • 如此来看天然气甲烷温室效应可能快速超过煤炭燃烧产生二氧化碳气候影响

    Figured that way, the climate effect of methane from natural gas would quickly outpace the climate effect of carbon dioxide from burning coal.


  • 虽然氧化温室效应气体但当用作火箭燃料燃烧,排出的副产品仅仅氧气热氮气

    While nitrous oxide is a powerful greenhouse gas, when it's burned as rocket fuel, the only byproducts are hot oxygen and nitrogen.


  • 燃烧使大气二氧化碳成份增加带来温室效应使世界平均气温上升

    The increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere resulting from the burning of coal and oil is creating a greenhouse effect, and raising the world's average temperature.


  • 石油天然气以及煤炭燃烧产品二氧化碳造成地球大气温室效应罪魁祸首。

    Carbon dioxide from the burning of oil, natural gas and coal is the main gas blamed for trapping heat in the atmosphere.


  • 研究人员接着仔细观察了200多种可能出现垃圾处理情形,并将垃圾废料回收效应与其燃烧填埋效应做了对比分析。

    The researchers then looked at more than 200 scenarios, comparing the impact of recycling with that of burying or burning particular types of waste material.


  • 平流层火山喷发自然结果,这种硫燃烧煤释放的硫能造成更强的冷却效应

    Sulphur in the stratosphere, a natural result of volcanic eruptions, provides a lot more cooling per tonne than the coal-emitted sort.


  • 报告非常恰当地确定了热电联合系统——也就是说,既利用燃烧农作物产生的热能利用电能所产生的热——利用当地种植能源农作物降低温室效应气体排放有利的方法

    The report correctly identifies CHP - that is using the heat produced from burning as well as the electricity - with locally grown energy crops as the best way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


  • 一个燃烧星球可能坍缩如此半径,以致在表面附近广义相对论效应相当重要

    A burnedout star could collapse to so small a radius as to make the effects of general relativity quite important near its surface.


  • 道路上没有了拥挤,没有汽车尾气排放全都磁悬浮代替燃料燃烧从而温室效应难题随之消失

    Road, also not crowded, not the automobile exhaust emissions, all with maglev instead of fuel combustion, thus "greenhouse effect" that a big problem also disappear.


  • 模拟试验研究各种脱裂缝燃烧发动机造成故障效应故障诊断和失效分析提供依据

    The fault effects on restrict layer debonding and crack burning were studied by simulated test in order to provide analysis basis of fault diagnostics for solid rocket engine.


  • 已退休浆手传递年轻运动员他们负责点燃火炬外缘部分火苗有条不紊地燃烧整个火炬,掀起了多米诺骨牌效应

    The retired rower then passed it to the young athletes, who lit part of the outer rim of the torch, setting off a domino effect as fire methodically engulfed the cauldron.


  • 燃烧室内固体颗粒可能引起强烈的阻尼效应

    Strong damping effects are possible because of solid particles in the chamber.


  • 矿物燃料枯竭引起能源危机燃烧矿物燃料引起的温室效应使得人类生存环境面临重大挑战

    The reduction of mineral fuel causes energy crisis and burning of mineral fuel causes greenhouse effect that makes existent environment of people face to great challenge.


  • 采用考虑湍流效应辐射传热的扩散燃烧模型隧道不同规模火源通风条件下的火灾过程进行了数值模拟

    A fire simulation of long tunnel under different fire loads and ventilation velocities was carried out by using the non-premixed combustion model which considered turbulence effect and radiation.


  • 煤粉预热喷吹有利于减轻热风冷却效应加速煤粉的燃烧过程而提高煤粉利用率

    When the preheated pulverized coal is injected, its cooling effect on hot blast is alleviated and its combustion is accelerated, consequently its utilization ratio is increased.


  • 利用诱导效应指数建立某些碳氢化合物燃烧热经验计算30个可比较值平均相对0.04%。

    By using the inductive effect index, the formula for calculating the combustion heats of some normal hydrocarbons has been built up. The average relative deviation for 30 data is 0.04%.


  • 介绍具有油束撞击效应式喷油器不同柴油机燃烧系统中的应用

    This paper reports experimental results of the mixture formed by Pintle nozzle with impinging head used to diesel engines with different combustion systems.


  • 固体推进剂bdp燃烧模型基础上,引入膏推进剂燃烧效应一新参数将模型推广于膏体推进剂和固体推进剂药燃烧研究。

    In this paper, a new parameter named slurry combustion effect was induced for applying solid propellant BDP model for prediction of pasty propellant and slurry propellant steady combustion behavior.


  • 燃烧化石能源释放二氧化碳这会加剧温室效应

    The burning of fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide which aggravates the Green House Effect.


  • 以上英文的意思就是 “一个连环问题燃烧石油导致二氧化碳增加,二氧化碳增加导致温室效应,温室效应导致冰层融化、海平面上升。”

    This is a chain of problems. Burning oil leads to increase in carbon dioxide, which leads to the greenhouse effect, which leads to melting of glaciers, which leads to rising sea levels.


  • 因此,发动机燃烧燃料重整方法。

    Therefore, combustion of adding hydrogen is the most effective application of fuel reforming for hydrogen production.


  • 大量的燃烧产生CO2从而产生温室效应,温室效应结果气温上升

    Massive burning have produced CO2, thus has had the greenhouse effect, the greenhouse effect result is the temperature rise.


  • 碳黑颗粒物来自高温燃烧过程可见光辐射具有最大能力吸收作用。新近研究结果证实,碳黑大气颗粒物具有温室效应作用,是引起地球气候变暖的重要角色。

    Particulate matter of black carbon originated from burning process at high temperature and it possesses the most capacity of absorbing luminous radiation in the visible domain.


  • 碳黑颗粒物来自高温燃烧过程可见光辐射具有最大能力吸收作用。新近研究结果证实,碳黑大气颗粒物具有温室效应作用,是引起地球气候变暖的重要角色。

    Particulate matter of black carbon originated from burning process at high temperature and it possesses the most capacity of absorbing luminous radiation in the visible domain.


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