• 动物运动图形”精美黑白照片表现近期修复第一次远道而来向公众展出

    The beautiful cyanotype proofs for "Animal Locomotion" have recently been restored and are being given their first public outing in this show.


  • 这两本书中,黑白相片显示过去场景彩色照片表现的是同一个地点当今状况。

    "A Changing Shanghai" and "A Changing Shanghai II, " show black-and-white shots of local settings as they looked in bygone times paired with color photographs of the same places today.


  • 通常照片表现的都是十分甜美纯真的感觉,然而我却一直不一样的尝试。

    Akemi: Normally for shoots I'm portrayed with a very sweet and innocent image. But I've always wanted to do something different.


  • 吉普赛”,画家皮埃尔·波纳尔1901年拍摄一张模糊黑色照片-只是由于其拍摄者才显得不同寻常-片表现的是舞者手臂放松的弧线

    "Gypsy Dancing," a dim sepia 1901 photograph by the painter Pierre Bonnard - remarkable just because of who took the picture - catches the easy arc of a dancer's arm.


  • 一张照片是“汽车事故――位于美国66号公路亚利桑那州温斯洛佛拉格斯塔之间”,这张照片表现路边尸体尸体一块布遮盖着有四个人悲伤在尸体旁边

    The next photo, "Car Accident -- U.S. 66, Between Winslow and Flagstaff, Arizona, " shows a body on the side of the road that is also covered with a cloth. Four people stand sadly near the body.


  • 拍摄人物表现自然不对镜头摆姿式照片,抓拍关键。

    For pictures of people behaving naturally, not posing for the camera, it is essential to shoot unnoticed.


  • 一项经典研究中,保罗·克曼拍下了人们表现愤怒厌恶恐惧快乐悲伤等情绪照片

    In a classic research, Paul Ekman took photographs of people exhibiting the emotions of anger, disgust, fear, happiness, and sadness.


  • 事实上那些认为更有吸引力照片会显得真实的那些在其他方面表现更高自尊心的人相对应

    In fact, those who thought that the images higher up the attractiveness scale were real directly corresponded with those who showed other markers for having higher self-esteem.


  • 照片用户注意力的焦点,它表现更多一种感情而不是网站实际内容

    The photo is in the focus, but is receipt more like a visual expression of emotion than as actual site content.


  • 对于相片杰克:“在起初照片中,可以看到只是摆造型随着摄影继续,他开始表现出来。”

    In the photos, Jack says, "You can see he is just posing, initially, but as the shoot goes on, he starts to come out."


  • 然后建议这些照片本“”、做个拼贴进行其他艺术活动,以表现花朵怎样生长的。

    Then suggest using the photos to make a "book," collage, or other art project about how a flower grows.


  • 虽然美洲四肢上有着梦魇般的利爪,如当地公园照片表现的那样,但是比起捕食,(美洲鳄)多用它来挖掘泥土

    Though tipped with nightmare claws, the limbs of American alligators—this one photographed at a local parkare more often used to excavate wallowing holes than to slash at prey.


  • 如果网路交友的话,光是照片就提供充分资讯因为我们情绪表现上头。

    She says that when it comes to online dating, "Photographs contain a wealth of information because we express emotions in them."


  • 有时玷污狂会丑化魅力人物尤其是名流雕像照片表现自己

    The fetish sometimes manifests itself in the defacing of statues or pictures of attractive people, especially celebrities.


  • 令人震惊照片,数薯片微型面包圈和数冰淇淋,它们仅仅表现的是小孩英国消费垃圾食品数量。

    This shocking picture, with its piles of oven chips, mini rolls and tubs of icecream, represents just how much junk food one child in the UK consumes in a year.


  • 更离奇是,电脑系统志愿者竟然同样图片上犯错误——照片反过来使大致同样数量辨认者的表现更加糟糕不论是电脑还是人。

    Moreover, his computer and his volunteers tend to slip up on the same imagesand turning photographs on their sides makes poorer animal-recognisers out of both, by roughly the same amount.


  • 照片不能把这些完全表现出来,不是,而是风景捣鬼

    The photographs you take will not do it justice. This won't be your fault; the landscape is mischievous.


  • 照片一个磁性徽章,一张红色微笑代表表现良好,一张黄色皱眉的脸代表工作欠佳。

    Photographs of local managers are prominently displayed in every workplace and marked with a magnetic badge (a red smiley face for good performance, a yellow frowning one for doing badly).


  • 照片录像剪辑表现环境民众健康日常生活积极消极影响

    The photos and video clips should portray the positive or negative impact of the environment on people's health and day-to-day life.


  • 这些照片由摄影师伯恩·韦伯(Torben Webber)拍摄。听到这些不同寻常生物诞生后,相机争取到了这个表现机会。

    The photos were taken by keen photographer Torben Webber, who scrambled for his camera after hearing the unusual creatures had been born.


  • 猜想流行的应用驾驶家人朋友之间不同焦距来表现同一张图片,例如Facebook上贴上度假聚会照片(Lytro将会发布一个Facebook应用)。

    He thinks a popular use may be families and friends roaming through different perspectives on pictures of, say, vacations and parties posted on Facebook (Lytro will have a Facebook app).


  • 表现建筑物外部结构照片

    Views of the building showing its relation to surrounding structures.


  • 这样摄影师工作简单很多因为我们的都是一样的事情,我们拍摄无数张照片,但只选择其中最具表现力的一张。

    That makes any photographer’s job so much easier because we do the same.


  • 有些照片追求磅礴壮丽气势,有些照片追求极具影响力真实的细节,而光线不足时拍出的照片往往具有亲近感,这样的摄影能不浮于事物表层而探它的阴影里,去展示隐藏着的东西,从而表现其他摄影方式所不能表现的内容。

    Available-light photography has always held the allure of intimacy. Other genres reach for grandeur and beauty or the brutal impact of graphic truth.


  • 又或者自己田径赛中表现最好照片,以此来增加自信心

    Or, put a picture of yourself from your best race on your desk, for a confidence boost.


  • 假如细节表现充分的近景照片,你需要一个焦距至少达到200毫米变焦镜头

    If you want a tight shot that shows detail, you will want to use a zoom lens that goes to at least 200mm.


  • 如果拍摄风景有一条河流或者小溪,就要考虑特点以及如何照片表现这种特点。

    If a river or stream flows through the landscape you are shooting, think about the character of it and how to convey that character in the image.


  • 或许有些建议而言过于浅显,如果全面掌握这些技巧,拍摄照片肯定更加富有表现力、更加精彩。

    Perhaps some of these recommentations are obvious to you, but if you stick with them, your shots will certainly become more expressive.


  • 或许有些建议而言过于浅显,如果全面掌握这些技巧,拍摄照片肯定更加富有表现力、更加精彩。

    Perhaps some of these recommentations are obvious to you, but if you stick with them, your shots will certainly become more expressive.


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