• 她简单的照片在映射中国文化方面发挥了很大的作用。”意大利杂志《红秀》报道称。

    "Her simple pictures have played a big part in reflecting Chinese culture," an Italian magazine Grazia reported.


  • 比较日期气象报道可以表明段视频或者一张照片是否是一天照的。

    Comparing weather reports with date stamps can reveal whether a video or photograph really was taken on a particular date.


  • 欧洲,对事件报道越来越多,只是案件出现形式一样而且作为证据的照片不是很

    In Europe, the reporting of cases has accelerated more recently, though the emerging patterns are not uniform and the picture is still patchy.


  • 报道雷曼倒闭之后尔德先生公司健身房遭遇雇员袭击,家庭照片张贴到互联网上

    Since Lehman's collapse, Mr Fuld has reportedly been attacked by an employee in the company gym. Photos of his family have been posted on the Internet.


  • 据《每日电讯报报道谷歌地图卫星照片日前曝光了美国3后备舰队基地

    The US government's 3 reserve ship sites can be seen via satellite photos taken by Google Maps, The Telegraph reported.


  • 本星期五微博客用户扼要地听取有关情况调查结果允许他们拍摄残骸照片,韩国的联合通讯社报道

    On Friday, Twitter users will be briefed about the investigation's results and allowed to take photographs of the wreckage, Yonhap reported.


  • 许多人认为幅1985年照片开启了我们现在所说的“媒体全球化”,因为奥米亚·桑切斯痛苦遭遇受到世界各地电视镜头跟踪报道

    Many see this photo from 1985 as the beginning of what we nowadays call "media globalization", because Omayra Sanchez's agony was followed by television cameras from all over the world.


  • 报道中说,这位女子家人还向外界展示两人婚礼蜜月时照片

    They showed visitors photographs of the couple's wedding and honeymoon, the newspaper reported.


  • 当地媒体报道美国联邦调查局计划纽约时代广场电子屏幕上发布通缉犯失踪人员照片姓名

    The US FBI plans to unveil a digital billboard in Times Square, New York, featuring photos and names of fugitives and missing persons, local media said.


  • 怪异中心并非首次专题报道有关内森·萨瓦作品,不久前,我们发布了一些乐高大提琴惊人照片

    This isn't the first time Nathan Sawaya's work has been featured on Oddity Central, we posted some photos of his amazing LEGO cello, a while back.


  • 许可报道新闻公众见到只是“我们相聚在一起”的照片白宫提供的录像片段,他们讨论的内容则秘而不宣

    The permitted news coverage allowed the public to get the we 've-come-together photos and video footage that the White House wanted, while keeping the discussion private among the men.


  • 英国《每日邮报》报道,根据此前不为人所知照片,美国侧尼亚加拉大瀑布曾经41年前断流。当时,瀑布奔流的景象成为过去,只留下光秃秃的峭壁,可以说惨不忍睹

    It's taken 41 years, but a previously unseen set of photos of the mighty Niagara Falls reduced to nothing more than a barren cliff-top have finally surfaced.


  • 之后天里Barnes同事安然躲过风暴潮的袭击,从在他们位于市中心办公室里通过博客发布关于这场灾难的实时报道照片

    For five days, Barnes and his coworkers rode out the storm and its aftermath, providing live reports and photos from their refuge in the downtown offices of Zipa Hosting and DirectNIC.


  • 作家报道有待12月26日收到那些照片作进一步分析”之说,美国宇航局发言人拒绝发表评论

    NASA spokesmen declined to comment on the author's report "pending further analysis of the photographs received on December 26."


  • 探索新闻JenniferViegas报道说,这个摄影集时间跨度超过100包括2021世纪照片标志性图像

    Discovery News' Jennifer Viegas reports that the collection spans over 100 years of photography and features iconic images of nature in the 20th and 21st centuries.


  • 报道Social Circle的用户可以分享照片视频状态更新

    It will reportedly allow users to share photos, videos and status updates.


  • 第二天上午日报登载绿照片,还有段文字报道珠宝店如何幸运地逃过那场抢劫

    The next morning the green beads were pictured in the Daily Newspaper with a paragraph on how lucky they had proved in 6 foiling a raid at the jewellers.


  • 英国《每日邮报9月2日报道,近日摄影师印度南部拍摄到了不可思议照片:一只眼镜蛇一只印度在野外激烈厮杀。

    According to Daily Mail of September 3, a set of unbelievable pictures were taken in southern India: a King cobra and a grey mongoose clashed in classic battle in the wild.


  • 据英国《每日邮报》11月9日报道每个时刻都过同样问题不管尝试相机拍多少自己一些照片看起来不错另一些却糟糕

    Everyone has at some point had the same problem: no matter how much you try to be consistent with your camera face, some pictures look great and others look awful.


  • 随后报道中,太阳报Sakach换了说法,说照片别人

    In a follow-up article, the Sun says that Sakach has changed his story and claims the photo was of someone else.


  • 2009年7月号国家地理专题报道《不再富足更多照片

    See more photographs from the June 2009 National Geographic feature story "the End of Plenty."


  • 法新社报道利比亚领导人卡扎菲出手阔绰,去年美国国务卿赖斯利比亚进行历史性的首次访问,他送给赖斯一枚木盒装的钻戒、一个放自己照片的纪念小盒和附有一张DVD的乐器,总价值212225美元。

    Libya's leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi showered then US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice with gifts during her historic visit to Tripoli last year, AFP has reported.


  • 世界新闻周刊最先发表张图片就马森博士调查发表报道尽管媒体做了报道,但美国宇航局拒绝承认存在照片

    Weekly World News was the first to print the image and report on Dr. Masson's findings, but despite the media coverage, NASA refused to acknowledge the existence of the photo.


  • 根据当地报纸报道技术人员维修台电脑非法拷贝这些照片

    According to local newspapers, the photographs were illegally copied from the computer while it was being serviced by technicians.


  • 一样摄影师主要医疗保健机构工作拍摄术前的病人照片医生治疗病人特写,这些照片主要供新闻报道PR)、广告通讯稿件使用。

    Then others, like me, work for the healthcare institutions doing pre-op patient photos and environmental portraits of doctors taking care of patients, for PR, advertisements and newsletters.


  • 这个设计最有意思主体照片部分,主体照片大小不一引导用户关注网站专题报道

    What keeps this design interesting is the jarring asymmetry in the main photos below the "process" content, helping draw focus to the site's featured story.


  • 这个设计最有意思主体照片部分,主体照片大小不一引导用户关注网站专题报道

    What keeps this design interesting is the jarring asymmetry in the main photos below the "process" content, helping draw focus to the site's featured story.


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