• 本文介绍一个单片微型计算机核心的光照度实时监测系统组成结构具体实施措施。

    The composition, structure and realization of a real time illuminance monitoring system with a single-chip microcomputer. computer as its main component are presented.


  • 经过模拟分析在不同参数条件投影系统空间光照度分布情况直观地验证上述投影系统的成像理论

    The computer simulation of the distribution of the imaging space illumination under different parameters gives a straightforward proof of the imaging principle applied in this projection system.


  • 照明CAD系统光线光照度计算方法进行了理论探讨,其中光照度计算方法中引入了线性同余组合发生器,大大提高模拟的真实性。

    The ray trace and the illuminance calculation method of the CAD system is analyzed. And the linear congruence generator is introduced in the calculation, which improves the emulation reliability.


  • 本文建议了一种天顶亮度转换系数,它室外无遮挡水平面上天空散射光照度相乘,就获得天空类型天顶亮度

    This paper suggests a zenith luminance converting factor. By means of multiplying outdoor horizontal sky illuminance by this factor, the value of zenith luminance of the sky can be obtained.


  • 此外芯片制作工艺也需要入射光线通过硅片电路使得光照度(光源照射在被照物体单位面积上光通量)降低

    On top of that, the way chips are made requires the incoming light to pass through circuitry that has been deposited on to the silicon, reducing the level of illumination.


  • 通过改变样品环境温度、样品本身湿度淋,氙灯光照度模拟自然气候人工日光

    By changing the sample ambient temperature, humidity and the spray sample itself, xenon lamp light to simulate the natural climate and artificial light.


  • 演播室设计摄像机照度要求角度,介绍演播室演照度方面的一些常识

    From the Angle of studio design and lighting requirement of vidicon, some common sense about illumination intensity in studio performing area lighting was introduced.


  • 利用激光辅助照明装置克服了传统微光夜视仪黑天光照度不足条件无法工作等不足。

    It overcomes shortages of the traditional LLL night vision which can't work in the completely dark environment or the condition that the light is not enough.


  • 连接光照度计上探头测量水面水底光照度

    Measure light intensity on the water surface and at the bottom by a light probe connected to light meter.


  • 在高斯随机统计散射模型基础,提出目标表面随机粗糙平板面的空间目标散射太阳光产生地面光照度的散射计算模型。

    Then based on the Gauss random facets statistical scattering physical model, the calculation model for Gauss random surface of spatial objects that is made from planes is derived.


  • 结果表明不同林地栽培模式改变光照度降低噪音、吸粉尘等环境效应上差异显著

    The results showed that there were significant differences in changing sunlight intensity, reducing noise, and accumulating dust in different forest land cultivation mode.


  • 并对所设计的系统在ASAP中进行模拟得出屏幕图像畸变均匀性像面光照度分布等性能指标,得到令人满意结果

    The simulation experiment was implemented with ASAP, and distortion, uniformity and illumination distribution of the image on the screen were gained. The experimental results were satisfied.


  • 光照度数据上午下午两次观测值平均值

    The data of solar radiation in the table were the average of forenoon and afternoon.


  • 为了满足特殊场合显示需要而研制的特种显示设备,建立了显示终端亮度环境光照度之间的数学关系

    In order to meet the needs of special environment of the display, a display terminal brightness and ambient illumination mathematical relationship is established.


  • 喷漆是提供涂装作业专用环境设备满足涂装作业温度湿度光照度空气洁净度等要求

    Spray booth equipment for painting dedicated environment to meet the requirements of the painting - on temperature, humidity, light intensity, air cleanliness;


  • 人脸图像表情、姿态、光照度等内外在因素皆多变,使得研究至今颇具挑战性。

    However, because of the complex facial structure, the diverse facial expression and the changing light intensity, face recognition is still being recognized as a challenging research.


  • 人脸图像表情、姿态、光照度等内外在因素皆多变,使得研究至今颇具挑战性。

    However, because of the complex facial structure, the diverse facial expression and the changing light intensity, face recognition is still being recognized as a challenging research.


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