• 例如研究了气象记录;我气候图表;我使用不同方法分析数据比如某些统计测试然后讨论结果

    For example, I studied meteorological records; I looked at climate charts; I used different methods for analyzing the data, like certain statistical tests; and then I discuss the results.


  • 我们经常语文课上看,然后讨论

    We often speaking in the language class, and then discuss.


  • 我们讨论国家问题然后讨论语言问题

    Let's look at country issues before tackling language problems.


  • 任务分成小模块然后讨论由谁完成每一个模块

    Divide tasks into bite-sized chunks, then discuss who will do each chunk .


  • 然后讨论分析虚拟路由集群技术校园网中的实现方法

    Then discuss and analyze the realization method of virtual route cluster techniques in campus network.


  • 我们大家发现真相意图面对然后讨论才是值得的。

    Let us all try to approach the problem with the intention of finding the truth, then discussing it will be worthwhile.


  • 然后讨论分析虚拟路由集群技术校园网中的实现方法

    Then discussion with analyzed the conjecture road to be realized by gather a group of techniques in the campus net of the method.


  • 我们首先演练相关技术然后讨论支持基于这些技术实现工具运行时

    We'll start with a walkthrough of the technologies, and then discuss the tooling and runtime that enable implementations based on those technologies.


  • 然后讨论捕捉基于规则需求技巧以及这些需求的规范化程度

    The article then discussed techniques for the capture of rule-based requirements and degrees of formalization of these requirements.


  • 系列以前的文章一样,我们仍然提供示例演示问题然后讨论各种解决技术

    As with the previous articles in this series, we provide examples to illustrate the problems and then discuss the various resolution techniques.


  • 主修古典文学,我们要阅读希腊语拉丁语名著然后讨论

    Yeah, yeah. So, basically in Classics, we read sort of great works in Greek and Latin and discuss them.


  • 我们首先讨论语义然后讨论语义互操作性模式反模式最佳实践

    We will walk through semantic spectrum and discuss the patterns, anti-patterns and best practices of semantic interoperability.


  • 系列以前的文章一样我们还是提供示例演示问题然后讨论各种解决技术

    Just as we did in the previous articles in this series, we provide examples to illustrate the problems and then follow on with discussion of various resolution techniques.


  • 最后我们会介绍经理人目标然后讨论使经理人和股东的利益保持一致公司机制

    Finally, we turn to the managersobjectives and discusssome of the mechanisms that help to align the managers’ and stockholders’interests.


  • 我们轮流一下这些元素,然后讨论ObjectGrid设计每个元素效果

    Let's look at each of these in turn and then discuss the effect that you can have on each contribution in your ObjectGrid design.


  • 可以朋友聚在一起,然后讨论商量借钱事情,这样可以避免孤立朋友们。

    You can create a comfortable environment by bringing friends together to discuss the situation instead of isolating each friend.


  • 我们检讨优点缺点顶级补偿计划然后讨论一些策略赚钱网络营销

    We will review the pros and cons of top compensation plans and then discuss some strategies to make money network marketing.


  • 接下来我们介绍用于执行分析工具然后讨论一些常见场景概述涉及问题。

    Next I'll look at the types of tools that can be used to carry out this analysis, then describe some common scenarios and summarise the issues involved.


  • 我们讨论每个设置意义以及如何修改它们然后讨论这个接口之外与调控器相关一些设置。

    We'll talk about what each of the settings mean and how to change some of them; then we will discuss some governor-specific settings beyond this interface.


  • 然后讨论RDPDataStage项目提供优化性能基本配置设置关键参数

    Then it covers the basic configuration Settings and key parameters that provide optimal performance in the RDP DataStage project.


  • 我们总体上讨论了BPEL4WS关于什么的然后讨论伙伴故障补偿以及生命周期

    We considered the overall view of what BPEL4WS is about and then about partners, faults, compensation, and lifecycle.


  • 本文首先介绍编程模型然后讨论如何人工任务建模授权规则应用哪些缺省值,以及如何继承授权。

    The programming model is introduced first, followed by a discussion on how you can model authorization rules for human tasks, what defaults apply, and how authorization is inherited.


  • 因此为了简短起见,本文列出了最喜欢三个增强然后讨论Ganymede中的一些亮点

    So for brevity, here are my three favorite enhancements, followed by a review of some of the highlights in Ganymede.


  • 在《利维坦》结尾部分,再次讨论了下这本书受众问题,然后讨论道“,大学公民权力,道德学说的理论源泉

    The universities" he says there, where he talks again a little bit about the audience for the book, "the universities," he says, " are the fountains of civil and moral doctrine.


  • 该文首先介绍了驾驶员预警系统原理结构然后讨论了驾驶员预警系统人脸图像识别预处理的滤波细化两个环节。

    The principle framework of driver forewarning system is introduced firstly. then two sections of pre-processing namely the filtering and making thinner are discussed.


  • 本文首先介绍RDP DirectLoad方法然后讨论初始数据加载设置高性能MDMServer环境基本步骤

    The article introduces the RDP Direct load approach, and then covers the basic steps on how to set up the MDM Server environment for initial data load with high performance.


  • 文章概括了所有技术讨论接下来文章集中讨论业务首先讨论最初服务然后讨论那些服务的维护扩展

    This article incorporates all the tech talk; the next two articles will focus on the business; first, for the initial services and then for the maintenance and exploitation of those services.


  • 然后讨论新的ApacheWink 1.0框架一个完全兼容容易使用JAX - RS 1.0规范实现

    It focused specifically on the new Apache Wink 1.0 framework, which is a fully compliant, ground-up, easy-to-use implementation of the JAX-RS 1.0 specification.


  • 然后讨论新的ApacheWink 1.0框架一个完全兼容容易使用JAX - RS 1.0规范实现

    It focused specifically on the new Apache Wink 1.0 framework, which is a fully compliant, ground-up, easy-to-use implementation of the JAX-RS 1.0 specification.


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