• 商业食品公司现在食品杂货店内引入了有机品牌但是女儿最爱健康食品专卖店购买然后制作自己的花生酱

    Commercial food firms now offer organic brands in the regular grocery store, but my daughter loves to go to the health food store and grind her own peanut butter.


  • 然后怀上第二个女儿的时候,朋友带到普通店,就是耐用的孕妇装部门,一个一些购物商场里的折扣零售商

    Then when I became pregnant with my second daughter a friend turned me on to Target's plain but serviceable maternity department and Motherhood maternity a discount retailer found in some malls.


  • 丈夫陷入呆板的生活中:头医院第二晚上在家女儿然后又一晚待在医院。

    My husband and I settled into a routine; one night at the hospital, the next night at home to be with our daughter, then right back to the hospital.


  • 有些家长明显地担心自己年纪儿子女儿偶然获得这样小册子翻看几页后然后认为这个以前没有想到的点子真绝了!

    Some parents are apparently concerned that their teen son or daughter might come across the pamphlet, finger through its pages, and think, "Hey, that's a sharp ideanever thought of that!


  • 然后又问:“毛驴觉得女儿怎么样?”

    Then he asked, "Little donkey, how do you like my daughter?"


  • 然后开始歇斯底里的叫喊——女儿也开始哭喊

    Then I started screaming — and my daughter started crying.


  • 一切发生时候,儿子女儿孙女的画面浮现,每一他们照片脑中过,然后回来了。

    When that was happening, there were pictures of my son and my daughter and my granddaughter, and every second, their pictures flashed in my mind, and then I came back.


  • 然后又看到老公推着女儿荡秋千直到睡觉为止,这个过程大概花了一个小时

    Then he pushed her on the tire swing for another hour until she fell asleep.


  • 一位目击者说道:“看见她们冰面小心翼翼,感到极度的不可思议。 看见名女子先是自己踩上冰层了试,然后就让自己的女儿也走了上来

    They both walked very gingerly up to the pond and then I stared in disbelief as she first tested whether the ice would hold her weight before leading the girl onto it.


  • 可是事情这样的,玩具店工作带着5女儿去买气球,然后我指着出租氢气瓶”牌子问出这句话。

    She works in a toy shop, I was with my five year old daughter, and was pointing to the sign, "Rent a Helium Tank!" FML.


  • 然后英语说:“知道Dennis是个好丈夫,他照顾家人,养育女儿,帮照看一切事情。”

    But she added in English: "I think Dennis is good - good for take care of my family, take care of my daughter, take care of everything for me."


  • 这次发生两岁的女儿去超市牛奶时候,收银员称赞粉扑扑的脸蛋然后忍受着习以为常的对话

    This time, it happens when my 2-year-old daughter and I are buying milk at the supermarket. The cashiers fawn over her pink cheeks, and then I endure the usual dialogue.


  • 女儿对方一会儿然后女儿:“是不是过去?”

    My daughters looked at each other for a moment and then my youngest daughter turned to me and asked, "Are we all moving into the apartment together?"


  • 然后怀上第二个女儿的时候,朋友带到普通店,就是耐用的孕妇装部门,一个一些购物商场里的折扣零售商

    Then, when I became pregnant with my second daughter, a friend turned me on to Target's plain, but serviceable maternity department and Motherhood maternity, a discount retailer found in some malls.


  • 亲了亲妻子女儿,说了晚安然后睡觉

    I kiss my wife and daughter goodnight before I go to sleep.


  • 国王声明女儿的清白爵士然后这些蠢事马上在这结束

    Have King Tommen declare my daughter innocent ser and put an end to the foolishness here and now.


  • 一起早餐,然后妻子另外两个女儿也都了。

    We had breakfast together and then the two little girls and my wife woke up.


  • 第一件事就是看了子弹然后大概和了一下,如果服从女儿每一次心血来潮这个子弹将会结束生命

    The first thing he did was show me a bullet, then he basically said that if I don't submit to his daughter's every whim, that bullet will end my life.


  • 是的女儿然后丈夫出生一年后去世了

    Yes, I told you that we had a daughter, and that my husband died just after she was born.


  • 有好几女儿鼻塞得厉害,关上浴室浴缸离放上热水浴室变成一个桑拿”,然后做在浴室里给女儿喂奶。

    The couple of times my daughter has been really congested, I have closed the bathroom door, run hot water into the tub and turned the room into a "steam bath" Then I sit in there and nurse her.


  • 刷牙洗漱(大笑)。然后叫醒女儿

    Clean my teeth and wash (laugh). Then wake up my daughter.


  • 或者救出女儿然后杀了这个

    Or go get my daughter and kill this guy.


  • 由于刚刚度过漫长而劳累一天只简单地孩子们打了声招呼。然后注意到女儿所用布料

    Having had a long day, I was very short with my greeting to them and then I noticed the material my daughter had used.


  • 然后第一个女儿出世时,开始关于饮食的文章并且暴饮暴食增长到了190磅。

    Then, when my first daughter was born and I had started writing about food and doing some serious eating and drinking, I hit 190.


  • 然后学习了女儿那个下午勇敢精神同意史蒂夫会面

    Then I did what I'd seen my brave little girl do that very afternoon. I let go and agreed to meet Steve.


  • 帽子太阳镜,抱着女儿让她靠肩上然后漫步市中心有人认出了就会立即离开

    I disguised myself with a hat, sunglasses and my little daughter on my shoulders, walking around the city centre. When I noticed someone recognise me, I would leave immediately.


  • 帽子太阳镜,抱着女儿让她靠肩上然后漫步市中心有人认出了就会立即离开

    I disguised myself with a hat, sunglasses and my little daughter on my shoulders, walking around the city centre. When I noticed someone recognise me, I would leave immediately.


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