• 磨损决定速射火炮身管寿命关键因素

    Thermal ablation wear is a key factor in deciding the life of a rapid-fire-gun barrel.


  • 发明解决了现有技术耗能爆裂技术问题

    The solar energy storage tank solves the problem of wasting water and energy consumption and breaking caused by heating in the prior art.


  • 针对利用自产浮选精矿为主,进行生产酸性小球改造进行了小球团工艺制粒研究

    Point at the Dong Anshan sinter plant will modifying sintering production to acid MPS hot sinter with self- mined flotation concentrates, the granulating research of MPS process was conducted.


  • 光环》的持续热烧下,玩家组成RoosterTeeth制作公司,利用《光环》的游戏引擎制作一系列恶搞性质的网络短片,名为“”,用戏谑的角度演绎光环世界里的故事。

    With Halo fever gripping the gaming sphere, Rooster Teeth Productions created Web series Red vs. Blue, a comedic spoof on the gaming universe.


  • 平底加入少量油,油后放入碎洋葱块、蒜末孜然辣椒面可可粉黑胡椒粉翻炒至有香味出来,加水至洋葱变软,大概需要5分钟左右的时间。

    Add onion, garlic, cumin, chili powder, cocoa, salt and pepper to pan. Stir to combine.


  • 一个典型电厂每3可以产生1其余全部作为排出去

    A typical coal-fired plant burns three lumps of coal to produce one lump's worth of electricity; the rest goes up the chimney as waste heat.


  • 灼般一生一世。

    How does the fire of lust burn to an entire life?


  • 通过试验论述了分析检测酚醛类高分子材料性能可能性。

    The practicability of detecting the ablative performance of the phenolic composite by thermal analysis is discussed with experiments.


  • 冷却剂渗流是不可压缩一维常的)条件下层的传问题可以单独求解

    This paper points out that the thermal and ablative problems of the shield can be solved solely with the coolant flow only under one-dimensional incompressible or steady condition.


  • 探讨影响硅橡胶防护材料性能因素

    The elements which affected the ablative properties of silicone rubber heat shields were discussed.


  • 防止大气毛坯镦粗过程中产生折叠缺陷,在设计设备时改变原有液压控制电气控制原理

    Original control principle of hydraulic and electric system have been changed in de-sign of equipment to avoid defects such as folding, burning etc produced in upsetting of large air valve preform.


  • 吃完了桔子冰糕,端来一道茭白里脊肉,一道菜是汁珠鸡。

    The hot roast was a fillet with truffles , and the cold roast a galantine of guinea fowl in jelly.


  • 理论分析表明,阈值电压分解温度依赖关系反映了活化能化学反应速度的影响

    The influence of decomposition temperature on the threshold voltage is consistent with the principle of material design of thermochemical hole burning.


  • 复合材料乙炔试验及其系列分析试验结果进行了计算分析

    Many results of oxyancetylene. ablation experiments and systematic thermal analysis of some composites have been calculated and analyzed in this paper.


  • 这些技术涉及垃圾卫生填埋、垃圾梦垃圾衍生燃料技术、垃圾厌氧发酵垃圾的气化等

    The technology in municipal solid waste treatment includes disposal, combustion, refuse derived fuel technology, MSW anaerobic ferment, pyrolysis and gasification.


  • 目前,我国大多数单侧嘴约采用顺流的辐射器。

    Most of top one-way-fired soaking pits in China use parallel flow radiation recuperators now.


  • 载人飞船返回舱防护技术研究试验表明碳化蚀材料是再入飞行器有效防护层。

    Investigations and experiments indicate that charring ablators provide the most efficient thermal protection shield for the re-entry vehicles.


  • 内部流场气-耦合数值模拟基础研究某涡轮导向器叶片蚀故障的原因

    The cause of turbine stator blades was analyzed on the base of numerical simulation by means of air-thermal coupling for heat transfer and temperature distribution.


  • 真空保温冷,煮好的稀饭炖品花茶轻松方便

    Vacuum breaks heat, heat preservation, the anti-condensation, braised burn already cooked porridge, type of stew, jasmine tea easily.


  • 质量上熔融熟料块状料优于葡萄状熟料,还原料所有料中质量最差

    The quality of molten sintering clinker and dead burned dense clinker is better than that of the grape like clinker, but the quality of clinker produced under reduced condition is the worst of all.


  • 研究真空法制得合金-碳化复合涂层疲劳行为

    Therma fatigue behaviors of Ni base alloy-chromium carbide composite coating made by a vacuum fusion sintering method are discussed in this paper.


  • 从而避免了传统电镀锌板直接焊接成型油箱表面、焊缝影响缺陷

    It can also avoid pretermission of plating, burnout of zinc layer on weld beam and heat affected zone, and other limitations on the inner surface of fuel tank made of galvanized sheet.


  • 同时电石有利于改善生料易降低熟料节约能源

    Besides, calcium carbide slag is favorable to improve burn-ability of raw meal, and to reduce heat consumption of clinker for energy saving.


  • 本文介绍了自制简易装置代替专用设备——制做高质量阴极方法

    In this paper, a method of making high-quality direct-heated barium tungsten cathode using a home-made simple device instead of a costly special device hydrogen oven is introduced.


  • 通过结构嘴的试验对比,研究嘴结构、燃气射流速度过量空气系数高温空气燃过程氮氧化物排放影响特性。

    The effects of nozzle structure, fuel gas injection velocity and excess air coefficient on NOx emission in high temperature air combustion were investigated.


  • 开水然后茶壶烫接着茶叶随后冲入开水……

    First (you) boil some water. Then (you) warm the teapot. Then (you) add three teaspoons of tea. Next, (you) pour on boiling water…


  • 根据层的机理推导出内绝层炭优厚度计算公式;根据壳体对防护的要求,给出确定内绝设计厚度方法

    The formulas to compute the charred thickness are derived based on its ablation mechanism and the methods to determine its design thickness arc given based on thermal protection for the chamber case.


  • 款式新颖,不锈钢桶身,豪华美观。式加高效节能防干保护

    New design all stainless steel body with luxury artistic. heating with highly effective and energy conservation burned protection.


  • 可移动建立稳定后传工况,实现了固定汽相温度沿轴向变化测量

    And the hot patch technique has been used to establish post-dryout conditions. The axial variations of the vapor temperature were measured for dispersed-flow under a fixed dryout point.


  • 可移动建立稳定后传工况,实现了固定汽相温度沿轴向变化测量

    And the hot patch technique has been used to establish post-dryout conditions. The axial variations of the vapor temperature were measured for dispersed-flow under a fixed dryout point.


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