• P2P网络便是热点网络应用典型代表。

    P2P network is one typical case of the hot applications.


  • 第一技术广阔未来十分明朗更加快捷的蜂窝网络更多无线热点更多的接入这些网络的设备。

    First, the broad technological future is pretty clear: there will be ever faster cellular networks, far more numerous Wi-Fi "hotspots" and many more gadgets to connect to these networks.


  • 因此网络主动防御系统(NAD)成为市场热点

    Therefore, the Network Defense System (NAD) becoming new marketplace hot spot on self's own initiative.


  • 段视频成为网络热点意料之中。

    Unsurprisingly, the footage has also become Internet gold.


  • 网络匿名问题以及有关人员的权利问题,在全球几起法律纠纷成了热点话题。

    The question of anonymity online - and the rights of those involved - is a hot one after a series of legal battles around the world.


  • 好比iPhone挂上你的笔记本再利用3G高速作为周边热点因特网连接方式--或者用于更糟糕的时候:网络宕机。

    Say you want to use your iPhone to tether to your laptop and utilize that 3G speed as an internet connection when there isn’t a hotspot aroundor, worse, it is down.


  • 互联网之外,病毒式营销用来指“口碑(word-of-mouth),”“制造热点(creatingabuzz),”“整合媒体leveraging the media),”“网络营销(network marketing)。”

    Off the Internet, viral marketing has been referred to as "word-of-mouth, " "creating a buzz, " "leveraging the media, " "network marketing."


  • 人们喜欢网络热点新闻然后分享彼此意见但是一些使用网络攻击别人,以此来达到出名目的

    People like to read the hot news on the Internet, and then share their opinion, but some people use the network to assault other people for the purpose of getting famous.


  • 无线传感器网络已逐渐成为工业界学术界一个研究热点军事民用领域有着非常广阔的应用前景

    Research of the wireless sensor network gradually gets the focus from the industrial and academe. It has a great application future in the military and civil area.


  • 近年来,模糊神经网络因为机械航天控制领域独特优势成为该领域一个新的研究热点

    In the recent years, fuzzy neural network has become a new research hotspot of machine and aviation control field because of its special advantages.


  • 在热衷于开发twitter这座信息富矿的同时,对网络信息真实性的关注另一个热点

    With so much interest in mining Twitter posts, the trustworthiness of online information was another hot issue.


  • 网络集中安全审计系统研究应用已经成为国内外研究的热点

    The research and application of network concentration security audit system is becoming the focus of world.


  • 超链接知识产权问题日益成为网络环境下知识产权的热点问题之一

    Hyperlink problem of intellectual property is increasingly becoming the network environment, one of hot issues of intellectual property rights.


  • 电子商务便成为攻击热点针对网络银行攻击更加明显木马病毒紧盯在线交易环节虚拟价值盗窃转向直接金融犯罪

    E-commerce became an attack against the network bank hot spots, the attack also more apparent, Trojan virus staring online trading links from virtual value theft to direct financial crime.


  • 虚拟热点数据访问可以通过不同APN(网络的数据路由访问)进行路由,并且可以通过iphone的数据计划控制设备的网络访问速度

    Data access over the virtual hotspot may be routed through a different APN (the data routing access point for the network) and charged under different rates to the main iPhone data plan.


  • 网络劫持:不要忘了这些设备通过WIFI热点连网,也就是说,这些设备都是通过公共WIFI热点重要数据连接网络

    Network Hijinks: Remember that these devices all include WiFi radios, which means their access to all your critical data will connect to the network via the cyber cesspool of public WiFi.


  • 移动网络通常都会使用IPv4NAT每个设备分配一个私有”类型网络比如人们热点通常会找到10.x.x.x网络或是192.168.x.x网络

    Mobile networks typically use an IPv4 NAT to allocate devices one of the "private" classes of network, such as the 10.x.x.x network or the 192.168.x.x network commonly found at hotspots.


  • 随着短距离微波通讯系统的普及,汽车可以成为市政,热点家庭无线网络网点

    With the DSRC system in place, cars can become nodes on Muni-Wi-Fi networks, Wi-Fi hotspots, and home Wi-Fi networks.


  • 管制的网络允许Comcast脱口秀上传递热点新闻,NBC新闻任何竞争对手或者暴发户(比如重点谈话备忘录)更加迅速

    An unregulated web would allow Comcast to deliver streaming video from, say, NBC News faster than from any of its rivals or tenacious upstarts such as Talking Points Memo.


  • Surchur网站不是只有空白输入搜索引擎提供了一个控制面板风格主页,用来显示最佳的网络热点

    The Surchur web site isn't only a search engine with an empty box awaiting your queries. It also serves as a dashboard-style homepage where the latest web trends are tracked on an ongoing basis.


  • 这些数据为Taptu热点版块提供支持,这里可以找到突发新闻网络其他热门话题

    It's this data which powers Taptu's "buzz" section where you can find breaking news and other currently "hot topics" being discussed on the web.


  • 优势,无论你身处何方都能随时接入网络-像射程较短Wi - Fi技术,移动网络不受限于少数接入热点

    The advantage of this is that it works anywhere-unlike short-range Wi-Fi technology, it is not limited to a few hotspots.


  • Android设置激活这个功能就可以创建一个网络热点

    Creating a hotspot will be as easy as turning on this feature in the Android Settings.


  • Surchur网站不是只有空白输入搜索引擎提供了一个控制面板风格主页,用来显示最佳的网络热点

    The Surchur website isn't only a search engine with an empty box awaiting your queries. It also serves as a dashboard-style homepage where the latest web trends are tracked on an ongoing basis.


  • 最近网络上有一则热点新闻震惊人们来自巴西青少年非常迷恋韩国明星所以多次进行整容手术自己看起来一名韩国人。

    A hot news shocks people lately, a teenager boy from Brazil is very infatuated with the Korean superstar, so he made the plastic surgery many times, making himself look like a Korean.


  • 亚信安全新闻班车,直达当前网络安全大事、要事、热点之地

    AsiaInfo security news service, direct current network security events, events, hot place.


  • WiFi只能在一些热点地区(如果无线网络在家星巴克等等)才能连接。

    WiFi only gives you access if you're near a hotspot (at home if you have wireless, Starbucks, etc.)


  • WiFi只能在一些热点地区(如果无线网络在家星巴克等等)才能连接。

    WiFi only gives you access if you're near a hotspot (at home if you have wireless, Starbucks, etc.)


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