• 应力裂纹启动没有利用机械

    The thermal stress cracking is initiated without the use of mechanical force.


  • 优选地利用燃烧器,通过增加供给玻璃能量启动应力裂纹

    Preferably, the burner is used to initiate the thermal stress crack, by increasing the power supplied to the glass.


  • 高温损伤由于引起,过使金相组织内部产生蠕变空洞,在应力空洞扩展连接形成蠕变裂纹

    Creep damage is mainly caused by superheat. Because of superheat, creep cavities are formed inside microstructure, under heat stress condition, growth and join of cavities induce creep cracking.


  • 结果表明过渡马氏体组织生成,异种接头应力是产生焊接裂纹主要原因

    The results show that martensite at transition area and the thermal stress in the joint of different material will cause crack in clad steel plate during welding.


  • 结果表明裂纹相变应力应力以及材质冶金质量不高共同作用产生

    The results show that the cracking of the pump body resulted from the interaction of phase transformation and heat stress, as well as the poor quality of metallurgy.


  • 研究表明内衬陶瓷层中主要分布着应力场所造成径向裂纹应力场所引起网状裂纹

    It is found that in lined ceramic the radial cracks is caused by compressive stress field and net cracks caused by heat stress field.


  • 计算结果表明冷却壁在高炉炉况基体温度以及由此产生的应力不足以使其很快产生裂纹

    The results indicate that neither temperature nor heat stress of copper stave under a BF operating condition are the stress formed sufficient to cause crack quickly.


  • 采用ANSYS有限元分析软件,分析了铸轧过程温度应力,由此解释侧封板产生裂纹原因

    Using the ANSYS finite element analysis software, thermal analysis and thermal stress analysis of side dam in the strip casting process are carried out to explain the cause of side dam cracking.


  • 本论文进行模拟实验有限元方法,获得蒸汽管道接管座管壁温度场应力分布规律,阐明疲劳裂纹产生的原因

    To study the reason of appearance of the thermal diffuse crack, Temperature and thermal stress analysis of the steam pipe and correlative branch pipe was performed with finite element analysis method.


  • 数值模拟方法研究了金属裂纹尖端温度应力场的分布情况

    The temperature field and thermal stress field on the crack tip in a metal was studied by numerical simulation method.


  • 指出裂纹产生外因钢水压力应力组织收缩应力其它外力的作用。

    It is pointed out that the external causes of cracks originating are effected by static pressure, thermal stress and structural shrinking stress and etc.


  • 上述应力组织应力共同作用下,导致裂纹产生,使铸铁模具报废

    The integrated effects of thermal stress and structural stress result in the formation of the cracks and the rejection of the mould.


  • 因此热应力能引起裂纹产生角度看,冷却性能优于铸铁冷却

    Therefor, the property of the copper staves is better than that of the staves of cast iron.


  • 同时,存在由于应力产生裂纹稀土元素偏聚烧损后产生的孔洞

    The thermal stress and the burning loss of rare earth elements segregate at grain boundaries resulting in the presence of micro-cracks and micro-holes.


  • 采用复变函数方法求解脉冲放电瞬间裂纹尖端温度应力

    The complex function method is used to solve the temperature field and thermal stress field around the crack tip at the moment when the pulse current is switched on.


  • 讨论电磁裂纹止裂脉冲放电瞬间电流温度应力耦合关系

    The coupling of current, temperature and stress has been proposed in crack arresting by the electromagnetic heat effect at the moment when a pulse current is switched on.


  • 计算结果表明排气歧管裂纹产生就是应力最大处,根据计算结果提出了改进建议,经试验验证改进措施有效的。

    The results show that the crack in exhaust manifold is the place where the thermal stress is more great. The suggestions were


  • 针对研究新型应力精密下料系统时,需要获得应力预制V型尖端理想裂纹方法有效性问题。

    To investigate a new type of low stress precision cropping system, it is necessary to obtain the feasibility that the heat stress was used to prefabricate the ideal crack of V-shaped notch tip.


  • 含有35 %WC硬质合金在应力作用疲劳裂纹形成过程进行了反复观察

    Thermal fatigue crack forming process of steel bonded carbide containing 35% WC by the action of thermal stress has been observed time and time again.


  • 针对硬质合金焊冷却过程产生很大应力而导致钎焊裂纹一问题,采用有限元分析方法对硬质合金圆环基体钎焊冷却过程中的残余应力的分布情况进行模拟。

    Aiming at brazing crack induced by thermal stress during the process of brazing, finite element method was used to analyze the residual stress of joints between the cemented carbide cirque and steel.


  • 同时研究了金属模具局部裂纹实施跨越止时的温度场应力

    The temperature and thermal stress are found using electromagnetic heating applied to cracks, both localized and half-embedding, with partial crossovers in metal dies.


  • 观察了应力作用gjw35硬质合金表面疲劳裂纹扩展过程

    The process of thermal fatigue crack propagation on the surface of steel bonded carbide GJW35 under the action of thermal stress has been observed.


  • 采用多层过渡复合涂层可有效地缓和涂层内热应力,阻碍涂层内裂纹形成扩展,从而大幅度提高涂层震性。

    The process of destruction included three steps, they were the crack's forming, expanding and spalling. The multi layer compound coatings remarkably raised the thermal shock resist…


  • 同时玻璃表面存在大量裂纹应力达到临界值时,在热应力的作用下产生脆性断裂。

    Since the surface of glass have many micro-crack, when the thermal stress reach the critical value, thermal breakage occur.


  • 制品受到冲击后内部出现应力热应力过大时制品中会产生裂纹

    If product suffers heat concussion, it will appear heat stress. If heat stress is enough stronger, the product will produce crack.


  • 处理过程由于应力组织应力作用,导致划伤部位产生大量显微裂纹

    A number of microcracks are produced around the scratched place because of the thermal stress and structural stress in the process of heat treatment.


  • 文摘观察应力作用gjw35硬质合金表面疲劳裂纹扩展过程

    Abstract: the process of thermal fatigue crack propagation on the surface of steel bonded carbide GJW35 under the action of thermal stress has been observed.


  • 涂层喷涂过程中所生成气孔以及氧化过程由于应力而产生的裂纹造成涂层失效直接原因

    The pores generated during spraying and the cracks generated during the course of thermal oxidization because of thermal stress are the direct reasons why coatings fail.


  • 给出了激光应力裂纹应力照射激光变化关系研究结果。

    The relationships of the thermal stress and crack spreading stress with the incident laser intensity were obtained by this investigation.


  • 给出了激光应力裂纹应力照射激光变化关系研究结果。

    The relationships of the thermal stress and crack spreading stress with the incident laser intensity were obtained by this investigation.


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