• 加州州立大学多明戈斯分校的热带生物学家特里·麦格林说:“由于机构教学负担重,没有博士后和研究生。”

    "With my institution and teaching load, I don't have postdocs and grad students," says Terry McGlynn, a tropical biologist at California State University, Dominguez Hills.


  • 海南中国最大热带生物基因宝库

    Hainan is the largest tropical gene bank of China.


  • 它们能够利用它们周围线索。詹姆斯·库克大学海洋热带生物学院西蒙·罗布森

    They certainly use cues from the world around them, says Dr Simon Robson from the School of Marine and Tropical Biology at James Cook University.


  • 生物地理分析表明:三叠纪秦岭北侧属于温带生物系,秦岭南部属于热带-热带生物区系。

    According to the paleobiogeographic analysis, the southern region of Qinling belonged to tropical - subtropical zone, while the northern region of Qinling to temperate zone in Triassic.


  • 他们热带生物》杂志中报告15种蝙蝠有10种用棕榈其它坚固植物材料建造帐篷这样的帐篷一般维持年多

    As they report in Biotropica, ten of these 15 build their tents from palm leaves and other sturdy plant materials. Such tents often survive for more than a year.


  • 他们热带生物期刊》(Biotropica)报道时,15个种群中有10个种群用棕榈树叶其它结实植物材料建造它们帐篷

    As they report in Biotropica, ten of these 15 build their tents from palm leaves and other sturdy plant materials.


  • 因为一个岛屿纬度位置影响了生物组合,所以较冷纬度上的岛屿支持一些太平洋岛屿典型热带物种

    Because the latitudinal position of an island also affected its biotic mix, islands in cooler latitudes did not support some tropical species typical of the Pacific islands.


  • 太平洋岛屿令人赞叹的繁杂生物种类热带植物联系而出名。

    Pacific islands were notable for their impressive biotic mix and association with tropical plants.


  • 一些专家认为热带地区陆地海域物种形成的机率更高,这样使热带地区成为了生物多样性摇篮

    Some researchers have argued that speciation rates, both terrestrial and marine, could be much higher in the tropics, making them a "cradle" of biodiversity.


  • 美国西部干燥山脉包含距今4.4亿至5.1亿年前奥陶纪岩石,其中充斥热带海洋生物生存迹象

    The dry mountain ranges of the western United States contain rocks dating back 440 to 510 million years, to the Ordovician period, and teeming with evidence of tropical marine life.


  • 解释了为什么热带地区生物总是聚集一起,密度很大但是一理论不能站住脚

    This could explain why large numbers of species are packed together in the tropics, but it doesn't seem to hold consistently.


  • 艾治惊奇发现,燕鸥经常北大西洋可以停留一个。 他推测燕鸥可能段时间捕捉一些鱼类小型甲壳海洋生物,能量得到充足补充后再动身穿越热带地区。

    Egevang was surprised to find that the birds often stop for a month in the open North Atlantic Ocean, probably to "fuel up" on fish and small crustaceans before setting off to cross the tropics.


  • 他们所推崇一种假说认为热带地区温度更高意味着化学反应发生速度更快,因此生物代谢速率更快。

    The one they favoured is that the higher temperature of the tropics means that chemical reactions happen faster and metabolic rates are therefore higher.


  • 这个热带西太平洋岛国地球丰富珊瑚生物摇篮

    The island nations of the tropical western Pacific cradle the richest coral life on the planet.


  • 由于该岛从未进行过任何开发,岛上大面积原始热带雨林长满红树林沼泽原始海滩其他地方见不到各种生物

    Since the island was never developed, it boasts vast tracts of virgin tropical rainforest, mangrove swamps, pristine beaches and species found nowhere else in the world.


  • 热带山地特有生物可能脆弱的。

    Animals endemic to mountains in the tropics may be among the most vulnerable.


  • 张未标明日期照片上昆士兰热带博物馆研究人员尼尔·布鲁斯正在澳大利亚蜥蜴附近海上借助灯箱观察海洋生物样本

    Researcher Niel Bruce of the Museum of Tropical Queensland studies Marine specimens in a lighted aquarium off Australia's Lizard Island (see map) in an undated picture.


  • 首先巴西其它热带国家引进一些生物种,Brachiaria草来自非洲;

    Brazil imported some of its raw material from other tropical countries in the first place.


  • 浮游生物地球至关重要补充道:“浮游生物吸收二氧化碳热带雨林吸收的一样

    That plankton soup is of crucial importance to the planet, he added. "As much carbon dioxide is absorbed by plankton as is absorbed by tropical rainforests.


  • 什么热带地区生物物种这么繁多呢?

    What is it about the tropics that so fosters biodiversity?


  • 我们看到狮子北极熊,我们会惊叹这些生物怎么能这么好的适应热带草原和极地冰盖

    When we see lions and polar bears, we marvel at how well these animals have adapted themselves to the savannah and the polar ice caps.


  • 上述趋势反映了全球热带食物木材生物燃料需求良性一面就是产业链施压,迫使其采用西方标准

    That is the upside of growing global demand for tropical food, timber and biofuels: pressure for Western standards to be adopted up the supply chain.


  • 地球热带地区物种繁多,这里生物种类远比地球较寒冷地方多得多。

    The earth’s tropics teem with species. They’re far more biologically diverse than the cooler parts of the planet.


  • 热带医学生物能源、植物生物学方面研究成为了世界顶尖水平。

    It is a world leader in research on tropical medicine, bioenergy and plant biology.


  • 沼泽甚至可以热带雨林制造出更多生物因为潮汐可以允许两种不同生物繁殖

    Marshes produce more biomass even than tropical rainforests because flow of the tides allows two different types of bacteria to flourish.


  • 然而国际干旱热带作物研究所(ICRISAT)利用生物技术,成功地帮助印度农民克服这一问题

    But using biotechnology, the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) has been able to help Indian farmers cope with the problem.


  • 同样重要是,由于有益生物似乎聚集木炭碎料孔洞中,“生物碳”还可以改善各种热带土壤肥力

    As importantly, biochar improves fertility in a wide variety of tropical soils. Beneficial micro-organisms seem to crowd into the pores of the small pieces of crushed charcoal.


  • 湿热热带丛林里丰富多彩的野生生物构成整个地球动植物种类一半还要

    The colourful wildlife found in tropical humid forests makes up more than half of the animal and plant species on Earth.


  • 让人担忧景象使得热带生物学家不知道应该一场仗生存地破坏还是全球变暖

    It's an alarming scenario, and it has tropical biologists wondering which battle to fight first: habitat destruction or global warming.


  • 北冰洋极地热带海域珊瑚礁气候变化已经证明全球范围内生物都产生了影响

    Climate change has already had documented effects on species living across the globe, from polar bears in the Arctic to coral reefs in the tropical seas.


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