• 热带对流机械有效性

    On the Mechanical Efficiency of Deep, Tropical Convection.


  • 期,整个热带对流顶显著变

    The whole tropical tropopause has been warmed up from cold period to warm period.


  • 同时本文还通过指数研究QBO热带对流地区影响

    We also use this new index to study the influence of QBO on areas in the tropical troposphere.


  • 这种海温异常分布型可通过夏季热带对流活动中高纬大气环流华北夏季降水异常产生联系

    This pattern of SSTA distribution is related to summer rainfall anomaly of North China by means of the tropical convection activity and general circulation in the middle and high latitude. iv.


  • 利用GMS - 5卫星水汽通道资料分析了1995年夏秋季热带热带对流中上层水汽分布及其变化

    With GMS-5 water vapour data during summer and autumn in 1995, moisture distribution and change in the upper-middle troposphere of tropical and subtropical belts are analyzed.


  • TC4工程研究出关于的各种资料这种云层大气上层通过受热量驱使对流暴风雨变化过程中形成的,而暴风雨也是与热带海洋上空的状况密切相关。

    The TC4 project will generate new data on the icy cirrus clouds that are formed in the upper atmosphere by heat-driven, or convective, storm systems that coalesce over warm waters in the tropics.


  • 如果身处热带大气层的分界线——对流头顶18公里高;如果高纬度地区(山上)则少公里。

    The boundary between the two, the tropopause, is about 18km above your head, if you are in the tropics, and a few kilometres lower if you are at higher latitudes (or up a mountain).


  • 过去十年里这种暴风雨影响似乎非常明显,热带上空的对流寒冷的部分温度又下降了1度。

    Over the past decade this stormy effect seems to have been pronounced, with the coldest parts of the tropical troposphere getting about a degree colder.


  • 分析热带风暴黄蜂登陆过程中逐小时高分辨红外云图螺旋及其对流云团的变化规律。

    We analyse spiral bands and their strong convective clouds of tropical storm Vongfong during landfall by using hourly GMS infrared images.


  • 模式引入代表热带低频偶极型对流异常强迫

    Anomalous forcing is introduced into the model, representing the tropical low-frequency dipole convective pattern.


  • 位于南海东北部热带低气压吕宋以西强烈对流活动互相影响,未来一两天逐渐增强

    The tropical cyclone over the northeastern part of the South China Sea will interact with the intense convection to the west of Luzon and intensify gradually in the next couple of days.


  • 文中设计了热带辐合带综合指数,较客观反映了亚洲季风区对流活动气候变化特征

    An intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) synthesis index is designed, which can demonstrate quite clearly and objectively the seasonal features of deep convection in ITCZ regions.


  • 发现本次过程蒙古东部热带高压共同作用发生的,局地大暴雨的直接原因中尺度对流云团所造成的。

    Study shows that the process is caused by cold vortex in the east of Mongolia and subtropical high, and mesoscale convective cloud cluster is the direct reason of the local severe heavy rainfall.


  • 东南沿海形成主要热带高压坝内对流层中低层的暖干空气由南海两广地区沿西太平洋副热带高压西侧向东北平移的结果;

    The formation of the warm dry lid over the southeast coastal region of china is mainly due to the advection of warm and dry air along the western side of subtropical anticyclone.


  • 结果表明无论是还是对流,南海夏季风槽强于热带夏季风槽。

    The results show that the SCSSMT is stronger whether in convergence or convection than the STSMT.


  • 本文对大气低频振荡的可能机制进行了评述,指出热带地区着重考虑积云对流加热海气相互作用,各种机制联系应加强研究

    It is pointed out that in tropical belt cumulus heating and sea-air interaction should be mostly taken into account, and the relations among the mechanisms should be studied more.


  • 模型预测作为CO2诱发全球气温升高一个显著的标志-热带中间对流气温升高没有出现

    The tropical mid-tropospheric warming predicted by the models as a prominent signature of CO2-induced global warming has not occurred.


  • 结果表明模式成功模拟对流低层季风系统包括经典的热季风以及副热带季风温寒带季风。

    The result indicates that the model successfully simulates the monsoon system in the lower troposphere including the classic tropical monsoon, the subtropical monsoon and the temperate-frigid monsoon.


  • 平流层环流转型对流重要系统(西太平洋热带高压)存在一定关系

    The relation between the transition dates in middle stratosphere and the important systems in troposphere such as polar vortex and the subtropical high in West Pacific.


  • 结果表明采用定义下对流穿越对流层顶质量臭氧通量都表现出热带纬度为TST通量, 到了热带转换为STT通量。

    The results show that when the two kinds of tropopause are used, the mass and ozone fluxes cross tropopause in tropical latitudes are TST flux areas, and convers to the STT flux in the sub\|tropics.


  • 北亚热带南部大部分地区无论是对流低层空气温度SST上升趋势相比,东亚夏季风阶段

    Over the most regions south of the northern subtropics, both air temperature in the lower troposphere and SST tended to rise compared with the strong stage of EASM.


  • 北亚热带南部大部分地区无论是对流低层空气温度SST上升趋势相比,东亚夏季风阶段

    Over the most regions south of the northern subtropics, both air temperature in the lower troposphere and SST tended to rise compared with the strong stage of EASM.


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