• 目的实验探讨电源圆柱形容积导体中的电场分布

    Objective to investigate the electrical field distribution in the cylinder volume conductor with point source by means of experiment.


  • 现在大多数高速巴士公司都提供免费无线网络以及外接电源尽管网络速度比较慢还时断时续的,但是人们似乎完全能够接受。”Schwieterman先生

    Most express bus lines offer free Wi-Fi and power outlets, and although Internet service can be slow or spotty, Mr. Schwieterman said, “People seem to roll with the punches on that.”


  • 之所以能发现是因为再次接上电源后,我发现自己置身间明亮宽敞的厨房

    I only know this because, on being reconnected to the mains, I found myself in a shiny, spacious kitchen.


  • 现在知道爱迪生骄傲还是死不瞑目但是肯定我们祈祷会碰到这个门外的电灯泡电源开关

    Now I'm not sure if Edison would be proud or rolling in his grave, but one thing's for sure: let's hope no one hits the power switch on the way out of the door on this bulb.


  • 电源,它们需要技巧不过容易

    These do require a bit more technique than the MagSafe, but it's easy.


  • 并且一个简单又关键的一是,每个房间都要足够电源

    Anda simple but crucial point—each room has ample electrical outlets.


  • 平时一般电源线电源适配器但是有时候需要腾出空间。

    Most of the time I keep the longer cord attached to my power adapter, but sometimes I like (or need) to have it set up in the more compact form.


  • 由于通信系统电源一个主要要求工作稳定可靠设计通过大量实验验证了这一

    Because in communication system stability and reliability of the power supply is a main requirement, this design insures them through much experimentation.


  • 饱和磁感应强度提高变压器工作缩小电源体积

    High saturation flux density can improve the work point of transformers and reduce the volume of power supply.


  • 运算曲线首先算出每个电源短路计算电抗

    The calculating reactance between power source node and fault node must be computed first before checking operational curve.


  • 智能保护使用12- 24v汽车船舶电源时,设有过保护电压有效保护过放电损坏汽车电池

    Intelligent protection of the use of 12-24v car or ship power, the lamp has a protective voltage point, can effectively protect the damaged car battery due to over discharge.


  • 更应用电路电源供应器软性印刷电路板路上。

    Used in the electric circuit of heater, power supplier and soft PCB.


  • 了看,答复说,“烤箱电源翻开的话快一。”

    "He looked up at the oven and replied," It might help if you turn the oven on.


  • 增大程度补偿装置接入电源远近,补偿回路参数有关

    The degree of this increase is related to the distance between the compensation sets and sources and is also related to the parameters of the compensation sets.


  • 通讯负载电源模块自动测试系统在PXI系统基础开发而成。

    Based on PXI system, the automatic test system used for communication POL power module is worked out.


  • 解决了电源电源网络规划、线路交叉及线路导线截面选择问题

    Accordingly, such problems as single power source and multi-power resources network planning, path connection nodes and path wire section are resolved.


  • 想你发现就像的那样,电源管理复杂

    I think you'll find, as I did, that power management is pretty complicated.


  • 正是这个关键,(飞行)计算机系统备用电源努力去保持受损飞机平稳

    At this point a key computer system had switched to alternative power and controls needed to keep the plane stable had been damaged.


  • 并联有源滤波器根据谐波检测不同两种控制方法。即负载电流检测控制方法电源电流检测控制方法。

    Based on the differences of harmonic testing point, there are two control ways for shunt active filters, that is, the way of load current sensing and the way of power supply current sensing.


  • 家中使用应用产品专用电源适配器导入工作电压,若车内使用应用产品专用的连接线导入工作电压。

    If use at home application products dedicated power adapter import working voltage, if using in the car application products dedicated point device connecting import working voltage.


  • 谐振接地系统中,系统高压对称故障负荷不对称会引起系统电源电势的不对称,从而改变中性位移电压

    In resonant ground systems, both asymmetric fault of high-voltage side and asymmetry of load cause the asymmetry of system electrical source voltage. Then they change neutral displacement voltage.


  • 大规模并行计算机电源系统通常都采用分布式供电架构,系统稳定性设计其中和关键

    The distributed power architecture is generally used in the power system of massively parallel computers. The most important factor is system stability in the bus architecture design.


  • 论述大功率空气电池升压电源研制过程中电路设计工艺一些关键技术,描绘了该升压电源应用前景

    The paper describes some key technology of design circuit and craftwork on developing High-power set up power of aluminum air battery, presents the application of the Step-up power.


  • 方法以构造负荷供电“最小路馈线段行向量方法,方便地求得带子馈线备用电源复杂配电网络的可靠性指标

    With the new method, a minimal path feeder vector can be constructed to produce reliability indexes of a complex distribution system with sub feeders and alternative suppliers.


  • 接通电源动启动压缩机检查蒸发器冷凝器风扇旋转方向是否箭头方向一致。

    Switch on the power supply, power on the compressor, and examine whether the rotation direction of the fans of the evaporator and condenser agrees on that of the arrowhead.


  • 电源连接,预警1,报警2报警3故障

    Mains connection, pre-alarm1, pre-alarm 2, alarm 3, Fault.


  • 那个菜单里可以手动一个样品基线改变增益等离子电源

    From that menu you may manually inject a sample, zero the baseline, and change gain and plasma power.


  • 那个菜单里可以手动一个样品基线改变增益等离子电源

    From that menu you may manually inject a sample, zero the baseline, and change gain and plasma power.


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