• 照片可是几乎同时同一的哦!

    All the 5 above pictures are taken at the same place nearly the same time!


  • 匈牙利维斯·普雷姆图片整合了今年112月期间当地时间上午1036太阳照片

    This picture, made in Veszprem, Hungary, combines 36 photos of the sun taken at 10 a.m. local time between January and December.


  • 齐塔人之声2011.6.5分析段视频架昂贵的照摄的,这摄者非常以为傲。

    ZetaTalkAnalysis6/5/2011: This video was taken with an expensive camera a point the poster touts with pride as he announces his discovery.


  • 匈牙利维斯·普雷姆图片整合了今年1月至12月期间当地时间上午1036太阳照片

    This picture, made in Veszprem, Hungary, combines 36 photos of the sun taken at 10 a. m. local time between January and December.


  • 每天同一时间、同一太阳照片,每周一至两次产生30至50画面,制作而成8字曲线照片。

    Analemma photographs are made by taking a picture of the sun from the same place at the same time of day once or twice a week, generating 30 to 50 frames.


  • 这些照片上周六上午905分的,抢劫发生小时

    The pictures are timed at 9:05 am last Saturday, just half an hour before the robbery occurred.


  • 虽然暗闪光技术能够准确捕捉到各种肤色,但红T恤看起来好像平常有时候雀斑什么的不出来。

    Although the technique accurately captures skin tones of all kinds, a redshirt might appear a little pinker than usual, or a freckle might disappear.


  • 信中说是美国广播公司的制片人坚持偷猎者并未直其名,当时是安德鲁•特卡奇负责赞比亚工作。

    In the letter he said that it was the ABC producer-he does not name him but Andrew Tkach was in charge of the filming in zambia-who insisted on filming poachers.


  • 实体店里,可能机会触摸到数码相机之类的产品,但是彭奈尔说:“没有太大的帮助因为几张照片试用一下还是相当困难的。”

    At a store, you may be able to touch, say, a digital camera, but "it wont be as helpful because its fairly difficult to try it out and take some photos with it" there, Perner said.


  • 实体店里,可能机会触摸到数码相机之类的产品,但是彭奈尔说:“并没有太大的帮助。因为几张照片试用一下还是相当困难的。”

    At a store, you may be able to touch, say, a digital camera, but "it won't be as helpful because it's fairly difficult to try it out and take some photos with it" there, Perner said.


  • 使用巧妙推理菲舍尔成功创作出展示哪些图片游客们所哪些图片为当地人地图

    Using a bit of ingenious reasoning, Fischer has managed to create maps showing which pictures were taken by tourists, and which were taken by locals.


  • 但是一般来说,要靠紧凑些背景更干净

    But in general, get in close, shoot tight, and keep your backgrounds clean.


  • 但是那场半决赛没有盘,但出现了也许今年最佳击球德约科维奇在对角线位置用正『我记得是反擦网……』挽救一个

    But that semi didn't go five and feature perhaps the shot of the year: Djokovic slapping a cross-court forehand return to save a match point.


  • 血腥、恐怖电影

    Looking to make a bloody horror film?


  • 做了一些客户Nike看,然后我们认为窗户需要一样白色阴影所以我们等待的时候,他们重新漆了窗户。

    I did some test pictures to show my client and Nike and we agreed the windows needed to be a different shade of white, so they were re-painted while we waited.


  • 虽然暗闪光技术能够准确捕捉到各种肤色,但是在暗闪光下,t看起来好像平常,有时候雀斑什么的会不出来。

    Although the technique accurately captures skin tones of all kinds, a red shirt might appear a little pinker than usual, or a freckle might disappear.


  • 第一眼看过去,你会以为很赞的双胞胎照片仔细,你会发现照片中的秘密

    At first glance, it's an elegant set of portraits of twins - but look more closely and the secret is revealed.


  • 专业的。怎么角度这么普通,一也不鼓舞人心?记得你上个月野外设计吗?那个好多了!

    Terry: Mark! You're the professional. Why are the angles so common and uninspiring? Do you remember the field shoot you did last month? It was so much better!


  • 略微高于他的,他的高于他的手腕并且向上指向2的位置。

    His hands are slightly higher than his waist, with the racquet head above his wrists and pointed back and up at 2 o 'clock.


  • 爷们过去然后了一下晕了过去。

    He told me I should be a man and suck it, swiftly smacking my head, causing me to pass out.


  • 信中说是美国广播公司制片人坚持偷猎者的。并未直其名,当时是安德鲁•特卡奇负责赞比亚工作。

    In the letter, he said that it was the ABC producer-he does not name him, but Andrew Tkach was in charge of the filming in zambia-who insisted on filming poachers.


  • 如上所提到职业球手正手,网球旋转进入球的路径内的时间延迟就刚刚打击阶段之前

    As mentioned above, in the professional forehand, the rotation of the racquet head into the path of the ball is delayed until just before the strike stage.


  • 知道他们到底不能成为浪漫挡,但是我确定认为那些深入基础《凤凰社》的结尾部分表现得倒好处。

    I don't know that they are so much destined to be romantic partners, but I surely think that the foundation for that to develop at some point is in place by the end of OoP.


  • 觉得蛮有灵感的,艺术气息的事,大概相机出去看看有什么可以的吧。

    I feel inspired today to do something artistic. I think that I will take my camera out and see what I can find to photograph.


  • 本来应该背景中把亭子再多进去。

    You should've taken more of the pavilion into the background.


  • 本来应该背景中把亭子再多进去。

    You should've taken more of the pavilion into the background.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定