• 看起来荒唐极了,一点品也没有

    It looks simply ridiculous and like it lacks good taste!


  • 任何人都明白这一,如果他们抚摸,端啤酒坐在送过收到过或是选择晴朗日子里去公园散步

    Anyone who has patted a dog, stroked a cat, sat under a tree with a pint of beer, given or received a bunch of flowers, or chosen to walk through the park on a nice day, understands that.


  • 任何抚摸,抱过一啤酒坐在收到过,或选择晴朗日子里公园散步人,都明白

    Anyone who has patted a dog, stroked a cat, sat under a tree with a pint of beer, given or received a bunch of flowers or chosen to walk through the park on a nice day, understands that.


  • 移民巨大规模优化食物必需加工储存变得困难

    The large size of the settlements made improving processing and storage of necessary food difficult.


  • 稍稍努力就可以继续喜欢化妆不用担心这些化妆会有害处

    With a little bit of effort, you can still use your favourite cosmetics, without the worry of being harmed.


  • 可悲可以我们数十如一日不断追求财富奢侈直到现在才明白

    And the sad thing is that it could take us decades of pursuing wealth and luxury items before we realize this.


  • 事实是这样达到这样一个——改变恐惧比对改变后果的恐惧——之前大多数选择缓慢稳定替代

    That is, most people will pursue slow and steady alternatives until they reach the point at which their fear of change is only slightly less than the consequences of not changing.


  • 在考虑床头柜的时候现实这样就能有足够空间首先摆放必需

    Be realistic when looking at night tables so that you have enough room for the necessities first.


  • 夸张儿说,如果纽约突然消失股市可以照常运作,我们可能会因此不到好看的衣服穿买不到出色的艺术墙面

    To exaggerate a bit, if New York suddenly disappeared, stock markets could keep functioning, but we would not be able to dress ourselves or find art to put on the wall.


  • 一些艺术招贴画墙上使它看起来有趣

    Get some artwork or a poster to make your wall a little more visually interesting.


  • 假如想过食用替代起来,尝一尝都像是真实的肉,但是免去动物的屠宰,那么很快就会端上来了。

    IF you have ever longed for a meat substitute that smelt and tasted like the real thing, but did not involve killing an animal, then your order could be ready soon.


  • 航空产业优势核能产业所缺少的:就是存在有可能的替代

    The airlines have one advantage that nuclear power lacks: there is no plausible alternative.


  • 最后一精神疾患具有某些生物学病因包括遗传因素以及大脑中的化学失衡

    Lastly, there are some biological causes of mental disorders including genetic factors and imbalances in chemicals in the brain.


  • 美国国内武器回收方案规模而且没有《百万吨核弹百万瓦核电》的替代

    In the United States, domestic weapons recycling programs are smaller in scale and would be no replacement for Megatons for Megawatts.


  • 第一组组员在日三餐前不久了半升水(美国单位一)。

    Members of one were told to drink half a litre of water (a bit more than an American pint) shortly before each of three daily meals.


  • 蔬菜或者沙拉堆满盘子,在来上一小调味,或者来上一大碗美味的肉汤。

    Overload your plate with vegetables or salad with a smidgen of dressing or have a big, steaming bowl of broth-based soup.


  • 我们所创作件事物中- - -举凡艺术音乐文学甚至我们的孩子- - -流露出我们样式。

    In everything we create-works of art, music, literature, even our children-a bit of ourselves is revealed.


  • 这些趋势集中到一穷困发送救援方面,散居在外者接近舞台中心

    As these trends converge, diasporas will move even closer to centre stage in the delivery of succour to the needy.


  • 中国大多数餐馆家庭厨房MSG结晶体中文称作味精调味”,人们各种风味菜肴里都搁上一儿。

    Most restaurants and home kitchens in China have a big bag of MSG crystals, known in Chinese as weijing, or " flavour essence", and they toss it liberally into all kinds of savoury dishes.


  • 研究人员将两组老鼠在不同时段,XPA达到最低水平,凌晨4左右当XPA达到最高水,下午4左右,置于相同紫外线照射下

    Researchers exposed mice to UV radiation when their XPA was at its minimum level, around 4 a.m., and others to the same rays around 4 p.m., when XPA levels peaked.


  • 销售增长1.5%,表明消费者情愿今天腰包以防明天需要掏得更多。

    Unit sales were up 1.5%, which indicates that consumers are willing to pay higher prices today to prevent crib expenses tomorrow.


  • 我们希望一些女人委员会里,因为女人不会委员会,顶多会为了化妆,”笑道

    "We prefer to have women in the local councils because women won't steal money from the council -maybe just a little for their makeup," he says, chuckling.


  • 世界时候要了解可口可乐公司调味国际商业体系中所展现这个事实了。

    It was time the world caught up with that fact, which Coca-Cola was demonstrating in an edifice of international business, built on a little water, sugar and flavoring.


  • 多承租者承载平台表示服务应该允许订阅者用户提供采用唯一专用身份验证入口

    The presentation services of a multi-tenant hosting platform should allow for the subscribers to provide their users with a dedicated entry point for authentication accompanied with a unique branding.


  • 因此,对于人脑这样一件不可思议艺术,每天他来一简单的小挑战可以让他保持新鲜感充满活力

    The human brain is an incredible work of art and providing it with simple challenges will keep it fresh and alive.


  • 人类相信了这个谎言……差一就成了龙卷风的牺牲

    Man believed the lie... and I nearly ended up tornado rubble.


  • 从22行为中选择哪种当前带来快乐时,购买奢侈在第20位,吸烟好一

    When given a list of 22 activities that contribute to their current sense of happiness, shopping for luxuries ranked 20th, barely beating smoking.


  • 从22行为中选择哪种当前带来快乐时,购买奢侈在第20位,吸烟好一

    When given a list of 22 activities that contribute to their current sense of happiness, shopping for luxuries ranked 20th, barely beating smoking.


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