• 炸弹爆炸房子都晃动了

    The house rocked when the bomb exploded.


  • 炸弹爆炸时地面都震动

    The ground quaked as the bomb exploded.


  • 巴格达名美军士兵名翻译死于炸弹爆炸。其中名士兵在巴格达西部路边的一个炸弹爆炸炸死

    Seven U. S. soldiers and an interpreter have been killed by bombs in Iraq. Six of the soldiers died when a roadside bomb exploded in western Baghdad.


  • 三个多星期之后共和党领导人统一达成一项权力分享协议北爱尔兰纽里法院大型汽车炸弹爆炸没有受到伤害。

    Less than three weeks after unionist and republican leaders in Northern Ireland reached a power-sharing deal, a large car-bomb exploded outside a courthouse in the town of Newry. No one was injured.


  • 因为炸弹爆炸一个着火人形轮廓在上空短暂的出现,所以这个符咒不仅仅由可染物质组成的,它似乎包括了一些灵魂

    The spell seems to involve some sort of fire spirit, not just a flammable substance, since a flaming figure is briefly visible overhead when the firebomb bursts.


  • 他们清理第二炸弹爆炸

    They were clearing up when the second bomb exploded.


  • 事先准备炸弹爆炸

    He was priming the bomb to go off in an hour's time.


  • 地雷隐藏地下炸弹有人它们,就爆炸

    Land mines are small bombs hidden in the ground and designed to explode when someone steps on them.


  • 广场上警方布置力量尤为明显可能是他们回想起2010年五月那个星期六当晚辆载着易燃燃料烟火汽车炸弹迫近这一地点引发爆炸的情景。

    In Times Square the police presence was especially evident, perhaps mindful of the car bomb of inflammable fuel and fireworks that came close to exploding there on a busy Saturday night in May 2010.


  • 这次爆炸甚至可能更大:沙皇炸弹原来打算生产1亿爆炸力,为了减少爆炸时所i产生的放射性沉降物,作了重新设计。

    The bang could have been even bigger: Tsar Bomba was originally intended to produce a 100-megaton explosion, but was redesigned to reduce the amount of radioactive fallout created.


  • 那天早晨,3炸弹分别列不同伦敦地下铁列车上引爆了自己,紧接着,在塔维斯托克站双层巴士发生第四次爆炸袭击事件。

    That morning, three bombers detonated themselves in three of London'sUnderground trains, before a fourth explosion occurred on adouble-decker bus in Tavistock Square an hour later.


  • 那天早晨,3炸弹分别列不同伦敦地下铁列车上引爆了自己,紧接着,在塔维斯托克站双层巴士发生第四次爆炸袭击事件。

    That morning, three bombers detonated themselves in three of London'sUnderground trains, before a fourth explosion occurred on adouble-decker bus in Tavistock Square an hour later.


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