• 游戏简介:《太空灾难日日本SEGA开发著名游戏SIS格式的外太空飞行射击游戏,升级1.20版。

    "Space disaster," Japan is famous SEGA development of the game, a SIS format of the space flight shooting game, which is upgrading 1.20.


  • 1900年12月14马克斯·普朗克向德国物理学会提交了针对紫外灾难解决方案

    On the first date, at the German Physical Society, Max Planck presented a resolution to the Ultraviolet Catastrophe.


  • 场可怕的大灾难发生2012年12月21日莫斯科……是一部叫做地铁》的俄罗斯电影中的情节

    A terrible catastrophe will happen in the Moscow Metro on December 21, 2012... states the plot of a new Russian movie called "the Metro".


  • 没有证据表明他们预见自己历法或是整个世界会2012年12月21日重生灾难中毁灭。

    There is no evidence that they saw the calendar and a world age ending in either transcendence or catastrophe on December 21, 2012.


  • 1988年,世卫组织举办首届世界艾滋病当时,世界正在艾滋病及其带来的多重灾难性影响产生警觉。

    The first world AIDS Day was staged by WHO in 1988, at a time when the world was waking up to this disease and its multiple catastrophic impact.


  • 上周五日本灾难性地震之后发生的严重事故引起人们辐射泄露的恐慌。是与天气相关的事件,会产生非常深远影响

    Serious nuclear incidents that followed Friday's catastrophic Japan earthquake has raised fears of radiation leakage, a weather-dependent matter that could have a far-reaching impact.


  • 不是一个令人愉快纪念日:1997年7月2日,是官方承认的亚洲金融危机灾难起始日期。

    IT is an unhappy anniversary: July 2nd 1997, the official start of the catastrophic Asian financial crisis.


  • Attabad大灾难发生第二16日,继续崩塌土地搅起巨大

    Huge clouds of dust arise as land slides continued on January 6, 2010, the second day of the Attabad disaster. Original here.


  • 最新警方图片显示311日以来灾难总人数达到13843同时还有超过14000人未计入其中。

    The latest police figures put the death toll from the 11 March disaster at 13,843, while more than 14,000 people remain unaccounted for.


  • 答:诸如2004年12月26日海啸灾难影响民众暴露极度紧张因素

    A: People affected by a catastrophe like the tsunami of 26 December 2004 are exposed to extreme stress factors.


  • 专家表示官方制定一个多方位策略反应堆爆炸泄出情况下保护民众的安全,不致出现1986年4月26日切尔诺贝利灾难

    Specialists say the authorities have a several-pronged strategy for shielding civilians if there is an explosive breach of the reactor, as in the April 26 1986 Chernobyl disaster.


  • 2010年4月20,发生深水地平线海上钻井平台剧烈爆炸墨西哥湾水域灾难性原油泄漏拉开了帷幕。

    On April 20, 2010, a deadly explosion at the Deepwater Horizon offshore drilling platform started a catastrophic oil leak into the waters of the Gulf of Mexico.


  • 灾难般的审判日终于结束了,了口红的薄唇带着一丝苦笑,杰克逊出现在众人面前宣布:“案子进展还不错。”

    After a disastrous day of testimony, Jackson emerged with a wry smile on his thin painted lips and claimed: “It’s going well.”


  • 6月14日日本内阁批准这一计划帮助东京电力公司赔偿居民由于持续核能危机带来的灾难

    Japan's Cabinet on June 14 approved a plan to help TEPCO compensate residents for the trouble caused during the ongoing nuclear crisis.


  • 丰田灾难2月9日加重他们宣布丰田召回44万辆混合动力车,包括著名普锐斯(Prius),修复刹车一个问题

    Toyota's woes were compounded on February 9th when it said it would also recall 440,000 hybrid vehicles, including the celebrated Prius, to fix a problem with their brakes.


  • 12月10日欧盟峰会上,潘德里承认希腊国内腐败问题严重,声称国内经济灾难主要原因。此言出,四座皆

    At an EU summit on December 10th Mr Papandreou shocked his colleagues by admitting that Greece was riddled with corruption, which he claimed was the main reason for its economic woes.


  • 2011年4月13日太阳落山时景象,地震海啸灾难摧毁了宫城县Ishinomaki将近5废墟随处可见。

    The sun set on April 13, 2011, over debris still piled up nearly five weeks after the earthquake and tsunami disaster devastated the city of Ishinomaki in Miyagi prefecture.


  • 事件:2011年9月11日上午纽约城新城世贸中心双塔大楼(两个灾难)遭到袭击。

    What happened: On the morning of September 11, 2001 the two towers (two great rocks) of the World Trade Center were attacked in New York City (New City).


  • 1月12日对于这个国家个人来说,都一声强烈警钟;从此以后,我们再也不会自己灾难得手足无措。”Thomas

    "January 12 was a very strong wake-up call for everybody in the country; we will never let ourselves be caught by surprise again," said Thomas.


  • 正在这些内容312日)为了安慰正为日本灾难不安心情,日本目前反应器安全的。

    I am writing this text (Mar 12) to give you some peace of mind regarding some of the troubles in Japan, that is the safety of Japan's nuclear reactors.


  • 赫库兰尼姆城一样,这座靠近那不勒斯罗马城市也在维苏威火山灾难性爆发毁于一旦埋于地下,维苏威火山于公元79年8月24爆发,持续了2

    Along with Herculaneum, this Roman city near modern Naples was destroyed and completely buried during a catastrophic eruption of the volcano Mount Vesuvius spanning two days on 24 August year 79.


  • 布里斯班110日遭受罕见暴雨袭击,爆发了灾难性的大洪水

    The Brisbane area experienced catastrophic flooding following unusually heavy rainfall on January 10, 2011.


  • 布里斯班110日遭受罕见暴雨袭击,爆发了灾难性的大洪水

    The Brisbane area experienced catastrophic flooding following unusually heavy rainfall on January 10, 2011.


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