• 旧时农耕时期价值的赞誉,认为农耕时期挪威灵魂一部分,同时他也意识到旧岁已逝,无法回头了。

    The book was a paean to the old agrarian values which, he claimed, were part of Norway’s soul. At the same time, he acknowledged that there was no going back.


  • 于是发现,陈述观点表达立场,描绘想法变得毫无价值;你宣布放弃声音只是徒然增加灵魂焦虑。

    Then you will think it useless to express an opinion, to take a stand, to make an impression; the noises you have renounced increase the anxiety of your soul.


  • 但愿这些故事鼓励启发你,并且丰富灵魂但是最重要,但愿它们激励发现生活真正价值

    May these stories encourage you, enlighten you, and enrich your soul. But most of all, may they inspire you to see the real value in life.


  • 所爱的人们,这个你们用来冥想沉思关键字,更新灵魂归于中心继承价值机会赋予能力强度安全

    Beloved ones, the keywords I give you for your meditation and contemplation this month are renewal, soul centered, inheritance, values, opportunity, empowerment, intensity, security.


  • 审计独立性审计灵魂,既是审计人员行为约束,也是审计人员的核心价值

    The independence is the soul of audit, the behavior restrain of auditor, and the core value of auditor.


  • 的确,人们很容易自己陷入那些表面自己想要的目标中,但是我们探寻这个深层价值,我们就会确定自己已经正确轨道上滋养自己灵魂

    It can be easy to get caught up in following goals that appear to be what we want, but when we pursue the underlying value, we are certain to stay on our right path and continue to feed our soul.


  • 绘画艺术具有民族性本身就蕴涵深厚民族文化底蕴离开了民族文化绘画失去了艺术灵魂艺术价值

    Painting the national character, which itself implies a profound cultural heritage, left the nation's culture, drawing on the lost art of soul and artistic value.


  • 深入刑事政策灵魂深处,挖掘本质唯有刑事政策体系置于价值平台上才能做得更为酣畅淋漓。

    To reach the depths of the soul of criminal policy, the nature of the excavation, but will be placed in the value system of criminal policy platform can do more poems known.


  • 知道灵魂价值重量,和如何使人沉沦

    He knows the value of souls, the weight of guilt, and how low it will press and sink mankind.


  • 一个角度来看人们之所以灵魂不厌其烦讨论、争辩,也说明我们精神世界里有着不可忽略的存在价值

    From another point of view, the reason why people have taken these problems to discuss shows soul has a value that can not be ignored at our spiritual world.


  • 终极关怀主要内涵追问人类生存的终极价值终极意义寻求灵魂归宿

    The main connotation of ultimate concern is to question closely both the meaning and value of human existence, to look after the end-result of spirit.


  • 老人与海》中,海明威终于所钟爱硬汉找到灵魂灵魂就是人类亘古不变永恒价值

    In the "Hits", the Hemingway finally for his beloved tough guy to find the soul, this soul is everlasting eternal values of mankind.


  • 取悦观众而言,世界所有知识,指挥道具都比不上盎司灵魂价值

    When it comes to the requirements for pleasing an audience, all the knowledge and instruction and apparatus in the world is worth less than one ounce of soul.


  • 这个五角星有着巨大的价值灵魂恐怖的打击效用

    This Pentacle is of great value and utility for striking terror into the Spirits.


  • 企业文化企业信奉付诸于实践价值理念,是企业灵魂

    Organizational culture is a value notion to be believed in and to be practiced within the organization and it is a soul of an enterprise.


  • 课程价值取向高校课程运作灵魂方向

    Curriculum value orientation is the soul of college curriculum operation and direction.


  • 没有自己身体灵魂条件,只是样有价值的东西,一位朋友。

    He had not written over either his body or his soul to him, but rather something which is just as valuable.


  • 阳光孕育灵魂,您在风雨呵护着人心灵,您在岁月里净化思想青春塑造价值

    You in the sunshine pregnant with the soul of man, you care in the wind and rain with one's soul, and you in the days of the purification, your thoughts in the youth of the value of the human shape.


  • 教育制度内在价值教育制度的灵魂根基所在

    The inner value of the educational institution is where its soul and fundament is.


  • 对面女孩中所叙写日常生活体验本身并没有很高认知价值审美价值人生刻骨的悲凉和体悟深深地触动了现代人灵魂

    In the novel, "The Girl Sitting Opposite", the everyday experience proper described is of litter cognizing value and taste, but the sadness in life perceived has profoundly touched modern soles.


  • 认为,对灵魂需求理解亚洲所获得最有价值事物

    I consider, the understanding of what the needs of the soul are, is the most valuable thing that I have obtained by my stays in Asia.


  • 这个五角星对立朋友方面有着严酷的价值,特地是用在打击灵魂自尊上。

    This Pentacle is of great value against adversaries; and of especial use in repressing the pride of the Spirits.


  • 作品通过价值尊严丧失,通过人的灵魂扭曲使小说悲剧意义达到相当深度。

    In the work, the character's value and dignity are lost, his spirit is distorted, which makes the novel's tragic sense reach a rather deep degree of depth.


  • 文化使森林旅游产品鲜活起来灵魂,是游步道产品卖点价值源泉

    Culture was not only the soul making forest tourism product alive but also the new attractive points and value source of trail products.


  • 高校德育理念蕴涵高校德育根本性目的取向价值关切,是高校德育灵魂

    College moral education idea contains the fundamental objective orientation and the value concerns, as well as the soul, of the moral education in colleges and universities.


  • 如果……如果能用一个灵魂衡量价值……影片最后重回开头抽象虚幻正因现实社会中我们并不能得到解答

    If you can use a person's soul to measure his worth...... At the end of the film is to go back to the beginning of abstraction and illusory, because in reality we cannot obtain the answer.


  • 然而躯体犹如外包装,是我们的真正价值——灵魂包装纸

    Yet, the flesh is just the package, the wrapping paper for the true prize— our spirit.


  • 灵魂生活就失去了的生活价值

    Life without soul loses the value of human life.


  • 灵魂生活就失去了的生活价值

    Life without soul loses the value of human life.


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