• 收入很稳定,工作时间灵活,所以我得以孜孜不倦去试唱

    I had a steady income and a flexible schedule that still allowed time for auditions.


  • 时间限制游戏。计时的桌面游戏,手机电脑视频游戏能帮助快速灵活思考,集中注意力增强记忆

    Play games against the clock. Timed board games, cell phone, computer and video games help you think quickly, flexibly and pay attention, which boosts memory.


  • 可以这些思想应用自己办公环境灵活地使用命令行工具,可以提供更多方式节省时间提高工作效率。

    You should be able to apply these ideas to your own office situations and, with a little command-line ingenuity, come up with even more ways to save time and be more productive.


  • 如果灵活作息现实那么试着一点离开工作附近健身房锻炼。或者在办公室多待一段时间附近跑跑步散散步

    If flexible hours are not possible, try leaving home a bit earlier and go to a gym near your place of work, or stay on longer after work and go for a run or walk near the office.


  • 个对线框图所有权理解力设计师灵活和有创意阐述他的设计,即使是项目已经交付了很长一段时间

    A designer with ownership and understanding of the wireframes will be able to interpret them with flexibility and creativity long after the original project has been delivered.


  • 创立一家机构,长期灵活满足我们成员需求不仅2006年,而是2020年(或更长的时间内)。”

    "I want to create an institution that is around long enough and is nimble enough to meet the needs of my members in 2020, not just 2006," she says.


  • 多重备份目的可让储存重要文件不同一样硬盘安全在线存储不同的时间最大灵活

    New! Multiple backup destinations and sets allow you store important files to different locations like an external hard drive or secure online storage on different schedules for maximum flexibility.


  • 例如时间灵活可以早早约会吃完饭后回到工作上,小时睡觉那么一周工作时间100小时你来说都没问题的。

    For example, if you have very flexible hours and can go on an early date, go back to work after dinner, and still get eight hours of sleep, then a 100-hour workweek might be fine for you.


  • 因此作家必须非常灵活融入其他人创造情节小说漫画星球大战》的时间线上遍开花

    As such, authors would have to be flexible to incorporate events developed by others, since the novels and comics in the works took place all over the Star Wars timeline.


  • 我们也提供了按次数计算的会员资格,这样就可以完全灵活计划自己的时间

    We offer a day by day membership which allows you to plan your schedule totally flexible.


  • 非常灵活地设置测量时间每次测量数据数目闪光触发延迟时间

    Flexible setup of measurement time, number of data points for each measurement and delay time after flash trigger.


  • 精细管理时间需要清晰思路着眼点规划灵活

    Managing your time more carefully requires clear thinking, focus, planning, and flexibility.


  • 可能话,一周工作安排留点时间余量这样周五可以灵活把一周没有完成任务扫尾。

    As much as possible, try to pad your week's schedule so you have the flexibility on Friday to wrap up tasks you weren't able to accomplish during the week.


  • 主要包括支持日趋增长的方便灵活网络连接,合理有效利用有限资源稳定高效时间工作

    This includes mainly: supporting flexible network link increasing day by day, utilizing limited resources effectively and working for a long time steadily and efficiently.


  • 取而代之的是,员工灵活安排时间并且随时通过许多计算设备完成工作

    Instead, workers will have more flexible schedules and able to do their tasks via any number of computing devices at all hours of the day.


  • 各城市需要关注这些极端气候,投入资金从而能够极端环境持续时间严重程度两方面更加灵活地应对这些挑战。

    Cities need to focus on these extremes, and make investments to be more resilient to them in terms of both the duration and the magnitude of these extreme circumstances.


  • 利用发明可以灵活搜寻信号现有技术的方案节省时间

    According to the invention, the Doppler signals can be searched smartly, time is saved than prior art.


  • 设计了一可以方便增加热电偶数目和灵活调节时间常数的新型环状热电堆传感器

    A new kind of annular thermopile sensor which consisted of 16 structure cells, 800 chromel - constantan thermocouples was developed.


  • 设计了一可以方便增加热电偶数目和灵活调节时间常数的新型环状热电堆传感器

    A new kind of annular thermopile sensor which consisted of 16 structure cells, 800 chromel - constantan thermocouples was developed.


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