• 弹道修正灵敏度函数辨识最优控制舵机

    Trajectory correction projectile; Sensitivity function; Identification; Optimal control; Actuator.


  • 本文导出了一种有效获得线性开关电容网络灵敏度函数方法

    An efficient computer method for obtaining sensitivity function of linear SC circuits is presented.


  • 针对具有参数确定性外部未知扰动的不确定系统基于灵敏度函数,提出一种二自由度控制结构

    For uncertain systems with parameter uncertainty and unknown disturbance, a two-degree-of-freedom control structure was proposed based on sensitivity function.


  • 根据闭环系统灵敏度函数最大值,从频域角度设计了滤波时间常数保证系统具有一定的棒性。

    According to the maximum magnitude of the complementary sensitivity function, the filter time constant is calculated to assure the robustness of system.


  • 导出使用灵敏度时间控制(STC)时类断层像亮度函数的数学解析式。

    An expression is derived for the brightness function of the echograms, which are based on the use of STC (Sensitivity Time Control).


  • 首先根据被控对象传递函数灵敏度分析,简化控对象模型

    Firstly, according to analyzing both the transfer function of the object and the sensitivity, the inverse model of the object is simplified.


  • 本文给出了连续系统中计算次型性能函数反馈系数二阶灵敏度全套公式

    A set of formulas for the computation of quadratic performance function associating with first and second-order sensitivities of feedback coefficient matrix is given in this paper.


  • 基于极限状态函数估计失效概率计算提出一种新的可靠性灵敏度分析方法

    Based on the moment estimation of limit state function for calculation of failure probability, a new reliability sensitivity analysis method is presented.


  • 该文灵敏度准则优化设计目标函数建立了变形监测网混合优化设计的数学模型

    Taking the sensitivity criterion as the object function of the optimum design, the paper establishes the mathematical model for the combined optimum design of the deformation monitoring network.


  • 通过计算发电机转速补偿节点电压变化量各控制器参数轨迹灵敏度,获得目标函数对各控制器参数梯度,以便于共轭梯度寻找

    Trajectory sensitivity approach is used to assess the gradient of the PSS and SVC parameters on the objective function and then conjugate gradient approach is applied to find the optimum solution.


  • 目前灵敏度分析往往需要依赖某种优算法要求目标函数求取导数

    At present, the method of sensitivity analysis depends on a algorithmic optimization, and asks to be can compute differential coefficient of the target function.


  • 基于展开级数展开原理提出一种频响函数灵敏度分析模态展开

    Based on the theory of modal superposition and power series expansion, a modal superposition method for the sensitivity analysis of FRF is proposed in this paper.


  • 实验表明经过预处理明显改善对焦评价函数曲线形状:曲线更加平滑,局部峰值得以去除,同时曲线灵敏度提高78%。

    The experiments show that the shape of focusing measure curve is obviously improved after pre-processing, the curve is smoother, local peak is eliminated and curve sensitivity is improved by 78%.


  • 同时在灵敏度分析目标函数等值线图进行分析基础上,指出了进一步提高梯形机构工作性能研究方向。

    Through sensibility analysis and objective function contour chart analysis the research of functional property of trapezoidal mechanism is further improved.


  • 提出一种新的结合特征灵敏度直接量值函数有理逼近结构动力重分析方法

    The new method is based on combining perturbation method of eigen-problems with rational approximation of a vector-value function .


  • 说明了在非对称的二次损失函数下,可以采用口玄一减小质量损失思想进行稳健性设计减小波动进行灵敏度设计减小偏差

    It's proved that using the above asymmetric loss function, Taguchi's ideas of parameter design still works: first reduce the variance, and then reduce the bias.


  • 本文首次推导严格单机能量函数灵敏度分析的全套解析公式。

    In this paper, strict individual machine energy function analytical sensitivity is derived.


  • 提出用交流分量直流分量距离作为加权因子频谱评价函数进行改进,有效地提高了对焦评价曲线灵敏度

    We revised frequency spectrum functions by using weighting factor - the distance between direct component and alternating component, and improved the acuity of focus measure curve.


  • 测量结果表明,双向反射分布函数测量精度取决于测量平台的精度、探测设备灵敏度以及照明光源稳定性

    The BRDF measurement results are closely related to the precision of measurement platform, the sensitivity of measurement instrument, and the stability of illuminating light source.


  • 从原理探讨了地震仪观测灵敏度传递函数测定方法32个卫星传输台站传递函数测定结果进行了分析。

    At last the methods of measuring gain and transfer function of seismograph are discussed and the results of transfer function measurement of the 32 stations are analyzed.


  • 应用变量方法计算目标函数关于设计变量灵敏度,以此进行优化设计。

    Sensitivities of an objective function with respect to design variables are evaluated using the complex-variable method in the present paper, which are used in the process of optimal design.


  • 实验对比表明这种改进灰度对比度函数计算时间复杂度简单,对焦灵敏度

    The comparison shows that the improved gray scale contrast function has simpler time computational complexity and higher focusing sensitivity.


  • 该方法社会效益最大化目标函数建立潮流模型,根据有效约束得到最优潮流灵敏度系数。

    Optimal power flow model is established based on minimizing operation cost, optimal power flow sensitivities is obtained by effective set of security constraints.


  • 采用埃尔米特插值多项式代替泰勒展开式逼近目标函数极大地降低交叉灵敏度阶数。

    Adopting the Hermite polynomial instead of the Taylor polynomial can greatly decrease the order of high-order cross sensitivity.


  • 灵敏度矩阵作为故障诊断方程一个系数矩阵,它的奇异制约着故障诊断方程的存在性,而灵敏度矩阵又是测试频率的函数

    As a coefficient matrix of fault diagnosis equations, singularity of the sensitivity matrix restricts its solutions. On the other hand, sensitivity matrix is a function of testing frequency.


  • 定义灵敏度系数,得到相位噪声对于跃迁几率权重函数,求得相位噪声对于重力加速度测量具体影响结果。

    The sensitivity coefficient describing the relationship between the phase noise and the transition probability is defined. And then, the sensitivity of the interferometer is achieved.


  • 每次优化设计迭代中计算得到目标函数灵敏度进行灵敏度过滤

    In each optimization design iteration, sensitivity filtration is carried out after objective function sensitivity is obtained by calculation.


  • 方法无须求解函数灵敏度保证拟合精度的前提下,能光滑响应最大程度减少精确分析计算量,分析前翼子板回弹补偿优化设计实例证明具有很高的精度棒性。

    The proposed method is used with FE simulations, and the example of spring-back compensation demonstrates that it is efficient, accurate and robust for auto panel forming process optimization.


  • 方法无须求解函数灵敏度保证拟合精度的前提下,能光滑响应最大程度减少精确分析计算量,分析前翼子板回弹补偿优化设计实例证明具有很高的精度棒性。

    The proposed method is used with FE simulations, and the example of spring-back compensation demonstrates that it is efficient, accurate and robust for auto panel forming process optimization.


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