• 房间聚光照亮

    The room was lit by spotlights.


  • 舞台明亮的聚光灯照亮

    The stage was lit by bright spotlights.


  • 夜幕降临时颜色成千上万霓虹照亮城市上空投朦胧

    When night falls, red and blue and other colors cast a hazy over a city lit up by tens of thousands of neon signs.


  • 头巾下来时发现自己地牢里,一盏牛角灯照亮地牢。

    When the scarf was taken off, the Star-Child found himself in a dungeon, which was lit by a lantern of horn.


  • 花状灯照亮房子一侧

    A flower-shaped light shone over the side of my building.


  • 北京大学一栋老建筑里,一盏黄色的灯照亮了古老而黑暗的夜晚。

    In an old building in Peking University, a yellow light shone into the old and dark hours of the night.


  • 只能照亮舞台的一部分;同样,“定点音效”也能把声音投射到指定的区域。

    A spotlight lights up only one section of a stage; similarly, "spotsound" creates a circle of sound in on targeted area.


  • 他正看着病人头部着头部照亮,这个使得医生能看清病人头部,我们生产这种

    He is staring into the patient's head using a head lamp, which lights the field of view and we make that head lamp.


  • 现在来谈谈闪光,补光是指户外,阳光主要光源时,闪光用来照亮阳光给人物带来的阴影等影响(兔眼等)。

    Fill flash is when you are outdoors for example and the light you are getting from the sun is the main light. Fill flash is just that.


  • 里面什么看不见只有煤气照亮石灰墙上地方,别的隐没在更黑的阴影中。

    It was very dark inside: I could see nothing except a flaring gas-jet that illuminated a patch of plaster wall, throwing everything else into deeper shadow.


  • 如果打开卧室,就发现即便没有直接照射底下光线床下仍会被照亮

    If you switch on your bedroom light, some light will reach under the bed even if the light doesn't have a direct path to it.


  • 也好,也好,手持式电筒也好,无论哪样,请至少保证有帮照亮道路的工具。

    Whether you prefer a headlamp, a chest lamp, or a handheld flashlight, bring something along to light your way.


  • 寒冷室外测试这种,有几次室外温度甚至达到了零下5度,但这种始终表现不俗照亮厨房一个角落

    So I've been recharging it outside in the cold, including days when the windchill factor was about minus 5, and it worked fine, illuminating a dim corner of my kitchen.


  • 我们身后高地童话般的光亮闪烁前面基督城已经霓虹照亮

    A twinkling of fairy lights could be seen on the heights behind us, while ahead Christchurch already shimmered with neon.


  • 然后再次拍下照片,闪光发出照亮拍摄主体闪光照片好多了,你可以同时看清主体背景

    This time the flash fires just the right amount of light to "fill-in" the subject with the flash produced light. Now you have a rather nice shot where you can see the subject and the background.


  • 别人照亮别人,照亮自己

    If you light a lamp for somebody, it will also brighten your path.


  • 照亮自由生活”更加明亮

    3 "the lamp that shows that freedom lives" burns brighter.


  • 这些知识一道道彩虹,点亮海伦心中照亮内心世界架起了海伦和这个世界沟通桥梁

    These knowledge, like a rainbow, lit up the light in Helen's heart, lit up her inner world, but also set up a bridge of communication between Helen and the world!


  • 阿尔床边低低地照亮,同时用一个骨节肿大的手指放在艾希礼手腕子上。

    Archie held the lamp low over the bed to give light and one of his gnarled fingers was on Ashley's wrist.


  • 若是全身光明毫无黑暗全然光明,如同明光照亮

    36therefore, if your whole body is full of light, and no part of it dark, it will be completely lighted, as when the light of a lamp shines on you.


  • 顶视图中,创建一个目标平行侧面照亮云层隧道

    In the top viewport, create a Target Direct light that lights the cloud tunnel from the side.


  • 红花绿叶苹果天不见前世照亮我的后半生

    The red leaves the big apple, not one day I want to die, you are a light of my past life, light of my life.


  • 鞠躬举起照亮你的归途。

    I bow to you and hold up my lamp to light you on your way.


  • 仁爱之风,它如同茫茫人海中的霓虹,众人观视我们之美丽图景温暖一个心扉照亮一个人小径安抚着寻不到方向萤火

    Kindly, as in a vast sea of neon lights, the view, we said is the beauty of the picture, warm each one heart, enlightens every man's path, to soothe the couldn't find the blue firefly.


  • 即使晚上关闭时模块就会作为照亮内部,让能够看见里边空间正在发生的事情。

    Even at night, when it is closed, the module serves as a lamp, exhibiting what is happening on the inside.


  • 即使晚上关闭时模块就会作为照亮内部,让能够看见里边空间正在发生的事情。

    Even at night, when it is closed, the module serves as a lamp, exhibiting what is happening on the inside.


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