• 火电企业用于采购的成本到了生产总成本80%以上。

    In the thermal power enterprises, the purchase cost covers over 80% of the production cost.


  • 缺口火电企业购进市场比例至少在60%以上

    For whisked off electricity coal gap, thermal power enterprise purchase market the proportion of coal at least 60% above.


  • 业内人士认为由于火电企业持续亏损脱硝市场没有预期那样乐观

    The personage inside course of study thinks, because the thermal power enterprise loss-making, denitration market or are not expected so optimistic.


  • 最后建立一个BP神经网络模型火电企业动态成本进行有效预测分析

    In the last part of the article, the author set up a BP artificial neural network model, which can effectively predicts the dynamic cost of power plants.


  • 一方面,火电企业压力不断增加,环保成本不断提高,企业内部提升空间越来越

    On the other hand, thermal power enterprise on the big pressure small increasing pressure, environmental cost, improve internal ascension space more and more little.


  • 当前市场计划环境高企价格像是一只吸血”,蚕食企业微薄的利润

    In the current market coal, plan under the environment of the electricity, high power coal prices like a "biting insects", eating into fire electricity enterprise meagre profit.


  • 由于煤炭价格大幅度上涨,高于电价调整幅度造成火电企业发电越多亏损越大”,发电意愿不断下降

    Because the price of coal big rises in price adjustment, much more than the magnitude, causing thermal power enterprise ", the more the power losses, "power will continue to drop.


  • 论文企业管理实际出发,探讨项目管理这种现代组织形式火电设备机械制造企业管理中的运用

    The paper proceed from enterprise management which the modern organization form of the application in coal power facilities mechanical manufacture enterprise management.


  • 同时由于中标价格,人力资源不足,市场竞争激烈方方面面原因,火电施工企业带来了很大的压力。

    At the same time, there are also many problems to the thermal power constructing enterprise such as low price of bidding, short engineers and drastic competition.


  • 近年来随着集散控制系统企业信息系统火电机组广泛应用提高了机组的整体控制水平

    The whole control level has been improved for the commonly use of DCS (Distribution Control System) and EIS (Enterprise information System) in thermal boiler process recently.


  • 笔者从事火电中的统计工作多年,经过长期工作实践,切实领会到了统计工作对于电力企业生产经营工作的重要性

    Years of statistical working experience in thermal power plant has taught the author the importance of statistical work for the production and operation.


  • 广泛用于矿山振动机械钢铁火电水泥耐火企业各类设备磨损严重部位陶瓷防工程

    Mechanical vibration is widely used in mining, steel, thermal power, cement, refractory and other types of equipment of enterprises of the ceramic wear parts wear serious project.


  • 本文研究火电电力市场环境基于实时发电成本分析系统边际电价预测相结合发电企业报价策略研究

    The paper studied pricing strategy research of power plant based on real-time generating cost and system marginal price prediction under the deregulated power system.


  • 我国对于环境保护要求日益严格火电国家的重点排污企业对于烟气排放连续监测(CEMS)要求非常严格和准确

    The request of environmental protection is more strict in our country. Power plant is key enterprises, so continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS) should be accurate.


  • 用途用于火电化工厂工矿企业再生净化燃油专用设备

    Be used for factories, mines and enterprises such as heat-engine plant, chemical plant, be regenerated the equipment purifying the special use resisting to burn oil.


  • 由于火电机组消耗我国生产大部分煤炭,同时产生了大量的硫氮氧化物二氧化碳,因此电力企业需要更多承担起节能减排的责任。

    While the power industry in our country are based on fire coal power generation, and will keep the increase of the Installed capacity of thermal power units in a long time.


  • 由于火电机组消耗我国生产大部分煤炭,同时产生了大量的硫氮氧化物二氧化碳,因此电力企业需要更多承担起节能减排的责任。

    While the power industry in our country are based on fire coal power generation, and will keep the increase of the Installed capacity of thermal power units in a long time.


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