• 营火火焰熄灭闷烧了几个小时。

    The campfire smouldered for hours after the blaze died out.


  • 孩子想暖和自己的脚时,火焰熄灭了,炉子也消失了。

    As the child wanted to warm her feet, the flame died down, and the stove disappeared.


  • 然后发现身上的火焰熄灭了。

    That was when he noticed that his fire had gone out.


  • 可爱的火焰熄灭时,会跑的眼里

    When a lovely flame dies, smoke gets in your eyes.


  • 空气使火焰熄灭

    It is the air that extinguishes the flame.


  • 事实上火焰熄灭的同时,森林就变化了。

    In fact, with the blinding torchlight gone, the forest.


  • 缺乏火焰熄灭燃料……”箴言26:20(夜间报导)。

    "Fire goes out for lack of fuel..." Proverbs 26:20a (NLT).


  • 有时候我们心中的火焰熄灭当我们遇到个人时,它又会再次燃烧起来。

    Sometimes our light goes out but is blown again into flame by an encounter with another human being .


  • 因此下一次目睹火焰熄灭时,不要作为消亡例证,看成从舍弃获得自由课。

    So the next time you watch a fire going out, see it not as a case of annihilation, but as a lesson in how freedom is to be found in letting go.


  • 便携式空气加热器燃气控制,重金属结构耐用风机,在电源切断火焰熄灭的情况处动切断。

    Portable powerful instant gas air heater, enclosed gas controls, heavy-duty steel construction, equipped with high performance fan auto shut off if power is interrupted or flame is extinguished.


  • 有时火焰熄灭消失烟里,有时又忽然明亮地燃烧。极其清晰地照耀十字路口脸上

    The flame died down and was lost in black smoke, then flared up suddenly, lighting up with strange distinctness the faces of the crowd at the cross - roads.


  • 很多他们结束感情或者走向婚姻,或者是他们爱情火焰熄灭时候,他们明白这个道理

    Most of us discover this truth at the end of a love affair or else when the sweet emotions of love lead us into marriage and then turn down their flames.


  • 低聚磷酸铵具有较低熔点烧结用来灭火迅速分解形成覆盖燃烧物表面使火焰熄灭

    But it has low melting point and sintering point, when it is used to extinguish a fire, it can rapidly decompose to form a layer of film, which can cover the surface of comburent and make the fire.


  • 根据巫师预言,有几个陌生人治愈母亲”的他们会顺着冰冻泪水她内心火焰熄灭的地方。

    According to the shaman's prognostications, the strangers would cure the Mother's illness by following the path of her frozen tears to where her inner flame had languished.


  • 他们发现即使火焰熄灭可以获得一个信号——换话说,就是激光激发氧原子同时分成了两束。

    But what they noticed was that even when they turned the flame off they were still getting a signal - in other words, the laser was breaking up as well as exciting the oxygen.


  • 雪茄如同坠入爱河开始着迷外形,随之沉迷口味同时必须牢记千万、千万不要火焰熄灭

    Smoking cigars is like falling in love: first you are attracted to its shape, you stay with it for its flavor, and you must always remember never, never let the flame go out.


  • 诺曼德。布里塞拉尔夫。尼尔跳进化粪池里,躲在鼻子粪便之中,直到火焰熄灭出来马上守衞抓住。

    Normand Brissette and Ralph Neal dived into a cesspool, where they remained nose deep in the muck until the flames died down. As soon as they emerged, they were recaptured by their guards.


  • 需要优化燃烧器的结构尺寸,再者,当空气量过多超负荷下,发生离导致燃烧恶化火焰熄灭,需要有辅助火焰钝体稳焰。

    Besides, the excess air or excess load will cause flame lift, combustion exacerbation and flame off, and that needs auxiliary flame and flame retention by inactive substance.


  • 小组报告称,他们段绝缘电线放在个19英寸火焰底部施加600W电功率类似于一个微波炉大小,结果火焰熄灭

    The team reported that when they placed an insulated wire at the base of a thin, 19-inch flame and applied about 600 watts of power — similar to a medium — sized microwave oven, the flame went out.


  • 火焰噼啪噼啪地熄灭了。

    The flame sputters out.


  • 实验中的电棒本质上用电火焰燃烧器中推开,把燃料源中分离出来,然后熄灭

    The electric wand in the experiments essentially uses electricity to push the flame away from the burner, detaching it from the fuel source, so it goes out.


  • 火焰火葬火焰熄灭吗?

    Can the heart's flame die in the flame of the funeral pile?


  • 这种呼唤会一直回荡我们耳边,缠绕着我们,即使我们试图理智成熟沉默,我们却发现实事上它我们内心骨子里火焰永远不会熄灭

    It continues to haunt us, to stalk us, and as we try to silence it with reason and maturity we find that indeed, it is a fire within our bones and it will not yield.


  • 人生旅途之中,某个时候我们内心火焰仿佛熄灭这时走进我们的生命,我们内心的火焰重新点燃。

    In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being.


  • 相反,根据量子力学怪异说法,黑洞就像行将熄灭火焰里那飘摇的灰烬光亮度应该微乎其微的

    Instead, because of the quirks of quantum mechanics, they should glow ever so faintly, like smouldering embers in a dying fire. The implications were huge.


  • 一旦觉得在成长动力激起内在火焰——可能已经熄灭或者压抑很长时间火焰

    Once you feel it growing, let momentum fan the fire inside you - a fire that may have been burnt out or smoldering under the surface for a long time.


  • 一旦觉得在成长动力激起内在火焰——可能已经熄灭或者压抑很长时间火焰

    Once you feel it growing, let momentum fan the fire inside you - a fire that may have been burnt out or smoldering under the surface for a long time.


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