• 地下水潜力评价资源评价重要内容之一

    Evaluation of the groundwater potential is one of the important content for evaluation of the groundwater resources.


  • 露天煤矿复垦土地生产潜力评价编制土地复垦规划的一个重要内容。

    The evaluation of unreclaimed land productive potential in surface coal mine are keys for promulgating land reclamation planning in the mine.


  • 毫米波无损检测技术他们检查这些结构潜力评价选择方法之一

    Millimeter wave NDT techniques were one of the methods chosen for evaluating their potential for inspecting these structures.


  • 耕地整理潜力评价选择耕地整理项目,编制土地整理专项规划基础

    Arable land consolidation potentiality is the basis of selecting arable land consolidation project and setting the land consolidation planning.


  • 耕地整理潜力评价作为整理基础工作目前缺乏统一的评价指标体系

    Evaluation on tidying potential of arable land is a fundamental work, but at present an evaluation target system is lacking.


  • 城市商业服务业用地评价城市土地集约利用潜力评价重要组成部分

    The evaluation of city land using for commercial services is one of the important parts that compose of the evaluation of the potential land consolidation using in cities.


  • 耕地整理潜力评价作为整理基础工作目前缺乏统一评价指标体系

    As the basic work of land readjustment potential evaluation at present, the identical index systems were short of.


  • 土地整理潜力评价方法很多实践大多考虑其中一评价指标单一

    While many methods are adopted in potential evaluation of farmland rearrangement, in practical work only one of the methods is applied, with a single evaluation index.


  • 建立科学、合理土地整理潜力评价指标体系对土地整理的实践具有重要意义

    The scientific and reasonable indicator system of land-consolidation-potentiality evaluation has a great deal of important practical and developmental significances.


  • 隐性知识概念特征入手,首先阐述企业隐性知识价值潜力评价的重要性。

    In this paper, the concept and characteristics of tacit knowledge were analyzed, and an index evaluation system of tacit knowledge potential value was put forward.


  • 本文以绥中36 - 1区块,建立海上油田化学油藏潜力评价方法

    Taking Suizhong 36-1 block as example, the paper has built a set of potential evaluation method for chemical flooding reservoir in offshore oilfield.


  • 本文项目出发深入阐述全国矿产资源潜力评价数据模型管理系统设计开发全过程

    Paper based on the national mineral resources potential evaluation project in-depth describes the design, development process of management system.


  • 采用模糊综合评价-灰色关联优势分析方法,建立煤矿废弃地植被恢复潜力评价模型。

    The fuzzy function of every factor was built based on the analysis of its effect on revegetation.


  • 因此,在GIS平台上应用其强大空间分析功能进行矿产资源潜力评价使用高新技术的标志

    So it is a sign of utilizing high-technique that applies GIS spatial analysis carries through potentiality assessment of mineral resources.


  • 第五马鞍山市土地集约利用潜力评价结果进行分析提出了土地潜力拓展集约利用的建议

    In the fifth section, firstly, analyzes the results of potential appraisement for Ma 'anshan city land intensive use, and then gives proposal and suggestion about land intensive use.


  • 宁德市旅游资源开发潜力评价过程和结果来看,本文提出评价体系科学、方便、可行评价体系。

    In short, the evaluation system by the author proves to be scientific and feasible in the case study of the evaluation of Ningde City tourism resource development.


  • 土地生产潜力评价一定劳动物质投入土地用于农牧业所能提供物质产品能力的评定

    Land productivity potential evaluation is to assess the potential of land in providing material products of agriculture, forestry or livestock under a given Labour and material input.


  • 湖北省保康县重阳土地整理项目区尝试采用因素综合评定,综合进行土地整理潜力评价取得了较好的效果

    A multi-factor assessment method has been adopted in the rearrangement area of Chongyang, Baokang County, Hubei Province, and achieved satisfactory results.


  • 研究目的:利用GIS技术建立耕地整理潜力评价信息系统,为土地整理工作提高耕地整理潜力评价的质量、效率辅助日常管理服务。

    The purpose of the paper is to set up the information system of arable land readjustment potential evaluation which can help to achieve scientific and efficient land management.


  • 矿产资源经济学新兴学科。本文系统介绍了矿产资源经济学基本原理研究内容研究对象,以及矿产资源经济潜力评价主要方法

    The mineral resources economy is a new subject . In this paper, the basic principle, research content, and major method of appraising resources economy potential are systematically introduced.


  • YSlow评价网页性能建议改善有潜力地方

    YSlow evaluates a web page for performance and suggests potential places for improvements.


  • 好的一面是,老板评价很高,认为尽职尽责并且注重细节认为我的点子证明“我潜力无限。”

    On the plus side, my boss thinks I do great work, I'm conscientious and detail-oriented, and my ideas show "tremendous promise, " he said.


  • 区域可比性、区域特殊性、区域层次性发展潜力性、指标前瞻性纳入评价体系的范畴。

    Finally, regional comparability, regional particularity, the regional level, development potential and prospective index and others will be taken info account.


  • 关于球探属性数值应该注意就是评价球员潜力评价球员能力这两项了。

    Stats that you should look out for stats are mainly Judging Player Potential and Judging Player Ability.


  • 结果表明森林立地质量评价诸多方法之中,直径生长潜力仍然不失为一种应用简便行之有效的方。

    The results showed that: among the appraisal methods of forest site quality, diameter growth potential was still a practical and effective measure.


  • 新增可供水量区域水资源开发利用潜力评价也是区域需水量增长可行性依据

    The new increased water supply is the estimate of exploitation utilization potential of area water resource, is also the feasibility base of the area water supply increase.


  • 辽宁省主要煤田煤层气赋有条件开发利用现状开发潜力进行了研究评价

    The preservative conditions and present situation of exploitation and application and exploitation potential of coalbed gas in main coal-fields of Liaoning province were researched and evaluated.


  • 这些模型的开发较好的完成研究区矿床定位预测资源潜力评估生产部门提出评价成果工作建议

    The models fulfill an ore deposit location assessment and gold ore resources assessment successfully, and bring forward an assessment outcome and work Suggestions for production departments.


  • 这些模型的开发较好的完成研究区矿床定位预测资源潜力评估生产部门提出评价成果工作建议

    The models fulfill an ore deposit location assessment and gold ore resources assessment successfully, and bring forward an assessment outcome and work Suggestions for production departments.


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