• 也许过20左右沙漠来袭,大规模杀伤性武器铺天漫地——或者不会

    Maybe in 20 years or so, the desert winds will blow and uncover tons of WMD - or not.


  • 来自利兹大学科学家第一次利用机器人潜水艇去研究海床下发现的深槽水道,结果他们发现了盐水河流流淌黑海海底的深槽水道中,并制造的河流非常相似河岸滩。

    They found a river of highly salty water flowing along the deep channel at the bottom of the Black Sea, creating river banks and flood plains much like a river found on land.


  • 每天查看河水上涨情况惊恐预料河水一直屋里

    I checked on the river's rise several times a day and lived in a state of hopeful alarm that the water would climb all the way up to the house.


  • 他们一起看电影——一个共同的最爱就是阿拉伯劳伦斯》,那另一半曾满是自豪炫耀亨利爱说的彼得·奥图尔一句口气的台词:“我们要去穿越沙漠!”

    They watched movies - a Shared favourite was Lawrence of Arabia, and my companion beamed with pride to quote Henry saying, in the brash words of Peter o 'toole, "We will cross the Nefud!"


  • 对比2009年的情况(分辨率图片),印度河曾在8月19日轻度过科特·里克大坝,位于大坝处的测量仪表显示水位增长很快

    Compared to conditions in 2009 (lower image), the Indus was only slightly swollen around the Kotri barrage on August 19, but gauge readings at the barrage showed that water levels were rising fast.


  • 来自利兹大学科学家第一利用机器人潜水艇研究海床下发现深槽水道,结果他们发现了一条高含盐水河流流淌黑海海底的深槽水道中,并制造出和陆上的河流非常相似的河岸和滩。

    The scientists, based at the University of Leeds, used a robotic submarine to study for the first time a deep channel that had been found on the sea bed.


  • 计算结果均表明本文动力学模型较好模拟河道的过特征改善滩河道洪水演进模拟预测能力

    Calculation results show that this model can simulate the characteristics of water flow in a floodplain river and can improve the capacity of flood routing simulating and predicting.


  • 碎片留连天空

    Unguarded, some fragments of light linger in your sky.


  • 雨水一点点儿上了台阶

    The rain inched its way up the steps.


  • 早晨空气清新晨雾山底悄悄上来,一朵朵似絮织成薄薄的空气,沐浴晨雾之中,其乐无穷。

    Morning, fresh air, morning mist quietly diffuse from the bottom up hill, like a blossoming such as flocculation, woven into a thin layer of air, bathed in morning mist into a great sport.


  • 碎片萦萦留连天空

    Unguarded, some fragments of light linger in your sky.


  • 连着几天我们忙于东西搬到楼上有一一直忙到下午五六点钟,河水徐徐门槛屋里

    We worked for days carrying things upstairs, until, late one afternoon, the water edged over the threshold and rushed into the house.


  • 正是背景下应运而生,“食代”倡导节奏中的生活这一生活方式希望多人从容愉悦度过忙碌、浮躁的都市生活。

    "Man Shi Dai" was born under this background, it advocate the slow life style in a fast rhythm which with the wish of more and more people can calmly, pleasantly face the city life.


  • 管子整个流动的惰性气体中。

    The tube is blanketed in an inert gas such as nitrogen or argon.


  • 尽管作品品质偶尔呈现两极化,但《雷神2黑暗世界集娱乐之大成,绝对威电影的良心续集。该片将情感戏与大场面相结合明智选用了轻快自然的手法

    Despite its occasionally bipolar quality, Thor: The Dark World is a hugely entertaining and well-written continuation of Marvel's Phase 2, combining heart, spectacle and a clever lightness of touch.


  • 透过窗子张眼望去,红色屋顶海水道道街区成千上万的人们淹没其中。

    The windows in my apartment look out on a sea of red roofs, covering rows and rows of blocks that house tens of thousands of people.


  • 模型较好考虑水流下游坝过程黏土滑动倾覆失稳所引起口间歇性增大现象

    The intermittent break expansion phenomenon caused by sliding or overturning of clay core during the scouring process of downstream shell break-induced flows is considered.


  • 本文引入并用微机实现算法可以方便实现从矢量数据到以物体为中心的行程编码转换存贮

    With the help of microcomputer, this paper introduces and realizes the flood algorithm, which can convert vector data to object - centred run length encoding rapidly and store it conveniently.


  • 夜色流水大街小巷月亮轻盈挂上树梢。

    The night view passes like flowing water the streets and alleys that the sort Man leads a green set, the moon supplely needles up treetop.


  • 不知此刻有多少灵魂安逸着芬芳上,万千暗淡星星

    Maybe somewhere this time, many of the spirits gently lying in the scent of the grass, are counting the numberless darkened stars.


  • 如果对此了解的话,这一系列关于超级英雄电影威动画的所有角色互有关联2008年发布《钢铁侠》以来公司就一部部推出电影大片

    If you don't know what that is, it's a superhero movie series with interconnected Marvel Comics characters, and it's been producing one cinematic blockbuster after another since 2008's "Iron Man."


  • 如果对此了解的话,这一系列关于超级英雄电影威动画的所有角色互有关联2008年发布《钢铁侠》以来公司就一部部推出电影大片

    If you don't know what that is, it's a superhero movie series with interconnected Marvel Comics characters, and it's been producing one cinematic blockbuster after another since 2008's "Iron Man."


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