• 他似乎并不在乎演奏风格全无。

    It didn't seem to matter that my rendition was lacking in style.


  • 一支非常优秀爵士乐队演奏风格清新自然…

    This is a very good jazz band, it took part in the Jazz …


  • 更新重新分配之间经验他们的演奏风格球员

    After the update, experience is redistributed between players based on their playing styles.


  • 理查德特殊的演奏风格含蓄的个性打动了许多听众

    Richard was unique playing style and subtle personality, impressed many listeners.


  • 本文音乐创作特点演奏风格版本等方面进行阐述。

    In this paper, the characteristics of his music, playing styles and version are elaborated.


  • 什么样个人文化力量形成乐曲的结构曲调演奏风格

    What personal and cultural forces shape the structure of the texts, tunes and performance styles?


  • 本文研究刘明源弓弦艺术领域成长演奏风格教学经验

    This article studies the growth, the performance style and the teaching experience of Liu Mingyuan in the area of the bowstring art.


  • 巴赫作品演奏风格上要非常热诚恳切同时应当含蓄、严格

    Bach s works call for warm and sincere in playing style, in the meanwhile it needs strictness.


  • 大部分非洲音乐依赖演奏具有强烈节奏演奏风格

    The majority of African music relies heavily on playing of drums. It is also characterized by an intense rhythmic playing style.


  • 文章通过作品分析来探讨谢德林现代复调思维钢琴演奏风格

    Through the analyzing of the work, the writer discussed the Shchedrin's modern counterpoint idea in the work and the performance style of his piano work.


  • 所以总是学习新的技巧想法这些元素融入演奏风格里去。

    So, I am always learning new techniques and discovering ways to incorporate those discoveries into my style of playing.


  • 着斯科特·吉普林散拍乐长大詹姆斯p约翰松跨步钢琴演奏风格初创者之一

    Growing up listening to Scott Joplin's rags, James P. Johnson was one of the originators of the stride piano style.


  • 另外多才多艺音乐均衡器提供了低音高音声音塑造演奏风格最好补充

    Plus, the versatile and musical equalizer provides bass and treble to shape the sound that best complements your playing style.


  • 演奏大众普遍接受演奏风格迥然不同因此用于同时代钢琴家进行比较

    He's playing with generally accepted by the mass of different style, so often used in comparison with contemporary pianist.


  • 学习爵士简单办法尽可能多爵士单簧管演奏家的录音学习他们演奏方式演奏风格

    And the best way to learn to play jazz is to listen to jazz recordings of all the jazz clarinetists you can find. Simply copy their playing and their particular stylistic ideas.


  • 50年代比波普爵士乐成为主导,泰特姆继续在全国众多俱乐部表演跨越式钢琴演奏风格变奏曲

    As bebop began to take control of jazz in the early 1950s, Tatum continued playing variations of the stride piano style, mostly at small clubs throughout the country.


  • 第五速度力度触键踏板装饰音五个方面,较深入地研究海顿晚期钢琴奏鸣曲演奏风格

    Fifth chapter from speed, dynamics, touch, pedal, ornament and so on, thoroughly studies performance genre of Haydn's late period piano sonata.


  • 扬琴传统乐曲分为广东音乐江南丝竹四川扬琴、东北扬琴大流派。四大流派均具有独特的演奏风格

    The traditional music performed on dulcimer can be divided into the following four schools: Guangdong music, Jiangnan Sizhu, Sichuan dulcimer and Dongbei dulcimer.


  • 本文通过这套作品细致分析总结举例相结合方式详细阐述了作曲家创作特点作品的演奏风格

    Through the detailed analysis of this music album, the composition characters and performing style is interpreted with the method of the combination of conclusion and examples.


  • 基于数学模型只要模型允许,就可以调整Pianoteq参数产生不仅新的演奏风格能创作新的钢琴音色。

    Based on mathematical models, Pianoteq allows parameters to be stretched as long as the model permits, resulting not only in new performance styles but also in new piano sounds.


  • 此后几十年合作生涯,布鲁贝克双手和弦以及保守运用切分音演奏风格同戴斯蒙流动抒情的柔和声线交相辉映,配合默契。

    For decades to come, Brubeck's two-handed chordal playing and sparing use of syncopation would beautifully complement Desmond's floating and lyrical lines.


  • 这些参数想法感觉”的放大器最终仍然必须发挥功放使用耳朵告诉适合演奏风格

    These parameters will give an idea of the "feel" of the amp, but in the end, you still must play the amp and use your ears to tell you which one is best suited for your playing style.


  • 分析萨拉萨蒂演奏风格炫技性、对于音色个人追求以及作品独到解释能力归纳出萨拉萨蒂演奏风格独树一帜特点

    This part analyzes his glaring skill, his personal pursuit for tone color as well as his original ability to explain the works in order to sum up the unique trait of his performance style.


  • 羡慕强大的创作为驱动力演奏风格令人振奋的现场演出但是我从来没那样演奏或者弹得听起来像他那样。

    I worked with him numerous times at concerts and festivals and admired his powerful composition-driven playing style and exciting live showbut I did never tried to play like him or sound like him.


  • 本文通过钢琴呜曲的分析,结合第三钢琴奏鸣曲具体演奏处理,由点及面分析普罗科菲耶夫钢琴奏呜曲的演奏风格和弹奏要点。

    The playing style could be gradually understood through the analysis of the piano Sonata as well as the specific skill in his Third Sonata for piano.


  • Rush仍然沿续了这种演奏风格但是这个团体现在已经不再害怕偶尔节奏漂移甚至一些歌曲里面,鼓手WillChampion电子刷换成真实的鼓槌

    Rush still hovers more than it grinds, but the group is now unafraid of the occasional tempo shift, and on some songs drummer Will Champion even trades in his brushes for real live drumsticks!


  • 演奏大提琴资深音乐家风格

    She played the cello with the polish of a much older musician.


  • 时至今日录音中所讲述关于早期奥尔良的生活演奏各种音乐风格我们了解爵士乐初期提供了珍贵的一瞥

    To this day, the recordings of Morton speaking about his early days in New Orleans, and playing examples of various musical styles, provide a valuable glimpse into the beginnings of jazz.


  • 时至今日录音中所讲述关于早期奥尔良的生活演奏各种音乐风格我们了解爵士乐初期提供了珍贵的一瞥

    To this day, the recordings of Morton speaking about his early days in New Orleans, and playing examples of various musical styles, provide a valuable glimpse into the beginnings of jazz.


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