• 对于find函数已经足够了,但是有些其他算法需要他们的参数满足更多的需求

    This is sufficient for find, but some other algorithms require that their arguments satisfy additional requirements.


  • 重点正在慢慢回到满足人类环境基本需求并将它们放在最优先地位——确保“人人份”,而不是某些人享有更多”。

    The focus is slowly shifting back to the provision of basic human and environmental needs as the top priorityensuring 'some for all,' instead of 'more for some'.


  • 许多人发现国家准备建造更多新的发电厂满足我们能源需求

    Many see that the country is getting ready to build lots of new power plants to meet our energy needs.


  • 全球需求不可预测性以及为了满足需求增加更多奶牛所需滞后时间可能会导致近期奶酪过剩等事件的发生。

    The unpredictability of global demand and the lag time it takes to add more cows to a herd to meet demand can result in events like the recent cheese surplus.


  • 人们感到拮据”,因为他们不断增加的收入常常不能满足他们不断增长需求,包括大的房子更多医疗保健更多的教育,更快网络连接

    People feel "squeezed" because their rising incomes often don't satisfy their rising wantsfor bigger homes, more health care, more education, faster Internet connections.


  • 使疫情在中国已经基本得到控制,对于许多人来说,面对面的交流仍然不能实现。这种情况下,她认为直播课程可以满足更多中国结爱好者学习这种手工艺的需求

    As face-to-face interaction is still impractical for many, even as the outbreak has been largely brought under control in China, she thinks livestreaming classes can meet more Chinese knot lovers' needs to learn the handicraft.


  • 对冲基金无法满足现金需求时,贷款机构会扣押它们资产试图将其出售,这又导致价格进一步下滑更多基金陷入困境。

    When hedge funds can't meet the demands for cash, lenders seize their assets and try to sell them, further driving down prices and putting more funds in trouble.


  • 这些工具没有实现SAM过程领域并且没有考虑满足更多组织需求IMP过程领域中的员工培训

    These tools do not implement the SAM process area and do not consider staff training in the imp process area to meet broader organizational needs.


  • 发电厂不得不烧更多生产更多电能满足供电需求

    Power plants burned more coal to generate enough electricity to meet demand.


  • Audible公司拥有五万多种有声读物每年销售增长40%,录音室还在日夜不停的制作着更多读物满足需求

    Audible has more than 50, 000 titles, with sales growing by more than 40% a year, and its recording studios are working day and night to meet the demand for more titles.


  • 人之所以成为就是因为积累了财富使有可能花费更多时间去沉迷于能够满足多方面需求间接(roundabout)方式

    What characterizes man is that he accumulates goods that make it possible for him to embark upon more time consuming roundabout methods of providing for his needs.


  • 另外,连锁超市维特罗斯已经订购了比平常50%的黄瓜,以便制作出更多的文治满足消费者们的需求

    Waitrose has ordered 50% more cucumbers to meet demand for sandwiches.


  • 如果以后需要增加更多存储增加的存储区域只要满足指定大小需求就会自动添加存储策略

    If you later need to add additional storage, the additional storage areas would automatically be added to the storage policy as long as it meets the specified size requirement.


  • 自我要求更多然后会开始追赶那些你认为遗失东西已有的幸福放一边一次满足自我的需求

    Your ego asks for more, and you begin your blind pursuit of something you think you’re missing, putting your happiness off once again to please your ego.


  • 如果要的不止公司的成功,还获得利益的话需要满足顾客需求,比竞争对手更多

    If you want to move your company from being successful to wildly profitable, you need to meet your customers' needs and wants better than your competitors do.


  • 人们希望建立更多医院购物中心娱乐中心、电影院其他公用设施满足人民日益增长需求

    It is desirable to build more hospitals, shopping centres, recreation centres, cinemas and other public facilities to meet the growing needs of people.


  • 人们并不是发达科技降低价格消费更多服务而是富裕多数需求得到满足的时候才会消费更多的服务。

    People consume more services not when technological advance lowers their price but when they have reached a level of affluence that satisfies most of their other needs.


  • 看看这种策略能否发现需求突然增加,从而创建更多实例满足这些需求

    Check how the policy detects sudden increases in the demand and results in the creation of additional instances to fill in the demand.


  • 这种方式满足客户需求同时,企业提供更多赢利点

    This is an effective way of meeting their customers' requirements and driving more profitability for their organization.


  • 这样可以满足提供客户年龄需求同时又为姐妹公司提供了更多信息使之可进一步定制产品

    This would still meet the legal requirements of not providing a customer's age; however, it would give the sister company more relevant information to further customize their offers.


  • 今天我们更多需要并行计算问题并且幸运的是,我们拥有可以满足我们关于并行计算需求便宜硬件

    Today, we have more problems that require parallel computing and luckily we have much less expensive hardware that can accommodate our needs regarding parallel computation.


  • 除非当地经济大幅下滑,否则不能变魔术般的生产更多商品服务满足需求

    But unless the local economy has a lot of slack, it cannot magically produce more goods and services to meet this fresh demand.


  • 科学家表示,答案其实很简单,更多满足传粉者的需求减少生活压力通过利用本土动物行使授粉职责来减轻饲养蜜蜂的工作负担。

    Give pollinators more of what they need and less of what they don't, and ease the burden on managed bees by letting native animals do their part, say scientists.


  • 购买路径提供信息无法满足用户需求时,他们需要通过导航找到提供更多信息产品细节比较页面

    Whenever users wanted more information than the purchase path could provide, they had to take a navigational detour to an information-rich product details or comparison page.


  • 为了满足不断增长移动连接需求需要更多了解计算开发人员

    To meet the growing needs of mobile connectivity, more developers will be required who understand how cloud computing works.


  • 为了更多地方提供更好的服务,我们扩展增加了退伍军人管理局的医疗保健预算,为受伤战士新建便利设施更好满足女性退伍军人的需求做了很多调整

    To deliver better care in more places, we’re expanding and increasing VA health care, building new wounded warrior facilities, and adapting care to better meet the needs of female veterans.


  • 带来了新的需求要求游戏环境提供更多功能——满足玩家需要更多收入

    This brought a new set of requirements that demanded additional functions in your game environmentthe need to leverage the gamer's love of playing (and for you to make the most profit).


  • 带来了新的需求要求游戏环境提供更多功能——满足玩家需要更多收入

    This brought a new set of requirements that demanded additional functions in your game environmentthe need to leverage the gamer's love of playing (and for you to make the most profit).


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