• 很多数据包括数据存储信息无关例如计数用来分类数据的临时助手以及用户接口多种语言文本

    Many data sources include data that is irrelevant for understanding stored information, such as counters, temporary helper tables used to sort data, and multilingual text for the user interface.


  • 请注意JNDI名称如何据库创建数据名称相关联的。

    Note how the JNDI names tie up with the datasource names you created when you were planning the database.


  • 为了处理一个问题联合服务器必须使用一系列关于操作环境信息以及数据计数

    In order to address the latter question, the federation server must also utilize a range of information about the operational environment as well as statistics of the source databases.


  • 因为建立数据访问考虑很多种情况本身可以作为另一文章主题

    Designing a data graph could be the subject of another article on its own as there are many scenarios to consider when building access to a data source.


  • 调用包括安全标识符(sid)、安全(根据请求操作详细信息构造)、特定socket调用,以及可选辅助

    This call includes the source security identifier (sid), the security class (constructed from the details of the requested operation), the particular socket call, and optional auxiliary audit data.


  • 计数详细列出了其他地区死亡人数,其中成都4156人,广2586人,阿坝2871人,雅安23人

    The office also gave a breakdown of the death toll in other areas as 4, 156 in Chengdu, 2, 586 in Guangyuan, 2, 871 in Aba and 23 in Ya'an.


  • 这个透视表使用求和功能进行数据汇总现在我们将它改为计数

    This PivotTable is aggregating the source data using the Sum function. Now, let's try and change this to Count.


  • 就是数据透视表计数代替求和汇总数据全部内容这儿这一结果截图

    And that's all it takes to have the PivotTable use Count instead of Sum to aggregate the source data. Here is a screen shot of the result.


  • 放置涡流中的涡流计数出涡流转数。

    A vortex cage located in the vortex counts the revolutions of the vortex pool.


  • 作者主要工作就是电视发射机中的本频率上海明珠公司数字电视发射机开发项目一个重要部分。

    The author's main work is the development of the lo (local oscillator) in DTV transmitter, it is one of the important research projects planned by Shanghai Mingzhu Company.


  • 观察计数脊髓半横断损伤后尾端腹神经生长因子、脑神经营养因子神经营养因子3的阳性神经元

    The number of NGF, BDNF, and NTF-3 positive neurons in ventral horn of the spinal cord were observed and counted.


  • 偏移长度已超出数组界限或者计数大于索引集合末尾元素数。

    Offset and length were out of bounds for the array or count is greater than the number of elements from index to the end of the source collection.


  • 脉冲发生器输出端加一级驱动电路再接入计数时钟脉冲输入端,有效地避免通常发生在实验过程计数不规则的跳变。

    To use the way of put a driven circuit behind the pulser, lead through the input of count clock pulse, can avoid the irregular date on the counter during experiment effectively.


  • 根据误差分析,单片机程序处理有效数据采集计数误差消除进一步提高测量精度

    According to the source of error, for effective elimination of the error count data acquisition by use the SCM procedures, further improve the measurement accuracy.


  • 利用放射性伽马射线轰击井眼周围岩石通过反散射伽马射线计数可以计算出地下岩石的密度。

    A radioactive source is used to bombard the rocks surrounding the wellbore with gamma rays. By counting the backscattered gamma rays, the density of the subsurface rock can be computed.


  • 甄别电压外推零时计数光电倍增管阳极电流而改变,阳极电流倒数趋于零时,计数率趋于被测的活度。

    The count rate at the extrapolation of bias to zero varies monotonously with the anode current of phototube and tends to the activity of source as the inverse anode current approaches zero.


  • 绿集团创办人倪捷官员误解了据,他们没有科学看待这些数据。

    'Officials are getting the statistics wrong, they're not looking at them scientifically,' said Ni Jie, Luyuan's founder.


  • 结果表明特征能区的计数半径增加而增加,并且变化趋势光子注量的变化趋势一致

    The result shows that the counts in characteristic peak regions increase as the source size increase, and its trends of change with radius of source is almost same as that of photon fluence.


  • 重要的是, -O3避免了内存中保留循环计数即使使用原始

    More importantly, -O3 also avoids keeping the loop counter in memory, even with the original source.


  • 基于1995-2004年长江水质主要,对长江流域主要地区水质进行评价,根据污染物在水中的降解方程,利用最大差值法确定污染主要分布地区。

    Based on the data of the Yangtse River water quality during 1995-2004, we make an assessment on the water quality of the main areas along the Yangtse River.


  • 获取设置一个,该值指示在数据检索操作过程中,数据控件是否应检索所有数据行的计数

    Gets or sets a value that represents the starting position the data source control should use when retrieving data rows during a data retrieval operation.


  • 之所以能力,当然也令人意外

    Therefore it's not surprising that he has the ability to design digital signal source.


  • 之所以能力,当然也令人意外

    Therefore it's not surprising that he has the ability to design digital signal source.


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