• 设计游戏Cruel2BKind》,游戏里玩家通过对待公共场所的陌生人表现友好获得升级。游戏流行大洲超过50个城市

    She has designed Cruel 2 B Kind, a game in which players advance by being nice to strangers in public places, and which has been played in more than 50 cities on four continents.


  • 玩家需要游戏时间游戏虚拟商品付费社交网络公司则从销售额中提成。

    Players pay for play time or virtual goods within the games, and the social networks take a cut of the sales.


  • 免费游戏可以让玩家电脑获得一个巨大的使用箭头鼠标远程抓取礼物

    The free game allows players to access a giantclaw remotely using either their arrow keys ormouse to try and grab gifts from their computer.


  • 很自然地维多利亚把这件事告诉这场游戏里这么玩家可能是孤军奋战

    Victoria was monitoring them for me, naturally; in a game with this many players, I couldn't be working alone.


  • 游戏玩家会依靠弹弓力量帮助小鸟打败那些偷走它们鸡蛋

    In the game, players help a group of slingshot-aided-birds wipe out pigs who stole their eggs.


  • 一个玩家传记选择立刻产生游戏里角色相配套物质

    A player's biography choices immediately tailor physical parts of the game to their character.


  • 游戏里玩家在由照片构造越南丛林探索,并寻找一些可爱卡通宠物——没有卡通地雷角色

    In the game, players navigate photos of Cambodian jungle landscapes in search of photos for several adorable cartoon pets -- no cartoon landmine characters here.


  • 游戏里如果一个用于更新画面丢失了,玩家有一下子的不愉快

    In a game, if one packet for updating a screen position goes missing, the player will just jerk a little.


  • 日志会展示玩家他们角色的专属背景,而且在游戏里这个角色一生所回答的问题都会记录在案

    This shows the player their character's individual background, with all of the biography answers incorporated into the story of their life.


  • 一旦玩家僵尸碰到变成僵尸,每隔48小时感染一个人类才能继续留在游戏里

    If a player is touched by the zombie, he or she then becomes a zombie and is required to "tag" at least one human every 48 hours to stay in the game.


  • 游戏里竞争激烈一些玩家为了获得装备经验而绞尽脑汁

    Competition within the game is fierce, with some players going to desperate lengths to achieve the weapons and rewards needed to level-up their character.


  • 游戏理念非常简单:玩家使用资源强手用的

    The idea is similar, too: players use resources (money in Monopoly;


  • 这些游戏包括涂鸦橡皮》。游戏里玩家小便瞄准马桶压力感应器消除显示屏虚拟涂鸦。

    Games include "graffiti Eraser" in which a user tries to aim at the pressure sensor in the urinal to erase virtual graffiti on the display.


  • 款免费游戏可以让玩家电脑获得一个巨大使用箭头鼠标远程抓取礼物

    The free game allows players to access a giant claw remotely using either their arrow keys or mouse to try and grab gifts from their computer.


  • 它可以游戏玩家动态影像传到视频游戏里他们游戏做好动作比如空手道进攻敌方等等。

    The EyeToy inserts the moving image of a player into a game, letting them do fun stuff like give a karate chop to enemies.


  • 相当讽刺的是,《模拟人生2》,款需要玩家完全模拟世界决定如何安排生活的游戏,其玩家并未在决断能力上获益

    Rather ironically, players of "the Sims 2", a game where one has to decide how to organise an entire simulated world, did not benefit this way.


  • 2007年游戏传送门》为例,现代游戏里玩家需要在特定障碍心灵感应传送他自己或者道具解决一系列难题

    Take 2007's "Portal." In the modern game, a player has to solve a series of puzzles by teleporting himself or items around certain obstacles.


  • 1987年,阿克塞尔·罗德通过设定系统拓展了这个电脑游戏系统,有一小程序玩家执行随机产生的“囚徒困境策略

    In 1987, Axelrod extended the computerization of the game by setting up a system in which small populations of programs played randomly generated Prisoner's Dilemma strategies.


  • 还是恭喜希望在下一个十年卖出更多至少游戏玩家希望那么久以后,能买它。

    Again, Congratulations... may it sell much more and last another decade... at least in the hands of the gamers who are willing to play it for that much longer!


  • 大型网游一个挑战现有的巨大数量玩家,这样会大量失去那种非常有趣单机角色扮演游戏里个人互动

    One of the challenges of a massively-multiplayer game is that in being inclusive to a vast number of people, it loses a lot of the personal interaction that makes single-player RPGs so much fun.


  • 电脑游戏玩家往往给刻板的印象:肥胖单身汉窝一间黑忽忽的屋子吃披萨充饥,显示屏操纵杆来代替正常的人际交往

    The stereotypical gamer is a fat bachelor in a darkened bedroom, living on pizza and substituting pixels and joysticks for healthy human contact.


  • 神秘岛》最初是Mac电脑上发布游戏要求玩家控制游戏主人公陌生人一个充满奇怪题的世界行走,通过解开谜题完成游戏

    Originally released on Mac, Myst requires players to navigate their character, "the Stranger" around an odd world full of puzzles that, once completed, allow them to advance throughout the game.


  • 网络游戏魔兽世界风靡全球玩家超过1200万。这个虚拟世界玩家可扮演精灵兽人巫师游戏角色

    The virtual universe, in which players take on the role of elves, orcs and wizards, has proved phenomenally successful, with more than 12 million subscribers worldwide.


  • 按照防沉迷系统设计,玩家每天三个小时游戏时间得到100%的经验值,此后个小时只能得到一半的经验值。

    Under the fatigue system, they get full experience in the first three hours of each day, but only half experience in the next two hours. No experience will be awaeded after five hours.


  • 这场高风险游戏核心玩家内蒙古包头钢铁稀土(集团)高科技公司,它是世界上最大的稀土矿生产商

    The key player in this high-stakes game is Baotou Steel rare earth (Group) Hi-tech Co., from Inner Mongolia - the world's largest producer of rare earth elements.


  • 这场高风险游戏核心玩家内蒙古包头钢铁稀土(集团)高科技公司,它是世界上最大的稀土矿生产商

    The key player in this high-stakes game is Baotou Steel rare earth (Group) Hi-tech Co., from Inner Mongolia - the world's largest producer of rare earth elements.


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