• 的确科学家发现大脑可能大量刺激影响比如计算机游戏“俄罗斯方块可以增加物质数量

    Indeed, scientists are discovering that the brain can be influenced by large Numbers of stimuli: computer games such as Tetris have also been found to increase the amount of brain matter.


  • 游戏如此直接简单每个人都很快上手,不过随着游戏进行,俄罗斯方块变得越来越富有挑战

    The game was so straightforward and simple that anybody could pick it up, yet as play progressed Tetris became more and more challenging.


  • 游戏图形优雅易于理解:游戏时,不断落下七种不同一个,同时不要太高。

    The game was graphically elegant and easy to grok. To play, you arranged seven different kinds of falling blocks into a tower without letting them pile too high.


  • 研究者进一步研究能够证明现有发现,那么,俄罗斯方块其它类似视觉空间游戏将可能开发预防创伤后应激障碍的一种认知型疫苗”。

    The researchers suggest that if further research bears out their findings, Tetris, or a visual-spatial task like it, could be developed as a kind of "cognitive vaccine" against flashbacks.


  • 哈佛这方面进行了一系列试验,参加测试的人要求一下俄罗斯方块游戏

    In a series of studies being conducted at Harvard, sleep-lab subjects were asked to play the video game Tetris.


  • 几乎无处不在俄罗斯方块益智游戏玩家操纵一系列不断下落随机生成的四格拼板创建没有空缺水平方块序列

    The ubiquitous Tetris is a puzzle game in which players manipulate a random sequence of falling, four-block tetrominos to create a horizontal line of blocks without gaps.


  • 紧急需要时移动装载这些物资和装备集装箱有点像在玩推方块游戏,只是这些方块每个都有数吨以上

    Shuffling the containers carrying these, so that those needed immediately are accessible, is akin to solving a moving-block puzzle where the blocks weigh many tonnes each.


  • 版本俄罗斯方块通过软盘拷贝野火燎原之势在全世界风行开来,引起了很多游戏发行商关注

    This version of Tetris spread like wildfire around the world on copied floppy disks, catching the attention of many game publishers.


  • 心理学家研究了玩“俄罗斯方块游戏人们后发现了从不停止的“俄罗斯方块效应”。

    Psychologists discovered “the Tetris Effectafter studying people who played the video game Tetris almost nonstop.


  • 26年前的一个周六阿列克谢·帕基特诺夫俄罗斯方块游戏程序的最后几个代码时,根本想不到这个不起眼视频游戏成为俄罗斯引人入胜出口产品

    When Alexey Pajitnov put the finishing touches on Tetris 26 years ago Saturday, he had no way of knowing his modest video game would become Russia's most entertaining export.


  • 虽然俄罗斯方块热爱他的日常工作没有许多共同点,但为了精益求精,纽鲍尔确实会花一些时间分析游戏

    Although he says his passion for Tetris and his day job don't have much in common, he does take the time to analyze his game for the sake of improvement.


  • 在经过长达版权争夺战后,俄罗斯方块任天堂,成为后者游戏机上的招牌游戏,仅正版的gameboy版本售出3000万

    After three years' fight on the copyright, the Tetris finally belonged to the nintendo and become the facia game, and the original edition had sold out for 30 million pieces.


  • 了这么多,其实就是方块游戏

    Having said that, in fact, this is a pinball game box!


  • Sifteo共有31.5英寸大小方块游戏时最多可用6个方块

    Sifteo’s one and a half inch Cubes come in sets of 3, but games can be played using up to 6 cubes.


  • 这个游戏源源不断地完成任务务——在游戏里你考虑新的方块放在哪里,就使大脑着迷了

    "The game gives you a constant stream of" incomplete tasks "— there's always a new block to consider and place in the game, which keeps your brain hooked."


  • 这个游戏源源不断地完成任务——在游戏里你考虑新的方块放在哪里,就使大脑着迷了

    The game gives you a constant stream of "incomplete tasks" - there's always a new block to consider and place in the game, which keeps your brain hooked.


  • 自从这款游戏于1984年苏联诞生以来,究竟是什么人们移动手指,不停地点击确保每一方块保持一致然后消失虚拟以太之中

    But what's kept people swiping and clicking to ensure each row of blocks stays aligned and disappears into the virtual ether since its development in 1984 Soviet Russia?


  • 现如今,虽然移动社交已经成为最大两个游戏来源,但俄罗斯方块吸引力没有显露出任何衰减迹象

    As mobile and social become two of the largest sources for gaming these days, Tetris isn't showing any signs of losing its appeal.


  • 俄罗斯方块纯粹游戏:玩没有什么好处没什么,也不会导致社交身体方面的后果,”补充说

    "Tetris is pure game: there is no benefit to it, nothing to learn, no social or physical consequence," he added.


  • 说明:一个俄罗斯方块游戏实现主要功能界面好看对于初学者有用

    This is a Tetris game, pulling to achieve the main function, the interface is nice, very useful for beginners.


  • 说明:经典游戏俄罗斯方块一种简单实现支持玩家信息保存统计

    A classic game of Tetris simple implementation, support the players the preservation of information and statistics.


  • 因为技术性方块,所以不会游戏菜单找到并且只能由创造模式管理员使用。

    Since its a technical block, you will not find it in the game menus, and is restricted to players who are admins in creative mode.


  • 用户通过移动切分图形方块最终评出指定的图形,从而完成游戏

    The user through the mobile segment after the specified final top box graphics graphics, thus completing the game.


  • 款麻将主题俄罗斯方块类型益智游戏QD测试通过

    Subject of a mahjong type puzzle game Tetris. QD test!


  • 一款考验智慧休闲游戏五颜六色方块世界帮助他们寻找自己伙伴

    This is a test of your intelligence leisure games. The colorful world of the box to help them find their own partners.


  • 因为技术性方块,所以不会游戏菜单找到它,并且只能由创造模式管理员使用。

    Since it's a technical block, you will not find it in the game menus, and is restricted to players who are admins in creative mode.


  • 因为技术性方块,所以不会游戏菜单找到它,并且只能由创造模式管理员使用。

    Since it's a technical block, you will not find it in the game menus, and is restricted to players who are admins in creative mode.


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