• 周日波士顿举行美国心理学会会上,与会者们得出了以上结论这些结论大量研究事实为基础,研究内容主要为电子游戏如何影响玩家

    The findings were contained in a raft of research about how video games effect the people who play them, discussed Sunday at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association in Boston.


  • 不是骗子一个人的算那种,的意思是猜来猜去的心理游戏

    No, not the twister or monopoly varieties, I mean mind games.


  • 虽然长期以来基础概率效应主要出现心理研究当中,但它远非学者娱乐消遣的简单逻辑游戏

    Long trapped in the psychological research literature, the base-rate effect is more than just a subtle logical trap to delight academics and smart-alecks.


  • 这份调查以前关于青少年对于电子游戏狂热的调查一致的,后者把玩电子游戏坐的习惯体重问题以及心理健康联系了起来。

    This was consistent with prior research in adolescent video game enthusiasts that tied video game playing to sedentary habits, weight issues and mental health concerns.


  • 有些发现心理游戏自己帮助,比如告诉自己睡5分钟起床,这样就能多眯一会儿。

    Some people find that playing mental games is helpful. For example, tell yourself it's five minutes before you have to get up and you're just trying to get a few extra winks.


  • ErikYehl -一个金发低声细语喜欢打篮球电子游戏男孩-由于口吃,觉得这部电影心理很难受,因为他自己也有同样的遭遇

    For Erik Yehl, a fair-haired, soft-spoken boy who loves basketball and video games, the film was sometimes tough to watch, because it hit so close to home.


  • 这项研究后续实验表明,这种反常的现象不是因为人们感觉到无彼的的无能或是难以预测(心理学家发现的在这种游戏中不受欢迎的两种人).于是,研究者们组织第四个实验.这次,游戏结束,他们就参与者一系列问题.这些问题是用来表明他们对无私玩家态度的.

    So the researchers organised a fourth experiment. This time, once the game was over, they asked the participants a series of questions designed to elucidate their attitudes to the selflessplayer”.


  • 室外的温度是零度,并不室内冷很多。但是我们都不在乎,因为我们心理已经这场游戏

    Outside wasn’t much cooler at zero but none of us seemed to care much because now we had won a psychological game with our minds.


  • 心理学家游戏专家拜伦·里斯对此表示赞同:“所有游戏中有效的心理机制适用现实生活。”

    Psychologist and games expert Byron Reeves agrees: "There are no psychological mechanisms that work for games that don't work in real life."


  • 心理科学期刊发表研究结果称,有些上瘾玩家甚至通过偷窃满足自己游戏

    Some addicted gamers even steal to support their habit, according to the findings that will be published in the journal Psychological Science.


  • 心理实验室进行金钱游戏,这一点也非常相似人们别人明显地不信任

    Similarly in financial games psychologists have run in the lab, people are remarkably cynical about the trustworthiness of others.


  • 安德鲁斯大学心理邀请男士参与一项关于金钱的电脑游戏

    A team of psychologists at the University of st Andrews invited men to play a computerised game for money.


  • 一个轻型头部装置正被开发运用人们可以电脑游戏进行心理的交流。

    A lightweight head device is also being developed for people to interact mentally with computer games.


  • 不幸的是,许多公司原原本本地抄袭明显游戏元素比如徽章升级机制,却没有理解深层发挥效应的心理因素。

    Unfortunately, many companies have strictly copied the obvious game elements, such as badges and leveling-up, without understanding the deeper psychology at work.


  • 维吉尼亚州某大学心理教授.威灵汉姆认为,游戏可取之处在于孩子们明白一个道理——学习的过程中失败家常便饭。

    The beauty of video gaming is that children understand thatfailure is a normal part of the learning process,” said Dan Willingham, a psychology professor at the University of Virginia.


  • 这个网络应该包含能够帮助CEO对付工作压力帮他们站游戏顶端心理学家人格培训师。

    That network could include psychologists and personal trainers who can help a CEO cope with the pressures of the job and stay at the top of their game.


  • 心理学家研究了玩“俄罗斯方块游戏人们后发现了从不停止的“俄罗斯方块效应”。

    Psychologists discovered “the Tetris Effectafter studying people who played the video game Tetris almost nonstop.


  • 要想了解这个令人沮丧心理过程我们来简单游戏,这个游戏只有规则:那就是千万不要想起北极熊这个动物来。

    To understand this frustrating mental process, let’s play a simple game with only one rule: Don’t think about white bears.


  • 加拿大心理学家乔伊·弗兰德斯通过研究发现父子之间激烈的格斗游戏儿子懂得如何自制

    Canadian psychologist Dr Joe Flanders has carried out research that suggests rough and tumble play between father and son can be useful in teaching the child self-control.


  • 常常控制者,机器,具有攻击性不忠心理游戏

    Narcissists are also known to be controllers, manipulators, aggressive, unfaithful, and given to playing mind-games.


  • 也许个很不错的想法但是教育家心理学家们正在萌生一种担忧。 害怕孩子们在(游戏射击爆破狂奔的画面,刺激他们做出很多危险冒险行为。

    Maybe it's wishful thinking, but a growing sentiment among many educators and psychologists suggests that all the shooting, blasting and racing may be spawning more adventurous, risk-taking thinkers.


  • 临床心理学家理查德·瑞恩指出有效游戏“能优雅的方式驾驭基本人类动机倾向”。

    Effective gamesharness basic human motivational tendencies in elegant ways, ” points out clinical psychologist Richard Ryan.


  • 电子游戏设计师、美国卡内基·梅隆大学研究人员杰西·谢尔如是说,游戏设计师以及心理学家坚信,使公民更健康提高工作效率、有事可做关键游戏引入生活

    He and a bevy of game designers and psychologists are convinced that the key to a society of healthier, more productive and more engaged citizens lies in bringing gaming into daily life.


  • 整个游戏的规则就是如果足够高楼得做好大楼建成时分期付款剪彩剪刀心理准备。

    The rule is that if there's enough money sloshing around to pay for one, then don't be surprised if, by the time the purple ribbon's cut, the scissors have to be on hire purchase.


  • 这个快速预测过程与曾经的游戏节目曲调猜歌名》心理相同

    This rapid prediction process is the mental equivalent of the old game show Name That Tune.


  • 游戏才刚刚开始,”参与这项研究杜克大学心理神经科学副教授ScottHuettel

    "This is really early in the game," says Scott Huettel, an associate professor of psychology and neuroscience at Duke University who was not involved in the study.


  • 游戏才刚刚开始,”参与这项研究杜克大学心理神经科学副教授ScottHuettel

    "This is really early in the game," says Scott Huettel, an associate professor of psychology and neuroscience at Duke University who was not involved in the study.


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