• 如果流行病学家能介入玩家众多游戏他们就可以观看玩家面临不同种类危险时,行为是如何变化的。

    If epidemiologists had access to a heavily populated game, they could watch how players' behavior changes in response to variations in the risks they face.


  • 学家们让实验对象一个通过欺骗搭档游戏他们注意来自杏仁核负面信号开始减少

    When scientists had their subjects play a game in which they won money by deceiving their partner, they noticed the negative signals from the amygdala began to decrease.


  • 为此他们伯克利神经学家合作看是否能通过游戏提高学龄儿童大脑额叶机能,比如:分析能力

    They are collaborating with UC Berkeley neuroscientists who use games to improve the prefrontal cortex function, and thus the reasoning ability, of school-age children.


  • 如果流行病学家介入诸如魔兽世界”这样玩家众多游戏他们注意玩家面临危险时,行为是如何变化的。

    If epidemiologists had access to a heavily populated game such as "World of Warcraft", they could watch how players' behaviour changes in response to variations in the risks they face.


  • 学家如果鲨鱼灭绝象“打地鼠”游戏一样引发食物链的崩溃。

    If sharks die off, you could have a food chain Whac-a-Mole, scientists say.


  • 罗杰斯多特,考古学家确实挖掘出了一些和游戏相关的文物他们通常认为这些物品没什么价值,或者认为它们是祭祀用品。

    Rogersdotter says that archaeologistsdo often find game-related relics at dig sites, but they’re usually discounted as unimportant or considered a ritualobject.


  • 如果一种学家必须听到的事情就是科学游戏结束了

    If there is one thing scientists have to hear, it is that the game is over.


  • 具有讽刺意味的认为这种游戏有害认为其无害的学家寻找同样征兆只是他们把这征兆看成了两种完成不同事物

    The irony is that scientists who think the games are harmful and those who think they're not are both looking at the same evidence. They just see two different things.


  • 在网上玩家来自史密森协会学家进行视频会议玩这个游戏帮助阐明概念解开线索发现隐藏信息

    Online, players will engage with scientists from the Smithsonian through video conferences, play games that will help to illustrate concepts, and unlock clues and hidden messages.


  • 个例子,经济学家们被游戏常见结果困扰,在此游戏中,一个游戏另一位玩者之间分钱,然后他决定是否公正

    Economists were long puzzled, for example, by the routine outcome of a game in which one player divides a sum of money between himself and a competitor, who then decides whether the shares are fair.


  • 学家适当电子游戏可以提高孩子推理解决问题能力,几天提高他们学校学习成绩

    Scientists say certain computer games can boost children's reasoning and problem-solving skills, improving their grades at school in a matter of weeks.


  • 通过海马神经活动图像神经学家可以推测游戏玩家虚拟环境中的位置

    By studying neural activity patterns in the hippocampus, neuroscientists predicted the location of video game players within a virtual environment.


  • 他们数字游戏所以他们都是纯粹学家

    And they play with Numbers, so they are pure mathematicians.


  • 心理学家游戏专家拜伦·里斯对此表示赞同:“所有游戏中有效的心理机制适用现实生活。”

    Psychologist and games expert Byron Reeves agrees: "There are no psychological mechanisms that work for games that don't work in real life."


  • 但是所有这些功能不是用来巨型游戏现代战争2——使学家能够分析海量的数据以及运行模拟数据,而这些较小计算机上运算可能需要几个星期的时间。

    But all this power isn't being used to play giant games of Modern Warfare 2 - it enables scientists to analyse massive data sets and run simulations that might take weeks on lesser computers.


  • 可能相信经济学逻辑室内游戏几乎没有区别这个特殊案例中,则存在天壤之别。

    Perhaps you believe that there is little difference between economics and the parlour games of logicians, but in this particular case there is all the difference in the world.


  • 学家设计模拟游戏,用以测验可能性是否会影响参加者冒险意愿

    Scientists devised a "game" to test whether the chances of losing money affected the study participants' willingness to gamble.


  • 机器人理解他,因为学家给它编制这个游戏能力

    The robot didn't understand him-the scientists hadn't programmed in the ability to play this game.


  • 心理实验室进行金钱游戏,这一点也非常相似人们别人明显地不信任

    Similarly in financial games psychologists have run in the lab, people are remarkably cynical about the trustworthiness of others.


  • 安德鲁斯大学心理邀请男士参与一项关于金钱的电脑游戏

    A team of psychologists at the University of st Andrews invited men to play a computerised game for money.


  • 样子活像一位年轻学家思考着孩子们游戏无用性。

    He appeared like a young philosopher meditating on the futility of games.


  • 的确学家发现大脑可能大量刺激影响比如计算机游戏“俄罗斯方块可以增加物质数量

    Indeed, scientists are discovering that the brain can be influenced by large Numbers of stimuli: computer games such as Tetris have also been found to increase the amount of brain matter.


  • 德州大学计算机学家丹纳·巴拉德开发了一种电脑游戏,可用于测验这种能力的高低。

    Dana Ballard, a computer scientist at the University of Texas, developed a computer game to measure just how little.


  • 为了早期穷人的大脑发育斗争神经学家正在发明为学龄儿童专门定制的的电脑游戏促进他们的额叶皮层发育

    To combat poor brain development at an early age, neuroscientists are creating video games that specifically develop prefrontal cortex functions in school age kids.


  • 实际上经验的经济学家一次性终极游戏时,他们确实一般倾向接受小气的出价。

    And indeed, when one-off ultimatum games are played by trained economists, who know all this, they do tend to accept stingy offers more often than other people would.


  • 这个网络应该包含能够帮助CEO对付工作压力帮他们站游戏顶端心理学家人格培训师。

    That network could include psychologists and personal trainers who can help a CEO cope with the pressures of the job and stay at the top of their game.


  • 游戏简单魅力使变成视频游戏的典范:流行文化被频频提及,学家对其进行研究,时至今日广为流行。

    The game's simplicity and appeal has made it the archetypal videogame: referenced in popular culture, studied by scientists and still wildly popular.


  • 游戏简单魅力使变成视频游戏的典范:流行文化被频频提及,学家对其进行研究,时至今日广为流行。

    The game's simplicity and appeal has made it the archetypal videogame: referenced in popular culture, studied by scientists and still wildly popular.


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