• 研究者还在进一步深入研究游戏应用程序年轻人中产生衍生物时,父母们在恍惚养育和灵活运用科技两者之间灰色地带起着导向作用。

    As researchers dig deeper into the ramifications of games and apps on young minds, parents will have to navigate the gray areas between absentminded parenting and the smart use of technology.


  • 大量高地游戏存在于苏格兰丘陵地带

    There are a number of Highland Games held through the highlands Scotland.


  • 博彩业兴盛主要是因为他们处于法律灰色地带,弹球游戏经营者尚未上市然而这个游戏机器制造商表现势头强劲

    Largely because of the legal grey zone in which they thrive, pachinko parlour operators are not listed on the stock exchange. The producers of the machines, however, are tipped to perform strongly.


  • 游戏没有时间级别限制游戏开辟了一个“白金地带付费的玩家享用

    There are no time limits or level limits in this game, and there's options for premium accounts for serious players.


  • 这些年来CGSociety一直在关注Guerrilla游戏工作室杀戮地带2》,我们过不少游戏和Guerrilla精彩作品报导

    Guerrilla Games and Killzone 2 have been large on our radar this year here at CGSociety. We reported on the game and the amazing work done at Guerrilla.


  • PS3上发售且独占游戏之一,2009年《死亡地带》的开发大大超过了两千万美元预算,和四年的预期制作时间

    One of the most anticipated exclusive titles for the Playstation 3, 2009’s "Killzone 2" swelled well beyond its initial $20 million budget over its four-year development time.


  • 在未来生活方方面面不可避免地带游戏一般体验

    A future in which almost every aspect of your life includes a gamelike experience is all but inevitable, says videogame designer and Carnegie Mellon University researcher Jesse Schell.


  • 2005年E3游戏展会上索尼就宣称Guerrilla游戏工作室忙于制作PS 3版本的《杀戮地带2》(当时PS 3尚未发布)。

    Back at E3 of 2005 Sony announced that Guerrilla Games was busy working on Killzone 2 for the Playstation3. [This was before the PS3 was available.]


  • 在权利游戏中,不当赢家,只有死路一条没有中间地带。————瑟

    Cersei insisted. "When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground."


  • 地带优点在于关闭备用电源所有周边设备扬声器游戏DVD播放器

    The beauty of the strip is it turns off stand-by power to all peripheral items, like speakers, game machines, and DVD players.


  • 姐妹俩同样不满的目光审视着两人都根秋千柱子好像捉人游戏中的安全地带

    The sisters considered him, united in disapproval, both holding on to one of the swing poles, as though it was the safe place in tag.


  • 对于游戏嘲讽意图前者似乎至关重要后者处于灰色地带,到底是可能反感这里内容?用户还是苹果公司

    The former appears to be crucial to the satirical intent of the game, while the latter is something of a grey areawho is most likely to object to the content here: users or Apple?


  • 但是斯托克大学皇家医院是个安全地带,玩家们安心地在这里玩‘口袋妖怪’游戏

    'Royal Stoke University Hospital is a safe area where games can enjoy Pokemon Go.'


  • 新的游戏元素可提高风景新的飞机整合满足市场地带一个虚拟飞行完全新品种

    From new game play elements and enhanced scenery and terrain to new aircraft and integrated content marketplace, it is an entirely new breed of virtual flight.


  • 游戏故事一如既往发生于 幻想乡神秘东方地带

    The game takes place in the mystic oriental land of Gensokyo, as usual.


  • 之后我们一时头脑发昏不顾游戏设计师警告,径直冲华盛顿特区中心地带,结果遥控警戒机枪克雷士兵给打到人间蒸发

    Later, in a moment of madness, we wander into the heart of DC, despite warnings from the developers, and get vaporized by a remote sentry gun and a gang on Enclave soldiers.


  • 之后我们一时头脑发昏不顾游戏设计师警告,径直冲华盛顿特区中心地带,结果遥控警戒机枪克雷士兵给打到人间蒸发

    Later, in a moment of madness, we wander into the heart of DC, despite warnings from the developers, and get vaporized by a remote sentry gun and a gang on Enclave soldiers.


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