• 方法在传感器体系不同温度条件测定空白芯片、已包被芯片在相中液相中频率达到稳定时间,和抗原抗体反应时间温度变化

    Methods To detect the time consumed before frequency becoming stable in air and in solution under different temperature. And the time varied with the change of temperature.


  • 温度变化正比b摩尔数,比例常数混合物什么有关。

    Amount of temperature change depends linearly on the molality of B, with a constant that depends on what the mixture is.


  • 但是,这些条件下,这些物理如果我们考察自由变化,例如恒定温度压强下,我们仍然可以计算

    Whereas under these conditions, these quantities, if you look at free energy change, for example at constant temperature and pressure, H you can still calculate H.


  • 给出当,这些东西,这些材料热计时会发生什么看看温度变化多少

    What I really want to do is just give an example of what happens when you throw the thing, the material into a calorimeter and see how much the temperature changes.


  • 二氧化碳浓度过高引起平均温度变化可能因为实施第一办法有所缓和,单纯减少太阳辐射并不能让气温恢复以前的状况。 当地的温度仍旧会发生变化比如受洋流,降雨,土壤湿度和光合作用的影响。

    While it is possible to imagine doing so in a way that cancels out the change in average temperature caused by an increase in carbon dioxide, such a reduction would not simply restore the status quo.


  • 根据不同温度变化调整

    According to different temperature change adjust dosage.


  • 两极地区温度变化极大太阳能入射年变幅极大。

    The temperature variations during a year have maxima at the poles, where the annual variation of the inflow of solar energy is also maxtmum.


  • 土壤覆盖人们可以自己花园最好事情之一保持土壤不会从而减少的需求,它还限制土壤温度变化

    Mulching is one of the best things people can do for their gardens. It helps keep the soil from getting dry, so it reduces the need for watering. It also limits temperature changes in the soil.


  • 测绘了切削温度磨损切削时间切削速度关系曲线,分析刀具前、后刀面显微磨损、破损形貌化学变化

    Cutting temperature, relation curves of wear with cutting time and cutting speed, microscopic features and chemical changes of rack face and rear face of the tin coated tool were measured.


  • 应用二维场分布进一步得到平均磁流阻率随电流密度温度变化特性。

    The average flux-flow resistivity depending on the average current density and temperature is also calculated with above distributions.


  • 两极地区温度变化极大太阳能入射年变幅极大。

    The temperature variations during a year have maxima at the poles, where the annual variation of the inflow of solar energy is also maximum.


  • 布喇格中心波长偏移轴向应力径向应力和温度变化量极好的线性比例关系较大的测范围内一直保持线性关系。

    The relative shift of Bragg center wavelength increased linearly with the change of axial stress, radial stress or temperature, and it kept the linear relationship in a large range.


  • 目的探讨不同环境温度下,组织中有机类产生死亡时间变化规律,某些碎尸案的死亡时间推断提供参考资料。

    Objective To search some references for estimating the time of death in some murder cases by observation the dynamic changes of organic amines derived from isolated human hepatic tissues.


  • 采用延度试验,本文分析了不同SBS改性沥青不同温度,不同改性剂掺性能变化特点。

    Through lots of force ductility tests, the tensile performances of the different SBS modified asphalts in different temperatures are analyzed.


  • 环境温度发生一个之后电压置的变化可能比较。其变化可能超过公布仪器技术指标

    After a step change in the ambient temperature, the voltage offset may change by a relatively large amount, possibly exceeding the published specifications.


  • 全面研究不同硫酸钠混合料组成、养生温度以及闷料时间等条件石灰类稳定强度体积变化规律

    Strength and volume change laws of lime-stabilized soils under the conditions of various sodium sulphate contents, mixture ratios, curing temperatures and curing times were studied in this paper.


  • 采用差扫描仪( DSC)研究了升降温过程直链淀粉晶体变化以及加热温度大米淀粉直链淀粉结晶形成影响

    The change of amylose crystals in different thermal process and the effect of gelatinization temperature on amylose crystallization of rice starch were studied by DSC.


  • 假设温度恒定时,由波长偏移得出应变变化

    Assume the temperature to be constant, the strain can be gotten measuring wavelength drift.


  • 经5000多小时试验表明改进结构其他两组密封部件性能优越注入温度变化,泄漏相当稳定

    More than 5000 hours test showed that the advanced design is superior to the former ones. The leakage flow is fairly stable with the change of the temperature of injection water.


  • 结果:通过样品对比时间温度、加入石灰(引起PH值的变化)因素密切相关。

    Results: Contrasting to the samples, the quality is closed related to time, temperature, quality of lime (causing variations of PH), and so on.


  • 沙尘辐射效应影响到达地面短波辐射、短波辐射加热温度边界层特征变化

    Radiative effects of dust aerosol impacted the solar radiation flux arrived the floor, solar heating rate, temperature, wind, and the physic quantity of boundary layer.


  • 温度变化对活塞环影响较大设计时不容忽视。

    The chamber temperature items has obvious influence on piston rings seal, which should be considered when design the piston tings seal.


  • 实际用冰随着水温环境温度变化变化

    The actual ice output will be affected by water and environmental temperature.


  • 每次使用期限温度混合而发生变化

    The service life of mixed adhesive each time shall be changed following temperature and mixed amount.


  • jaaba某些特定分子蛋白质变化密切相关,日照和温度可能调控它们主要因素

    JA and ABA are related to the changes of some proteins compactly, and light and temperature may be the major factors affect the content of JA and ABA.


  • 利用机械分析仪获得EMC材料不同温度尺寸变化通过线性拟合得到了EMC材料的热膨胀系数

    The thermal mechanical analyzer is used to obtain the dimension change of EMC at different temperatures; And the thermal expansion coefficient of EMC is achieved by using linear fitting.


  • 物理化学中研究物变化过程时,物系状态状态的性质随着物系的条件,如温度压力体积等的变化量称为状态

    The states and the natures of the a system, in physical chemistry, its temperature, pressure, and volume and soon on are called state function.


  • 制冷机的工作特性表明不变蒸发温度时,制冷机冷发动机排气功率变化

    It is concluded that the refrigerating capacity at constant Evaporating temperatures varies with the engine exhaust power output.


  • 由此提出蒸发湖泊平衡中起重要作用温度影响湖泊水文变化关键因子

    We propose that the evaporation driven by increased temperature plays an important role in water balance and influences the hydrologic process of Namu Co.


  • 由此提出蒸发湖泊平衡中起重要作用温度影响湖泊水文变化关键因子

    We propose that the evaporation driven by increased temperature plays an important role in water balance and influences the hydrologic process of Namu Co.


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