• 政府保证清除工业排放

    The government has pledged to clean up industrial emissions.


  • 合理处理方法清除这种堵塞

    The logical treatment is to remove this blockage.


  • 由于海豚一旦停止接触它们迅速地将身体里化合清除,所以如果禁止使用这种船用油漆,它们的死亡率就会迅速下降。

    Since dolphins rid their bodies of the compounds rapidly once exposure ceases, their mortality rate should decline rapidly if such boat paints are banned.


  • 等离子进展聚合》上,研究小组报道称光焰直接进入感染牙齿内部能够成功地彻底清除已受感染的部位。

    The team report in Plasma Processes and Polymers that when the plume was directed into the infected interiors of teeth, it succeeded in clearing up well-established infections completely.


  • 这辆起重机权威专家设计,专清除这些不雅制造

    The crane had been designed and built by the authorities, who had decided to cleanse the sky of its inelegant encumbrance.


  • 但是如果的这饭,几乎只有碳水化合那么,释放出胰岛素,就清除血液其他氨基酸

    But, when you eat a meal that's almost all carbs, this triggers insulin to clear the other amino acids from your bloodstream.


  • 样本中短短3清除76%硫化和,而在整整6天中,仅有一种细菌达到同样的效果。

    In one sample it removed 76% of sulphur compounds in just 3 days, a figure only one bacteria could match over the full 6 days.


  • 最近伊朗发现了种在原油中自然生长真菌,可清除石油中导致酸雨空气污染的硫氮化合

    The fungus, recently discovered in Iran, grows naturally in crude oil and removes the sulphur and nitrogen compounds that lead to acid rain and air pollution.


  • 这些措施可以清除菌斑。菌斑牙齿持续形成细菌聚集复合

    These activities remove plaque, which is a complex mass of bacteria that constantly forms on your teeth.


  • 如果这种能够在我们设备中运行,那么截止到20602070年的时候,大部分碳化将会清除

    If the energy system is left to its own devices, most of the carbon will be out of it by 2060 or 2070.


  • 这些化合消除过氧化自由基维护健康新陈代谢功能的话,必须把这些自由基细胞清除出去。

    These compounds have the ability to scavenge free radicals such as hydrogen peroxide, which must be removed from cells to maintain healthy metabolic function.


  • 有些国家准备传统污染空气清除出去,鼓励一些公司转移无碳替代方案上来

    Some are looking to clean their air of conventional pollutants, which could encourage some companies to switch to low - or no-carbon alternatives.


  • 如果建筑道路需要清除污染可以采用擦拭、动力清洗或者蒸气清洁这些相对比较简单方式完成除非已经进入地下。

    If buildings and roads need to be decontaminated, that could be accomplished by other relatively simple methods like wiping, power-washing or steam-cleaning, unless the cesium is deep.


  • 现在撤离还是延期撤离都可能引起争议对于核辐射污染清除任何长远决策都意味着会废弃一些区域专家却说这会提高清除速度

    That might argue for evacuating now and postponing any long-term decisions about cleanup, which might include abandoning some areas. But experts say there are reasons to clean sooner.


  • 第一街上清洁工清除落下烟花,放爆竹以及完的发光的重量达80不能燃放烟火的2009年牛年相比增加11吨。

    Street cleaners swept up 80 tonnes of fallen rockets, exploded firecrackers and burnt out sparklers on the first day, an increase of 11 tonnes on the pyrotechnic refuse for the ox year of 2009.


  • 因此清除活性氧化合抗氧化剂可能看起来合理解决方案

    So antioxidants, which mop up the reactive oxygen compounds, may seem like a logical solution.


  • 团队认为,不必氮氧化清除掉,而是利用作为催化剂促进化学反应的进程。

    Instead of getting rid of the NOx the team believe they can use it as a catalyst to help power the reaction.


  • 这些漂浮可能会影响到海面清除漏油工人

    That plume might affect oil spill cleanup workers who were out on the water.


  • 一些污染开启基因,使其释放化学另一些污染召集免疫细胞通过抗炎机制抵抗侵入清除

    Some pollutants turn on genes that release inflammatory chemicals, others call out immune cells that quash invaders and clean up trash using inflammatory mechanisms.


  • 而且,比氮氧化属于一种有毒污染清除需要付出很高的成本。

    And if that wasn t bad enough NOx is a poisonous pollutant that it takes a lot of effort to remove.


  • 如果非常油性的发质或者喜好用一些包含发胶,你需要使用一些清洁作用的洗发剂清除残留

    If you have very oily hair or favor a particularly sticky styling product that contains wax, it does pay to use a clarifying shampoo once every two weeks to wash away residue.


  • 分散剂清除原理就如同洗涤液除去器皿的油腻一般,使海面的浮油沉入水中。

    Dispersants cut the oil as washing-up liquid cuts the grease on dishes, allowing oil on the surface to spread down into the water.


  • 工作成功的,无疑将会清除文明社会中的障碍时,得到赞成倾听困难的。

    It's hard to get a sympathetic hearing when your work, if successful, is clearly going to knock the blocks out from under civilization.


  • 石油生产商们正在寻找有效办法石油产品清除氮化合

    Oil producers are searching for more efficient ways to strip sulphur and nitrogen from their products.


  • 虽然需要进一步的研究但是沃尔弗顿说:这项研究已经表明普通室内观赏能够清除室内环境中的某些污染

    While more research is needed, Wolverton says the study has shown that common indoor landscaping plants can remove certain pollutants from the indoor environment.


  • 海洋守护者”组织今天派出直升机前去搜寻日本捕鲸加工其他“海洋守护者成员疯狂地将被撞的“艾迪吉尔号”上的燃料其他污染清除掉。

    The group today sent its helicopter out to search for Japan's whale processing ship, while other Sea Shepherd members were frantically removing fuel and other pollutants from the sinking Ady Gil.


  • 合成学家基本目标之一,创造可定制有机,从而能够生产出燃料或是药品,直至清除环境有害质,或者仅仅一台计算机一样工作。

    One of synthetic biology's primary goals is to create customizable organisms able to produce food, fuel or pharmaceuticals; clean toxins from the environment; or even function as computers.


  • 合成学家基本目标之一,创造可定制有机,从而能够生产出燃料或是药品,直至清除环境有害质,或者仅仅一台计算机一样工作。

    One of synthetic biology's primary goals is to create customizable organisms able to produce food, fuel or pharmaceuticals; clean toxins from the environment; or even function as computers.


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