• 本次展览展出了《富春山居图》部分复本,其作者元朝几个世纪清朝画家王慧,他被认为是清朝时期最伟大的画家。

    The show includes a copy of a portion of "Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains" that was painted centuries later by Wang Hui, considered one of the greatest Qing painters.


  • 城内空间基督教教会社区历经数十年得以成型清朝覆灭引发原有官衙区的嬗变公园体育场新式公共空间开始出现

    As the inner space of city, the church community formed over decades, the Qing Dynasty 'collapse caused the original government 'evolution, parks, stadiums and other new public Spaces began to appear.


  • 受害者中国倒数第二任君主,清朝光绪。“这是中国皇室历史中悲痛的一幕”,圣地亚哥大学清代历史学教Joseph Esherick这样描述道。

    The victim was the second-to-last emperor of the Qing Dynasty - Guangxu, a tragic figure in Chinese imperial history, as described by Qing historian, Joseph Esherick from the University of San Diego.


  • 一幕发生1898年清朝

    The first act takes place in 1898 at the time of the Qing dynasty.


  • 清朝时期,踢石球中国北方一种很流行游戏通常冬天保暖

    During the Qing Dynasty, kicking a stone ball around was a popular game in the northern part of China, and it was often played in winter to keep warm.


  • 首歌清朝创作的。

    The song was composed during the Qing Dynasty.


  • 汉服清朝以前生活中国汉人传统服装

    Hanfu is the traditional clothing of the Han people who lived in China before the Qing Dynasty.


  • 2006年以来它已被列入第一批国家非物质文化遗产。越剧最初出现在清朝浙江省的嵊县,后来于二十世纪二十年代闻名于上海。

    It has been listed into the first national nonmaterial cultural heritage since 2006. Yue opera appeared in Sheng County, Zhejiang Province in the Qing dynasty, and then it became famous in Shanghai in the 1920s.


  • 加油”的背后有一个故事。故事发生在清朝

    There is a story behind "add oil". It took place during the Qing Dynasty.


  • 拼音源自清朝末年至今长期实践,我们只不过是对过去的问题重新研究和进行修改,使完美

    It's [the result of] a long tradition from the later years of the Qing dynasty down to today. But we restudied the problem and revisited it and made it more perfect.


  • 颐和园位于北京市西北郊,原名,始建于公元1750年,清朝乾隆皇帝为其母亲庆祝60寿辰而建造座以湖光山色蜚声于世的大型皇家园林。

    It was originally named Qingyi Garden. It was first constructed in 1750 by Emperor Qianlong of Qing Dynasty, to celebrate his mother’s 60th birthday.


  • 1905年,早稻田大学设立清朝留学生,过去104年间,积极致力于中国留学生培养工作

    Waseda University has devoted intense efforts to the education of Chinese young people since 1905, when it set up a department for students from the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).


  • 清朝当时全国划分十一个扬州其中最大一个,利润高、销售范围广,使扬州盐商牟利

    Qing Dynasty was in the country is divided into eleven salt zone, Yangzhou is one of the largest, high-profit, marketing a wide range of the salt merchants of Yangzhou profit very thick.


  • 这里用得着清朝文人张潮《幽梦影》中的警句世人者,方能忙世人闲。

    Here use Qing Dynasty scholar Zhang Chao "dream shadows in the aphorism:" free people of the world are busy about, can be busy about what the people of the world leisure.


  • 二百多年历史中,清朝宫廷许多扑朔迷离事件种种原因被统治者极力的掩盖起来成了历史悬案

    Two hundreds ago, so many whirling events , which were covered up by the governors in the Qing Dynasty for a variety of reasons, became cases of pendency.


  • 有趣梦中,我们看见身着清朝服饰,周围是漂亮的古时候场景,上演了好似功夫片的短剧。

    In an entertaining sequence, we see Ming in Qing period costume in beautiful ancient Chinese settings, playing out a short drama in the style of a Chinese kungfu TV series.


  • 清朝末年(1644- 1911),受过教育中国人自己藏身于红墙府邸专注家庭而对生活目的毫不关心。

    At the end of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), educated Chinese hid themselves away behind their red-walled mansions, devoting themselves to family with little sense of a larger purpose in their lives.


  • 实际上清朝末年二战初期中国所有比它更强势力欺辱日本欺凌中国的国家之一

    China was actually being bullied by all greater powers toward at the end of the Qing dynasty up till the start of WWII, and Japan was one of the country that had bullied her.


  • 清朝时,出现了诸如羴“儿”、“点心”、“饽饽”等有关饺子新的称谓。饺子名称的增多,说明流传的地域在不断扩大

    Thee qing dynasty, appeared such as "dumplings", "dim sum" water, "cooking properties relating to the dumplings new title." Name of dumplings, explain the region growing.


  • 圆明园有“之园”美称建成清朝乾隆年间原有亭台楼阁140总面积达350万平方米

    Yuanmingyuan garden "million" the laudatory name, the garden of qianlong dynasty it into the original pavilions, more than 140 place, the total area of 350 million square meters.


  • 不可否认,中国文化存在着保守性与中国封闭地理环境一定关系,而且,这种封闭清朝明显。

    It is undeniable that Chinese culture is conservative, which is a certain relationship between the geographical environment. This closure was apparent in the Qing dynasty.


  • 不可否认,中国文化存在着保守性与中国封闭地理环境一定关系,而且,这种封闭清朝明显。

    It is undeniable that Chinese culture is conservative, which is a certain relationship between the geographical environment. This closure was apparent in the Qing dynasty.


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