• 那样清新那样辽阔,美好得仿佛天堂色彩

    It was so new and big and wonderful and such a heavenly color.


  • 秋季空气清新,有着棕色金色灰色等鲜明色彩

    The fall air is clear, and the colors are sharp, shades of brown, gold, and grey.


  • 立面色彩典雅清新利用暖色为主色调,法式风格新古典相结合的立面形态,点缀自然中,一种谦逊姿态自然相处。

    Facade color is elegant and pure and fresh, use warm color as the main tonal, to French style combined with neoclassical facade form, ornament in nature, and nature get along with a humble attitude.


  • 清新快乐色彩单纯活泼生命儿童世界里表现得淋漓尽致。

    The clean and happy color, innocent and living life, all can be shown completely in the world of children.


  • 通过相当简约、冷静干净的设计方式以及白色米色灰色棕色色彩间的碰撞,公寓展现清新现代优雅外观

    The fresh modern and elegant look was achieved by the very puristic, cool and clean play with the colors white, beige, gray and brown.


  • 先知为奇异果设计LOGO特别灵巧可爱色彩明丽清新给人一种赏心悦目的感觉非常符合产品定位

    Wevin made LOGO design especially smart cute, fresh and bright colors, giving a pleasant feeling, very consistent product positioning.


  • 现在鸟儿安静下来因为将会有场大雨树叶变得清新翠绿充盈色彩

    There were a few drops of rain now, and the birds had become quiet, for it was going to rain heavily, and the leaves once again would be fresh and green, full of light and colour.


  • 配合绿色鲜明色彩一种振奋清新舒展视觉感受达到充分鼓舞效果

    The bright color with green, there was an exciting and fresh, stretch and visual perception, so as to achieve the full inspiration effect.


  • 鲜果精华护理系列带有清新香气色彩靓丽, 无形中增加护理的乐趣。

    Fruit skin care series products feature fresh aroma and wonderful color, which makes the skin care process more delighful.


  • 先知命名创意的京东作为一个时尚服饰的网络销售公司,其定位必然时尚、潮流美丽相联系,先知为做的公司命名标志形象,色彩清新格调优雅韵味无穷。

    As a fashion network marketing company, JDYB is bound to and fashion, trends and beauty. Wevin designed company LOGO and its publicity pictures, colors fresh, elegant style and lasting appeal.


  • 鲜艳的色彩清新味道打动了

    It strikes me with its vibrant colors and its refreshing taste.


  • 类作品中艺术家用的色彩鲜艳明亮,阳光灿烂明朗自然清新审美享受

    In these works, artists use very bright colors to give us a sunny, clear and natural fresh aesthetic enjoyment.


  • 通过中国古典家具材质线条色彩搭配适当运用使符合居住要求,能够让现代生活散发出古雅清新魅力。

    Material on Chinese classical furniture, lines, colors with the appropriate use, to better meet the residency requirements, allowing dissemination of modern life, the charm of quaint and refreshing.


  • 室内欢迎的公共空间色彩清新方案刻意气氛的客房对比,建筑是戏剧和有趣的。

    Inside, the welcoming public Spaces and fresh colour scheme contrast with the deliberately atmospheric guest rooms, building drama and interest.


  • 柔和色彩略带感性的线条完美勾勒出崇尚自然回归清新生活气息那种释怀了的感情,若即若离

    Perceptual color and slightly soft lines, a kind of perfect outline respect for nature, return to fresh breath of life, feeling that his mind can not, neither friendly nor aloof.


  • 特有的感光色彩微粒天然维他命a、玫瑰精华使樱唇更加晶莹亮泽时尚色彩光线变化闪烁清新亮丽的炫彩妆容。

    Unique sensitization color particulate, natural Vitamin a and rose essence make lip more radiant, fashion color can change with the light and show fresh and shining appearance.


  • 作品构图精巧别致,笔墨浑厚粗重,色彩清新淡雅线条氤氲流畅,具有凝练、简洁之风,别具匠心,独树一帜

    The work is drawn exquisitely and uniquely with its vigorous ink, fresh and elegant color, and fluent and dense lines. It is concise and unique.


  • 清新质朴的我们少不了青春的色彩个性张扬篮球场上我们挥洒汗水留下矫健快捷身影

    Fresh plain us can not lose youthful colour and character spread , on basketball site, we wave to sprinkle sweat water, leave robust shortcut figure;


  • 正如它所说,运用简约设计清新色彩办公用品变得多姿多彩

    Using simple designs and a fresh color palette we've created a line of products for the Office, Home and Home Office that reflect that understated elegance and unpretentious sense of purpose.


  • 同时色彩清新雅丽,女孩子天性表现淋漓尽致。

    At the same time, she USES bright and elegant colors to fully display the nature of girls.


  • 鹅卵石清新色彩映衬出池畔蓝色八仙明媚,秋千弯弯凉棚勾勒出一隅的露台空间池塘住宅相映成辉,浑然一体。

    The crisp color of the pebble tech reflects the blue Hydrangea flowers. The curved arbor with the swing frames the patio space. The pool was designed to relate to the house.


  • 废名小说浪漫主义色彩浓厚的小说清新别致情理交融

    Fei Ming's novel strong sense of romanticism, his novel fresh and unique, reasonable blend.


  • 色彩上,采用多种清新亮丽的颜色相互组合,使标志具有很强的视觉冲击力有很强的识别性

    On color , adopts many kinds of brisk and beautiful colors, making the logo that have very strong visual impact and identification.


  • 清新明朗色彩,带动着年轻冒险都市中拼搏奋斗的,是否愿意带上灵一起追逐梦想呢?

    Fresh and bright colors of Acumen, which can really touch your heart, make you take an adventure. Are you willing to chase your dream with Acumen?


  • 清新舒爽橘子芒果香氛,靓丽的色彩培养小孩洗发乐趣

    Go-Go Orange Mango Scent smells great and makes grooming fun.


  • 清新苹果气味靓丽的色彩培养小孩洗发乐趣

    Go-Go Apple Scent smells great and makes grooming fun.


  • 方案简洁主体设计思路为前提使建筑空间和谐统一色彩灯光有机结合打造明快清新的效果,整个空间更有活力

    The program is the main design ideas in simple premise, to building a harmonious unity of space, color and lighting combine to create crisp, it makes the space more vibrant.


  • 七言绝句受到民歌的启发,得明快清新,富有生活气息地方色彩

    Inspired by ancient ballads, he wrote many elegant and original verses imbued with lift and local flavour.


  • 七言绝句受到民歌的启发,得明快清新,富有生活气息地方色彩

    Inspired by ancient ballads, he wrote many elegant and original verses imbued with lift and local flavour.


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