• 由于蜂拥清偿规模效应付诸缓解自身债务压力努力反而会加剧之…债务还得越多他们欠的越多。

    The very effort of individuals to lessen their burden of debts increases it, because of the mass effect of the stampede to liquidate... the more debtors pay, the more they owe.


  • 意味着如果不能偿付贷款,这项资产会归债权所有清偿债务

    That means that if you fail to pay on the loan, the property is taken by the lender to satisfy your debts.


  • 多个欧洲国家期望红利进行更严格控制特别是数十亿欧元纳税金钱已经用来清偿银行家的错误

    Several European countries are keen on tighter control of bonuses, especially as billions of euros of taxpayers' money has been used to clear up bankers' errors.


  • 曾经一名破产法官下令变卖伊利诺伊州一座小镇市政厅清偿债权债权

    In one Illinois town, the bankruptcy judge ordered the sale of city hall to satisfy creditors' claims. U.


  • 第一个结果会迫使债权能够接受债务清偿剩下损失

    The former forces lenders to accept losses beyond what borrowers can pay.


  • 惊讶之处在于,还有哪家银行,哪家借款公司,哪位抵押能够保持清偿债务的能力,而并不是如此的借款者拖欠债务。

    The wonder is that any bank, any corporate borrower, any mortgagor could have remained solvent, not that so many defaulted.


  • 尽管赖利先生对此否认,但通用汽车欧宝输送越多清偿美国纳税债务摆脱掉不受欢迎GovernmentMotors”的标签需要更长的时间

    Although Mr Reilly denies it, the more GM pumps into Opel, the longer it will surely take to repay the money it owes American taxpayers and thus to cast off the unwelcome tag of "Government Motors".


  • 第七债务不能清偿到期债务,债权可以申请宣告债务破产。

    Article 7. Where the debtor is unable to repay debts that are due, the creditors may file to declare the debtor bankrupt.


  • 尽管基于动议,如果法院查明双方当事可能无法清偿债务,可以命令双方当事法院进行支付以进行分配

    On motion, however, the court, if it finds that the obligation of either party is likely to be uncollectible, may order that both parties make payment into court for distribution.


  • 合法清偿能力状态如果法院作出判决当事当事机构无法债权偿还债务,那么或组织就宣布破产

    Legal state of insolvency. An individual or organisation is declared bankrupt if a court judges that the party involved can no longer meet debt payments to creditors.


  • 因此业主权益一种剩余要求权,也就是清偿了结欠债权债务留剩资产的要求权。

    Thus, owners' equity is a residual claim-a claim to the assets remaining after the debt to creditors has been discharged.


  • 收到让与受让发出转让通知以前,债务通过向让与清偿来解除。

    Until the obligor accepts a notice of the assignment from either the assignor or the assignee, it is absolved by paying the assignor.


  • 提供充分证据之前债务可以结束清偿

    Until adequate proof is provided, the obligor may abstain payment.


  • 注册会计师史密斯先生任命为本公司结束业务清算将代理公司清偿清偿一切清偿收取一切应收的欠款。

    Smith, chartered accountant, has been appointed as liquidator to wind up the business and will discharge all the firm's liabilities and receive all payments due to it.


  • 前款规定债权只有其他同顺位债权自己所受清偿达到同一比例才能继续接受分配

    The creditors as specified in the preceding paragraph may continue to join the distribution, only when the other creditors in the same sequential order receive the same proportion of repayment.


  • 转让价款超过债权数额的部分归抵押所有,不足部分债务清偿

    The value exceeding the creditor's right shall be vested in the mortgagor and the gap shall be filled by the debtor.


  • 转让价款超过债权数额的部分抵押所有,不足部分由债务清偿

    The value exceeding the obligee's rights shall be attributed to the mortgagor, and the gap shall be paid off by the obligor.


  • 执行遗赠不得妨碍清偿遗赠依法应当缴纳税款债务

    The carrying out of a legacy shall not affect the payment of taxes and debts payable by the legator according to law.


  • 出质转让基金份额、股权所得价款,应当质权提前清偿债务或者

    The proceeds the pledgor obtained from the transfer of the portions of funds or shares shall be used in advance to pay the debts owed to the pledgee or be deposited with a third party.


  • 债务得不到清偿当事可能会起诉

    If no payment of the debt is made, the party may be sued.


  • 第三十四执行遗赠不得妨碍清偿遗赠依法应当缴纳税款债务

    Article 34 the carrying out of a legacy shall not affect the payment of taxes and debts payable by the legator according to law.


  • 债权进行债务重组可行性判断一般标准:债权重组价值大于债权清偿价值。

    The common feasibility standard of reorganization of assets is that the value of maintaining management must bigger than of liquidation.


  • 债权进行债务重组可行性判断一般标准:债权重组价值大于债权清偿价值。

    The common feasibility standard of reorganization of assets is that the value of maintaining management must bigger than of liquidation.


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