• 创建新的窗体在上面添加三个文本,以及一个标签两个按钮,界面看起来如图1

    Create a new form and add three text boxes with labels and two buttons to the form so that it looks something similar to Figure 1.


  • 可以通过将单行代码添加窗体Load事件使用DataSet填充DataAdapter完成简单Windows应用程序

    You can complete the simple windows application by just adding a single line of code to the Load event of the form to fill the DataAdapter using the DataSet.


  • 如果模型需要定义一个关系(例如Project需要选中所有Organization),需要手工修改页面这个添加窗体上。

    If the model requires a relationship to be defined (for example, the Project requires the owning Organization to be selected), you will need to modify the page by hand to add that field to the form.


  • 这种方法需要手动一系列适当控件分区域添加窗体中,例如标签文本结果就像Figure6显示的那样。

    This approach requires you to add fields to the form manually as a set of appropriate controls, such as Labels and TextBoxes, resulting in something that looks like Figure 6.


  • 放(drag-and-drop)操作自动生成所需的 ADO.NET连接命令数据适配器对象添加窗体组件托盘上

    The drag-and-drop operation will automatically generate the required ADO.NET connection, command, and data adapter objects and add them to the form's component tray.


  • 例而言发现只须添加一个窗体,将它删除然后强制执行垃圾收集结果就会导致删除窗体相关联许多实例仍然处于活动状态。

    For this example, I found that simply adding a form, deleting the form, and then forcing a garbage collection resulted in many class instances associated with the deleted form to still be alive.


  • 随后添加四个窗体然后又将它们删除再次调用垃圾收集器

    Next, I added, then deleted four forms and again invoked the garbage collector.


  • 扩展Person文档计划窗体显示每个用户添加设置(参见7)。

    A subform that extends the Person document schema displays the Settings that are added for each user (see figure 7).


  • 如果属性添加窗体及其控件属性则VisualStudio幕后一个编译特定程序集资源文件维护它们

    As you add property values into the property sheet for the form and its controls, Visual Studio maintains them in a resource file behind the scenes that is compiled into the neutral assembly.


  • 必须手动添加用户界面控件它上面设置绑定生成DataSet需要将代码添加窗体Load事件,以便利用DataSet填充数据适配器

    You had to manually add the user interface control, set the binding on it, generate the DataSet, and also add the code to the Load event of the form to fill the data adapter with the DataSet.


  • VisualStudio需要幕后窗体添加一些额外的代码支持窗体本地化

    Visual Studio is required to add some extra code into the form behind the scenes to support form localization.


  • 提交项目第二脚本——也就是第一个脚本所显示窗体目的地——将数据写入blog,显示确认项目添加完毕屏幕

    When we submit this entry the second script, which is the destination for the form on the first, writes the data to the blog and puts up a screen to verify that the item has been added.


  • 现在Command按钮添加窗体中,如图21所示。

    Now, add a Command button to the form, as in Figure 21.


  • 通过使用图形用户界面用户可以创建窗体,向窗体添加控件然后连接这些控件的事件创建Palm应用程序

    By using a graphical interface, the user could create forms, populate them with controls, and then wire events from these controls to create the Palm application.


  • 改进了可视化设计Calendar窗体更加整洁,并且Calendar视图添加一个导航器包括日历委托日历。

    The visual design is improved, the calendar form is cleaner, and a navigator has been added for the calendar views, including group calendars and delegated calendars.


  • 窗体化为Delphi .pas文件 .xfm 窗体文件;并准备将它们添加KylixDelphiCLX项目中。

    One that will be streamed out - as both a Delphi .pas source file and an .xfm form file; ready to be added to a Kylix or Delphi CLX project.


  • 作为一点小小的一个提示建议NewForm中将这些按钮添加框架窗体因此修改用于所有生成窗体中。

    As a little hint, I would suggest adding these buttons to the skeleton form in NewForm, so the changes that you make will be used in all newly generated forms.


  • 窗体初始框架窗体一样,只是添加TLabelTDBImageTDBEdit控件事实上Height已经修改显示所有控件。

    This form is the same as the original skeleton form, with the addition of the TLabel, TDBImage, and TDBEdit controls, and the fact that the Height has been changed to display all controls.


  • 特别是VisualStudio需要添加代码加载正确本地化资源它们分配窗体控件属性

    In particular, Visual Studio adds code to load the correct localized resources and assign their values to form and control properties.


  • 新建窗体添加输入参数所需控件

    Create a new form and add the controls needed for entering the parameters.


  • 随着添加查询窗体报表会变得易于使用

    As you add queries, forms, and reports, it becomes easier to use.


  • 绘图页后可以简单任务(通常3更少)添加向导窗体

    Drag onto the page to add a wizard form for simple tasks (usually 3 steps or less).


  • 不能窗体标记作为嵌套窗体进行添加指定位置位于另一窗体元素中

    You cannot add a form tag as a nested form; the specified location is within another form element.


  • 通过在工作窗体实现选项添加这些任务来完成此操作

    This is accomplished by adding the tasks on the Implementation TAB of the work item form.


  • 只需使用光标选择控件将控件添加窗体所需的位置即可。

    Just select the controls with your cursor and add them where you want on the form.


  • 如果数据源数据基于数据集数据视图,请窗体添加代码填充数据集。

    If the data source is a dataset or a data view based on a dataset table, add code to the form to fill the dataset.


  • 创建一个窗体并且添加项目

    Creates a new form and adds It to the project.


  • 使能向窗体添加控件排列这些控件,针对这些控件的事件编写代码

    Enables you to add controls to a form, arrange them, and write code for their events.


  • 描述如何添加移除窗体任何容器控件中的控件

    Describes how to add controls to and remove controls from any container control on your forms.


  • 选择显示工具提示控件添加窗体

    Select the control that will display the ToolTip, or add it to the form.


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