• 深层土壤热带雨林中红密度更大。

    Tall rainforest on deeper soils has the highest crab density.


  • 分析结果显示深层土壤水分含量受岩性控制

    The core sample analyses indicate that soil moisture of the deep lager is controlled by the corresponding soil lithology.


  • 甘草生长土壤主要沙壤,表层比较干旱深层土壤水分适宜

    The liquorice is mainly growing in sandy soil which surface layers were often dry and deep-seated layers often moisture.


  • 同时多年冻土抑制水分深层土壤的下渗,增加径流深度蒸腾强度

    Ever frozen ground prevents water from infiltrating to deep layer, which increases the depth of runoff and intensity of transpiration.


  • 水稻植株深层土壤吸收更多养分保护植株生殖生长阶段倒伏

    Deep rooting of rice plant made easy to absorb more nutrients from deep soil layers, and protected the plant from lodging at reproductive stage.


  • 黄土高原地区深层土壤干燥化是人工林草植被过度耗水导致土壤水分负平衡结果

    The desiccation of deep soil layer on the Loess Plateau results from the gradual depletion of storing water during the process of vegetation rehabilitation.


  • 所以适当播可以培育壮增强根系活力,充分发挥土壤特别是深层土壤作用

    Therefore, properly sparse-sowing was favourable to cultivate strong roots, increase root activity and bring the yield-increasing function of soil, especially of deep soil into full play.


  • 人为污染主要影响土壤表层表层土壤中高锰为特征,深层土壤中锰无污染状态相似。

    Of artificial pollution, it only impacted on the soil layers at surface and resulted in its high manganese, while the deep soil layers are similar to those without contamination.


  • 如何定量评价深层土壤干燥化程度,有助于确定适宜植被类型密度保证人工植被建设的顺利进行。

    How to assess quantitatively the desiccation of deep soil layer is of great importance to determine the reasonable vegetation type and density and guarantee vegetation rehabilitation.


  • 不仅能够测试土壤表层水分能够测试深层土壤水分,能够满足上述行业科研生产教学相关工作需求

    Can not only test the soil surface moisture, can also test of deep soil moisture, can meet the needs of the industry of scientific research, production, teaching and other related work demand.


  • 林内外地表温度变化明显一个明显最高点其他深度土壤温度,尤其是深层土壤温度变化明显。

    The day change of soil surface temperature is obvious, having an obvious apogee, but the soil temperature of other depths, particularly the deep soil, temperature variety is not obvious.


  • 深层土壤氧化物结合有机结合态残余3形态金属萃取效果降低可能与EDTA浓度降低有关

    In deep soils, oxides bound, organic bound and residual forms of state 3 kinds of metal extraction efficiency decrease may be related to the decreased concentration of EDTA.


  • 有机耕作农民种植多种农作物利用不同层次土壤比如,他们先种植生长于浅层土壤花生然后再种植生根于深层土壤蔬菜

    Organic farmers also plant crops to use different levels of soil, for example, planting peanuts that use the ground's surface followed by vegetables that put down deep roots.


  • 土壤有效时,深层耕翻使缺锌的底土暴露出来。

    In a solid which is moderately low in available zinc, deep cuts may expose zinc-deficient subsoils.


  • 向下渗透时,水土壤中的有机物质矿物质溶解,它们深层

    As water percolates downward, it dissolves organic matter and minerals from the soil and carries them to deeper layers.


  • 干旱地区土壤深层储水可以调节植物用水但是人工苜蓿土壤深层吸收大量水分导致土壤干燥化发生。

    In the arid area, the storage water in deep layers of soil can adjust water utilization of plants, but artificial alfalfa can absorb lots of water from deep layers and lead to soil desiccation.


  • 如果能够从源头上解决深层内在矛盾,就可以创造深度作品,以其深广的文化属性在绵延流长的城市文明的土壤上扎下根脉。

    If the inner contradiction could be resolved, more good public arts with deep and wide cultural attributes could be created, enrooting themselves into the soil of the cities'culture.


  • 由于土壤深层对干旱调节作用减弱或丧失,导致苹果产量受控于当季节降水

    Because the soil storage water could not adjust the water utilization of apple trees, the yield of orchard was affected by precipitation.


  • 苹果树大面积种植加快了土壤深层水分消耗,最终可能影响区域陆地水循环

    That a large number of apple tree planted will result in the desiccation of field soils on the upland, which will affect the water cycle in this area.


  • 阿特拉具有土壤性,雨水、灌溉水等淋溶至较深层土,或是地表径流进入地表水和地下水中。

    Atrazine has a good solubility in soil, so it easily migrates to deep layer or transported to the surface water or groundwater by the river.


  • 研究中,分析了土壤质地灌水上下限作物根系交错相对深层渗漏影响

    The impacts of the soil texture, the up - per and lower bounds of water application and the crop roots to the relative percolation are analysed in the study.


  • 干旱条件下土壤深层根系密度根冠比增加顺序依次为布鲁克、英派克、苏比纳

    Under drought conditions, the order of 3 varieties in deep soil root density and the ratio increment of root to stem was ranked as follows: Brooklawn, Impact, SupraNova.


  • 从日变化数据来看,植物蒸腾由于消耗水分,其强度的减弱要土壤蒸发

    The data of daily-variety indicates the lowering of intension of plant transpiration is later than evaporation of soil surface, because transpiration can consume the deeper layer water.


  • 结果表明根系生物量、根系体积、侧根不同耕作方式差异明显,土壤中表现为从表层到深层逐渐递减。

    The results show that there are difference among different cultivation way in root system biomass, root system volume and the number of secondary root.


  • 干三角洲部位经过多年的开垦地下水位出现上升,随着深层盐分上移,也将导致土壤盐渍化发生。

    For the delta part, salt accumulation would occur in the surface taking into account the increasing groundwater level under continuous cultivation.


  • 土壤深层(达到60cm)中储存进行测量研究获得非常不同结果

    Studies that measure soil carbon in deeper levels of soil (up to 60 cm) find very different results.


  • 无论土壤浅层还是土壤深层不同处理8:00 ~ 20:00之间各个时刻土壤温度的高低水量的多少成反比

    Whether the shallow layer of soil or the deep layer of soil, from 8:00 to 20:00, each treatment at different time, soil temperature were inverse ratio with water irrigation amount.


  • 无论土壤浅层还是土壤深层不同处理8:00 ~ 20:00之间各个时刻土壤温度的高低水量的多少成反比

    Whether the shallow layer of soil or the deep layer of soil, from 8:00 to 20:00, each treatment at different time, soil temperature were inverse ratio with water irrigation amount.


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