• 硫酸水溶-齐(电极)体系实验研究了液-界面化学反应形成气体产物气泡生长规律。

    The growth of gas bubbles on liquid-liquid interface is studied experimentally when gas forms through chemical reaction in sulphuric acid solution-zinc amalgam (or mercury electrode) system.


  • 摘要单涡模型基础上,根据各向同性湍流能谱函数,考虑不同尺度旋涡对质的影响,建立了气自由界面传质系数模型。

    A model of mass transfer coefficients in liquid phase near free gas-liquid interface is developed based on the energy spectrum functions of isotropic turbulence.


  • 界面存在同向或反向应力时,一定程度影响到动力学特性流动稳定性改变其质传递特性。

    The shear stress at the liquid-gas interface plays an important role on characteristics of the hydrodynamics, flow stability and heat transfer of liquid film.


  • 测定离子不相混溶的、新鲜的、可重复界面传导的行为,试图据此探讨离子传导机理模型

    The ion transfer across the fresh, renewable and immiscible liquid-liquid interface was measured. The ion transfer mechanism model was suggested in this paper also.


  • 对于平衡条件下界面由于相变的影响,在紧贴界面处存在一个分子平均动能非平衡分布区域

    The thermal non-equilibrium distribution through the interface region is caused by the energy transport between the liquid and the vapor phase.


  • 剪切波状作为一种重要流动形式,因界面剪切力的影响,其水动力学特性流动稳定特征与自由流动明显不同

    The sheared wavy liquid films, as an important flow, have notably different hydrodynamics and flow stability under interfacial shear stress from those of free falling liquid films.


  • 本文认为毛细管相变传热机理导热表面蒸发;表面蒸发受蒸汽温度、汽界面温度以及汽压力差的共同控制。

    In this paper, it is believed that the heat transfer mechanism of phase change in a capillary tube belongs to liquid film conduction and surface evaporation.


  • 随着界面向上移动相区自然对流逐渐增强,流动状态不断变化

    With the solid-liquid interface moving upwards, the effect of natural convection is enhanced and the flow patterns change continually.


  • 基于准晶榴界面模型,提出用互溶数据UNIQUAC参数计算体系界面张力简单方程

    According to a quasi-lattice model, a simple equation for predicting the interfacial tensions of binary systems from UNIQUAC parameters and mutual solubility data has been obtained.


  • 系统中,阻力越大界面动引起质的增强效应显著

    In gas-liquid system, the bigger the resistance ratio of liquid side to gas side is, the more remarkable the enhancement of mass transfer by Marangoni effect becomes.


  • 本文综合介绍界面形成结构以及几种界面模型

    This article deals with the formation and the structure of the electric double layer at the solid-liquid interface and a few models of such an interface are presented.


  • 试验研究表明,在冲洗隔离引入特制胶乳处理剂后,能够使冲洗隔离同时具有冲洗、隔离胶结界面预处理三种功能。

    The field test shows the introduction of special latex additives in the spacer fluid enables it to act as flush fluid, spacer fluid, and to pretreat the bond interfaces.


  • 进而计算内芯界面张力这种方法用于一般界面张力测量。

    Moreover, the interfacial tension coefficient of the inner core and droplet is derived, which can be used to measure general solid-liquid interfacial tension.


  • 分别求出了密封中磁密封速度分布,特别是磁作为非牛顿流体运动方程计算了两相界面的速度差。

    The motion equations of sealed liquid and magnetic liquid which is considered to be non-Newton fluid in magnetic liquid seal were solved respectively and their speed distributions were got.


  • 浮选利用—气——气—界面分离不同物质种分离技术

    Flotation is a high efficient and economic technology for separating different materials through liquid-air-solid or liquid-air-liquid interfaces.


  • 指出在今后研究中 ,正极表面电解界面以及引入水溶性粘合剂体系后正负极表面与电解间的相互作用成为人们关注的热点。

    The SEI film formed on cathode surface and the interaction between electrodes based on aqueous binding materials and electrolyte solution would be the hotspot in the fut…


  • 指出在今后研究中 ,正极表面电解界面以及引入水溶性粘合剂体系后正负极表面与电解间的相互作用成为人们关注的热点。

    The SEI film formed on cathode surface and the interaction between electrodes based on aqueous binding materials and electrolyte solution would be the hotspot in the fut…


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