• 这种液体分子紧密地挤压一起,但是又排列松散

    The molecules in such liquids are closely packed, but loosely arranged.


  • 气体分子运动液体分子固体分子运动更为自由

    The molecules of gases move more freely than do those of liquids and solids.


  • 同时液体分子微小颗粒相互作用所以微小颗粒,不会沉到底

    And these molecules would interact with these very small and light particles and so the light particles would never make it to the bottom.


  • 液体准晶态谐振模型导出描述液体分子运动波动方程

    Using the harmonic oscillator model of quasicrystal of liquid, the wave equation describing the motion of liquid molecules has been derived.


  • 受到液体分子冲击,转子有时时针方向转动,有时也经常可以逆时针方向转动。

    Buffeted by molecules of the fluid, the rotor turns clockwise as often as it does anti-clockwise.


  • 通过阻断聚集液体分子表面张力加快速湿速度,并增加容量减少

    The MisterMesh? drainage rolls accelerate liquid removal by breaking the surface tension of conglomerated droplets of liquid thus increasing capacity and reducing pressure drop.


  • 微粒之所以,不会这样,试管尾端移动,是由于液体分子,因为温度进行某种混乱运动。

    The reason why the light particles couldn't fall in the first place has to do with the fact that the molecules of the liquid due to their temperature, have a chaotic motion.


  • 考虑液体分子相互作用引入一个阻障因子修正转动振动对内配分函数贡献

    In consideration of the strong intermolecular interactions in liquids, a hindering factor is introduced to modify the contribution of their rotation and vibration to the internal partition function.


  • 常规液体中的分子相对较的结合物聚合在一起

    The molecules in regular liquids are held together by relatively weak bonds.


  • 我们日常固体液体气体它们热量热能是从原子分子它们到处活泼跳跃和相互碰撞、弹而上升。

    In everyday solids, liquids and gases, heat or thermal energy arises from the motion of atoms and molecules as they zing around and bounce off each other.


  • 然而一些材料其它材料容易用这种方式纺成线因为如果分子在一起液体就会断裂

    Some materials, however, are easier to spin in this way than others, for if the molecules do not stick together, the liquid stream will break up.


  • 当然这里在液体气体中一样,我们没有处理分子之间相互作用

    Of course, here in the liquid, just like in the gas, we haven't treated interactions between the molecules.


  • 一次,理想液体混合物情况下它们的分子没有相互作用

    This is zero. So again, in the ideal liquid mixture case, their molecules aren't interacting.


  • 人们这么是因为玻璃很多矿物质不同,它并不形成晶体而是构成分子随意混在一起组成,就液体中一样。

    The reason people say this is that unlike many minerals glass isn't formed into crystals but made up of its constituent molecules all jumbled together at random as they would be in a liquid.


  • 博士实验中使珠子产生运动的撞击来自液体运动分子随机碰撞。

    In Dr Toyabe's experiment, the jolt that moved the bead came from molecules in the liquid buffeting it at random.


  • 话说,这个时候,他们液体中的分子一样,被任意地反弹

    In other words, they actually do start behaving like molecules in a fluid, bouncing off one another at random.


  • 由于导致液体沸腾的原因种:一种是通过加热破坏分子链;

    This is because there are two ways of boiling liquids: one is to heat them up, breaking the weak bonds between the molecules inside.


  • 这种液体中的分子可以形成紧密排列平时处于松散状态

    The molecules in such liquids are closely packed but loosely arranged.


  • 这种物质分子结构致密分布松散一般情况下液体一样能够流动

    The molecules in such liquids are closely packed, but loosely arranged. The result behaves like a liquid in normal conditions, and is able to flow.


  • 分子冰晶排列留下许多空隙液体水里,从统计学意义上讲,水分子们紧密地个挨着一个,没有空隙。

    The arrangement of water molecules in an ice crystal leaves small interstices, whereas the water molecules in liquid water are statistically cheek-to-jowl.


  • 你们知道通常总是液体中的分子,会相互作用。

    You know, normally, always, there are interactions between the molecules and the liquid.


  • 气泡阻塞展现出某些普适特性可以和沙粒胶状颗粒玻璃状分子液体系统相比较

    Bubble jamming exhibits universal features that may be compared with those in systems of sand grains, colloidal particles, and glassy molecular liquids.


  • 理想液体中的分子,理想溶液理想气体分子没有大的不同

    And molecules in an ideal solution, an ideal solvent, are not very different than molecules in an ideal gas.


  • 当然期望以致,如果我们来测量许多分子构型能,液体溶液到处流动的气体中的。

    And of course that is consistent with what you would expect. If you say let's measure the configurational energy of a bunch of molecules in a liquid solution, or molecules in a gas floating around.


  • 这些液体周围金属原子发生反应,形成几个分子、坚固且具有保护性修复表面的损害

    These react with nearby metal atoms and form tough, protective films a few molecules thick to ameliorate the damage.


  • 许多化学反应不是发生固体、纯液体气体之间而是发生在溶解水中别的溶剂中的离子分子之间

    Most chemical reactions take place, not between pure solids, liquids, or gases, but among ions and molecules dissolved in water or other solvents.


  • 许多化学反应不是发生固体、纯液体气体之间而是发生在溶解水中别的溶剂中的离子分子之间

    Most chemical reactions take place, not between pure solids, liquids, or gases, but among ions and molecules dissolved in water or other solvents.


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